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Assessments are used to determine if an individual meets the needs of specific job profiles. They establish the level of proficiency an individual has attained in various competence categories.

The IRAS screen allows you to create and maintain an assessment. The definition data for the Prepare Assessments screen is stored in the P2K_RE_ASSESSMENTS, P2K_RE_QUESTIONS, P2K_RE_QUESTION_CHOICES, and P2K_CP_COMPETENCE_USAGES table.

This field displays a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the assessment. Assessment_Code is a mandatory 16-character alphanumeric field you must enter manually.
This field allows you to further classify the assessment into a specific type.
This field provides a short description of the assessment.

Information tab#

This field identifies who has supplied the assessment via look-up from the Maintain Training Suppliers (ICTS) screen.
Competence Group
This field allows you to associate the assessment with a specific competence group.
This field will display the current status of the assessment.
This field allows you to group the assessment into a specific group.
Essential Points
This field will display the minimum number of points needed to pass this assessment.
Desired Points
This field will display the number of points desired for this assessment.
Maximum Points
This field will show the maximum points a candidate may obtain for this assessment.
Required Grade
This field will display the grade required to pass this assessment.
External Assess ID
If the assessment is given an ID from an outside entity, that ID should be displayed here.
Assess. Text
This field allows you to provide additional information about the assessment.
Web Address
If this assessment is associated with a web site, that web site address may be indicated here.
This field defines the font HTML for the web component associated with the web address.
Show Weighting
This field will indicate the weighting of the questions within the assessment. If the toggle is ON, the weighting of each question will show when the candidate takes the assessment.
Allow Review
If this toggle is ON, the candidate will be allowed to go back and review their answers before submitting the assessment for grading.
This field will allow you to complete the assessment anonymously. An example of this instance would be where the assessment is used to take an opinion poll.

Questions tab#

This tab allows you to define the individual questions for this assessment. The definition data for the Questions tab is stored in the P2K_RE_QUESTIONS and P2K_RE_QUESTION_CHOICES table.


This field will identify the question with a specific number. You do not have to enter the numbers in sequential order, however, once the assessment is saved, the questions will be sorted numerically in ascending order.
This field is a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the question.
This field allows you to group the questions into specific types.
This area displays the actual question to be answered.
If this toggle is ON, this question is mandatory and must be answered.
Max Pts
This field identifies the maximum amount of points the candidate can achieve for this question.


Choice Identifier
This field allows you to enter a value that will identify the chosen answer for multiple-choice questions.
This field will display the answer associated with the choice.
Pts. Allotted
This field will allow you to assign points to each of the multiple-choice options.

Competencies tab#

This field will identify the competencies and level of competency associated with this assessment. This will be the competency a candidate will be credited with if they pass the assessment. The Competency tab definition data will be stored in the P2K_CP_COMPETENCE_USAGES.
Level/Competence Attained
This field displays the level of competency needed for this assessment. Once this field has been filled, ‘Group’, ‘Category’ and ‘Competence’ will be filled. Level_Attained from ICCC (P2K_CP_CORE_COMPETENCIES) is an optional field you may fill with a selection from the LOV (F9).
This field identifies the competency category for this competence. Category will default in, once the ‘Level Attained’ has been selected.
This field will display the group this competence belongs to. This field will default in, once the ‘Level Attained’ has been selected.
Confirmation By
This field will identify the individual who has confirmed the competency.
Confirmed Status
This field identifies the confirmation status of this competency.
Date Confirmed
This field shows the date the competency was confirmed.
Start Date
If the competency is a date sensitive skill, this field will display the first date the competency is valid.
End Date
If the competency is a date sensitive skill, this field will display the last date the competency is valid.