The Maintain View Details (IMVD) screen is used to see view details as they are saved in our view details table.

The definition data for the Maintain View Details screen is stored in the P2K_AM_VIEW_DETAILS, P2K_AM_VIEW_COLUMNS, P2K_AM_DATA_ACCESS_OBJECTS, and P2K_AM_FORM_TABLE_USAGES tables.

View Alias
This field provides the abbreviated view identifier.
View Name
This field identifies the view.
View Details Usage
This field is used to identify the view detail usage, for example, if it is predefined in Java view.
A short description of the view is provided here.
Where Clause
This field is used to filter information being queried.

View Column Tab#

Seq #
This field indicates the sequential order of the column within the View.
The alias of the table the column belongs to is indicated here in this field.
The name of the column on the original table displays here.
View Column Name
The name of the column that is to be used for the View is displayed here.
Domain Name
This field displays the name of the domain.
Expression Text
This field displays the expression used to derive the column.

Form Usage Tab#

This field displays a function which makes use of the data source selected in the find block.
MFN Usage
This field displays the function's usage, meaning if the function is pre-loaded or user-defined.
Join Clause
This field displays the join clause to the data source selected in the find block.
Where Clause
If the function has a where clause defined for the data source selected, the where clause code will display here.
MFT Usage
This field indicates if the form's table usages are pre-loaded with the application or if they were user-defined.
Create/Retrieve/Update/Delete Allowed
The security access available for the function is displayed using these toggles.

Notes #

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