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The Maintain Table Details (IMTD) screen is used to view supplied information. Most of the information on this screen has been supplied and should not be altered. Some values that are user changeable are:

The definition data for the Maintain Table Details screen is stored in the P2K_AM_TABLE_DETAILS, P2K_AM_DATA_ACCESS_OBJECTS and P2K_AM_FORM_TABLE_USAGES tables.

This field displays the product the table is associated with.
Table Alias
This field provides the abbreviated table identifier.
This field identifies the table being defined.
A short description of the table is provided in this field.

Table Details tab#

Notes Not Allowed
This field, set by the system, identifies if notes are permitted to be attached to the table.
User Fields Not Allowed
This field, set by the system, identifies if User Defined Fields are permitted on the table.
Logging Not Allowed
This field, set by the system, indicates if logging is even permitted on this field/table. Some tables do not make sense to log, due to their volatility or transactional nature.
Historical Table
This optional toggle indicates that the table contains date-sensitive information.
No Monitor Triggers
If this toggle is on there will be no triggers to have the table monitored by the cache control engine.
Disable Logging
DISABLE_LOGGING is an optional toggle field. When checked, the field or table that it pertains to will no longer be logged for audit purposes.
Table is Cached
This is a toggle which indicates if the data within the table is 'cached', in other words is the data stored in a temporary storage area or is it accessed directly from the database. Caching tables improves the query performance of the application.
Maximum Note Size
This field identifies the maximum note size allowed on the table. If the table allows notes to be defined, the note may be up to 2000 characters unless otherwise noted.
Subject Area
This is a lexicon based field which specifies if the table's subject is in reference to a person, user or position.

The following three fields are used by UMHP to purge historical data:
Retained Periods
This field allows the Administrator to state how many 'periods' to retain. Periods is determined by the value selected in Period Type below.
Period Type
This field allows the Administrator to specify the type of time to retain for Historical purposes. This is used when the UMHP is run to purge the historical data.
Purge Date
This is a date field which allows the Administrator to specify a specific date in which all historical data prior to this date will be purged. Purge Date will take precedence IF all three fields are filled in. Thus if you have it set to normally delete rows that are older then 5 years BUT for a special run want to delete all rows prior to a specific date, you can.


Clear Table Cache
If necessary the user may clear the table's data from the cache. This may be necessary if changes to the data within the table are not refreshing for the users.
Clear All Cached Tables
This action button will clear data from ALL of the cached tables, not just the one selected in the find block.

Form Usage tab#

This tab displays any function that utilizes the specified table as a data source.
The name of the function that uses the table.
This field indicates if the function was predefined by the application or if the function was created by the client.
Join Clause
This field indicates the clause that will join two or more tables or views.
Where Clause
This field indicates if a where clause was added to the table's usage in the form definition.
This field identifies if the form's usage of the table has been predefined by the application or if it was added by a client.
Create/Retrieve/Update/Delete Allowed
These fields indicate the security access defined at the function's level.