Maintain Employee Signed Documents#

This screen is used to view all signed documents for the selected employee. As this is an administration screen it allows the viewing of ALL employees. This screen also allows the administrator to assign documents to an employee to be signed. Database table details can be found at P2K_AM_SIGN_OFFS.

Field Character Limit Mandatory Definition Additional Notes
Document 60 NA This is the Info_Code of the sign off document listed in WAMII - Important Information
Description 200 NA The expanded Title of the Sign Off Document
Parent Document 60 NA The "Master Sign Off Document" that is required to be signed before any related documents can be signed
Sign Off Toggle NA a Toggle that indicates that the related Document has been acknowledged

Sign Off Details#

Field Character Limit Mandatory Definition Additional Notes
Sign Off Timestamp Date/Time NA The date and time that the related Document has been acknowledged
Hash Check NA NA The encrypted signature used to verify if the sign off has been altered since its creation by the employee
Column01 4000 NA A Pre-Loaded User Defined Column used to create the Hash Check/Encryption of signed documents
Column02 4000 NA A Pre-Loaded User Defined Column used to create the Hash Check/Encryption of signed documents
Column03 4000 NA A Pre-Loaded User Defined Column used to create the Hash Check/Encryption of signed documents
Column04 4000 NA A Pre-Loaded User Defined Column used to create the Hash Check/Encryption of signed documents
Column05 4000 NA A Pre-Loaded User Defined Column used to create the Hash Check/Encryption of signed documents