The Maintain List of Values (IMLOVL) form is used to create and maintain the List of Values (LOV’s) within the application.

Throughout the system, certain fields can only be completed with a selection from a set of predefined values. Those groups of values are defined as a List of Values (LOV).

A magnifying glass icon next to a field in the system is a signal to the user that they are to access an LOV. The LOV screen controls how the data is displayed and the column name for the LOV.

The definition data for the Maintain List of Values screen is stored in the P2K_AM_LIST_OF_VALUES and P2K_AM_LIST_OF_VALUES_COLUMNS tables.

List of Values
This field will provide the name of the list of values being defined.
Data Source
This field indicates the name of the source of the LOV’s data. Non-updatable e.g. For an LOV of positions, the Positions table (P2K_cm_positions) will be listed.
This field provides the title of the LOV which will appear at the top of the LOV box.
LOV Title (FRE)
If the form is to be displayed in a second language, this field allows you to provide an alternate language name for the LOV.
LOV Usage
This field will indicate if the LOV is Pre-loaded (system provided), User Defined or Obsolete.
Where Clause
The Where Clause corresponds to an SQL statement and dictates how the data in the LOV can be filtered.
The drop down menu for this field displays all the Where Clauses defined.
For example, suppose you have created an LOV that will provide a list of positions, however, you would like to see only those positions in the Finance department. You would indicate here that the retrieved data be restricted to the Finance department.
Replacing LOV
This field may be used to indicate that the LOV in focus was created to replace a system provided LOV. Replacement LOVs are used to customize the application to meet a client's needs.
Exclude From CACHE
This toggle is used to exclude the LOV from the system's cache. This may be done so for performance reasons.
This field provides a quick description of the data source. Non-updatable
The sequence number indicates the order in which the columns in the LOV box will appear.
Use this field to indicate the information to go into the columns. You will make your choice from the selection provided in the drop down menu.
The information in this field will be derived from the data source.
Display As
This field allows you to give a title to the column in the LOV box.
Column Title (FRE)
If the form is to be displayed in a second language, this field allows you to provide an alternate language name for the column. (On the example screen, the second language is identified as French, ‘Prompt (FRE)’.)
This field indicates the width of the column in the LOV box.
Sort Order
Column Usage
This field will indicate if the LOV is Pre-loaded (system provided), User Defined or Obsolete.
Whenever you update an LOV, the information needs to be loaded into the system. If you do not load the information, the LOV will not reflect the changes until the system has been restarted.
Clear LOV
This field clears the old information provided in the LOV. The new information will not be reloaded until the first time a user accesses the LOV. This may cause a time delay for that user.
Load LOV
This field will loads new information into the LOV. This means that the first user who accesses the new LOV will not experience a time delay. You can use this button to test the system and see if the information loads properly and in a timely manner.

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