The Assign Execution Rights (IMER) form is used for setting the execution rights for each role and user for each function.
IMER determines the functions for the new role(s) and what those roles can do within the function (i.e. Create, Update, Retrieve, Delete). You can define the user or role (but not both) to have execution to the function. We supply by default the P2K_MASTER role. When you start up you may have this role assign to a few core users, but when you go live you will have P2K_MASTER assigned to P2K_USER.
P2K_USER role itself should not be used here except for emergencies. Otherwise you may end up losing the ability to audit which user did what changes to the system.
If you wanted to take away rights from someone who had a role with full execution rights to a function, you would do that by specifying that user and removing the toggle to the execution right you wish removed. This will override the CRUD they have in their role.
The definition data for the Assign Execution Rights screen is stored in the P2K_AM_SECURITY_RIGHTS and P2K_AM_FUNCTIONS tables.
Screen captures are meant to be indicative of the concept being presented and may not reflect the current screen design.
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