The Maintain Where Clauses by Table (IMDAO) form is used maintain the Where Clause by specific tables within the application.

Where Clause This field identifies the Where Clause. Description This field provides a short description of the Where Clause. Usage This field will indicate if the Where Clause is Pre-loaded (McKessonHigh Line provided), User Defined or Obsolete. Type This field categorizes the Where Clause into a specific type. For example: Ad Hoc, Predefined Predefined If the Where Clause is pre-loaded, its predefined name will appear in this field. This field is not normally used. Column This field allows you to define the filters to be used with the Where Clause. You may use more than one filter on a Where Clause. If you do use multiple filter statements, they are joined by ‘and’ in the statement. e.g. You can use multiple columns to return a Positions LOV that will be filtered first by department, next by active status, and finally by date. Operator This field allows you to provide an SQL statement to further filter the information. e.g. equal to, not equal to, less than, greater than. Value This field completes the SQL statement of the previous field. e.g. active status, Finance department. The Column, Operator and Value fields are used together to create a precise filter for information. For example, if you wished to only see in the LOV positions that are in the Finance department, you would insert the following information in those fields: Column = ID.DPS_ID Operator = equal to Value = Finance Description This field will provide a full description of how the Where Clause operates. Test Where Clause This button allows you to test the Where Clause to see if it returns the correct information in a timely manner. Cache Cache Status Cached Columns Clear Table Data Clear All Cached Tables