The Maintain Where Clauses by Table (IMDAO) form is used maintain the Where Clause by specific tables within the application.

The definition data for the Maintain Where Clauses by Table screen is stored in the P2K_AM_DATA_ACCESS_OBJECTS, P2K_AM_WHERE_CLAUSES, P2K_AM_CONDITIONS, P2K_AM_FORM_TABLE_USAGES, and P2K_AM_LIST_OF_VALUES table.

Where Clause tab#

Where Clause
This field identifies the Where Clause.
This field provides a short description of the Where Clause.
This field will indicate if the Where Clause is Pre-loaded (system provided), User Defined or Obsolete.
This field indicates whether the criteria have been written in the Java or if the criteria are defined on an ‘as required’ basis. There are two options available, Java Defined and Ad Hoc. Users should use the type Ad Hoc.
Java Code
Some 'pre-loaded' where clauses contain java logic, this predefined logic is specified in this field. This field is not used with user-defined where clauses or conditions.
This field allows you to define the filters to be used with the Where Clause.
You may use more than one filter on a Where Clause. If you do use multiple filter statements, they are joined by ‘and’ in the statement.
e.g. You can use multiple columns to return a Positions LOV that will be filtered first by department, next by active status, and finally by date.
This field allows you to provide an SQL statement to further filter the information.
This field completes the SQL statement of the previous field.

This field holds information used to filter the where clause against. For example, it may be "Active" if the where clause is to filter a list of employees based on their employment status.
This field is used to determine whether a condition on a where clause was supplied or has been added by a user to customize the where clause.

The Column, Operator and Value fields are used together to create a precise filter for information. For example, if you wished to only see in the LOV positions that are in the Finance department, you would insert the following information in those fields:

  • Column = ID.DPS_ID
  • Operator = equal to
  • Value = Finance
This field will provide a full description of how the Where Clause operates.
Physical Column Name
This field will display name of the column that is used to filter the where clause.
Test Where Clause
This button allows you to test the Where Clause to see if it returns the correct information in a timely manner.

Cache tab #

Cache Status
This field indicates if the data source selected in the find block has been added to the application's cache or not. If the data source has been added, the field also indicates how many rows have been cached.
Cached Columns
This box indicates which columns associated to the data source are cached.
Clear Table Data
If necessary the user may clear the table's data from the cache. This may be necessary if changes to the data within the table are not refreshing for the users.

Only to be used in extreme cases#

Clear All Cached Tables
This action button will clear data from ALL of the cached tables, not just the one selected in the find block.

Form Usage tab#

This field displays a function which makes use of the data source selected in the find block.
MFN Usage
This field displays the function's usage, meaning if the function is pre-loaded or user-defined.
Join Clause
This field displays the join clause to the data source selected in the find block.
Where Clause
If the function has a where clause defined for the data source selected, the where clause code will display here.
MFT Usage
This field indicates if the form's table usages are pre-loaded with the application or if they were user-defined.
Create/Retrieve/Update/Delete Allowed
The security access available for the function is displayed using these toggles.

LOV Usage tab#

LOV Code
This field displays an LOV code that has been defined for the data source selected in the find block.
LOV Usage
This field displays whether the LOV was pre-loaded with the application or if it was defined by a user.
Where Clause
If a where clause is tied to the LOV, the where clause code is displayed here.
Exclude From Cache
If the LOV is to be excluded from the application's cache, it is indicated here.

Notes #

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