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The Track Safety Incidents (IHIN) allows you to record information on safety incidents. These incidents may be recorded in detail, covering information on the time, location, factors, investigation and costs surrounding a specific incident.

The definition data for the Track Safety Incidents screen is stored in the P2K_SH_INCIDENTS table.

This field identifies the entity associated with this incident. Entity from IDEN (P2K_CM_ENTITIES) is a mandatory field you must fill through the LOV.
Incident Code
This field displays a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the incident. Incident_Code is a mandatory 16-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
This field provides a description of the incident


Incident Date
This field indicates the date the incident occurred. Date_of_Incident is an optional date field you must fill either manually or using the calendar icon (F9).
Incident Time
This field will display the time the incident occurred. Time_Of_Incident is an optional field you may fill manually. Please note that unless indicated otherwise, the time will default to ‘AM’. EG 4:30 PM must be inputted as either ‘430 PM’ or ‘1630’.
Incident Status
This field displays the current status of the incident. Newly Reported Being Investigated Investigation Completed Closed Incident_Status is an optional field you may fill from the fixed lexicon X_Incident_Status.
Incident Type
This field displays the nature of the incident. Safety Violation Near Miss Accident Incident_Type is an optional field you may fill from the fixed lexicon X_Incident_Type.
Incident Category
This field allows you to further categorize the incident. Incident_Category is an optional field you may fill from the user-defined lexicon X_Incident_Category.
Incident Reason
This field allows you to identify a reason for the incident, if applicable.
Incident_Reason is an optional field you may fill from the fixed lexicon X_Incident_Reason.


Report by Employee Or by Contact
These fields will display the name of the individual who reported the
incident. You may only complete one of these fields. For internal contacts, use the Employee Name field and for external contacts, use the Contact Name field. Identity is derived from both the IEID (P2K_HR_IDENTITIES) and IECT (P2K_HR_CONTACTS) tables. This is an optional field you may fill manually or retrieve from the LOV provided. ;Date Reported: This field displays the date the incident was reported. Date_Reported is an optional field you may fill either manually or using the calendar icon (F9).
Time Reported
This field displays the time the incident was reported. Time_Reported is an optional field you may fill manually. Please note that unless indicated otherwise, the time will default to ‘AM’. EG 4:30 PM must be inputted as either ‘430 PM’ or ‘1630’.
How Reported
This field displays the communication method used to report the incident. How_Reported is an optional field you may fill from the fixed lexicon X_How_Reported.
If this toggle is ON, the incident was reported anonymously. Anonymous is an optional toggle field.


This field will identify the location of the incident. For instance, if an entity has two or three plants, this field will identify which plant is incident spot. Location from IDLN (P2K_CM_LOCATIONS) is a mandatory field you must fill through the LOV
Place of Incident
This field allows you to further define the exact location of the incident, by room, station, etc. Place_of_Incident is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. Once the ‘Location’ field has been selected, any information defined on the IDLN table (e.g. address, phone number, email address), will default into the fields below. These fields can, however, be edited.
Address Line 1
This field displays the exact address of the incident. Address_Line_1 is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
Address Line 2
This field displays further information for the exact address of the incident. Address_Line_2 is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
This field will display the town or city of the incident. Locality is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
This field allows you to define the state or province of the incident.
State_Province from IDSP (P2K_CM_STATE_PROVINCES) is a mandatory field you must fill through the LOV.
Zip Postal
This field will display the zip or postal code for the address of the incident location. Zip_Postal is an optional 16-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.


Phone #: This field will display the phone number of the incident location. Phone_Number is an optional 20-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
Phone Extension
If there is a phone extension for the incident location, that number will be displayed here. Phone_Extension is an optional 16-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
Fax #
If there is a fax number for the incident location, that number will be displayed here. Fax_Number is an optional 20-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
Email Address
If there is an email address for the incident location, you may input that address in this field. Email_Address is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
Notification List
This field displays all those who were notified of the incident. Notification_List is an optional 4000-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.

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