Employee Verification System (Outbound)#

Executing Function: UEEF#

This interface is provided by the system. It is used to send a file of employee identification numbers to SSA for the Employee Verification Service. The return file is defined in LEVS.

The format itself is dictated by the external agency.

It is recommended that you copy this file and create it with an interface name of your own choosing, so as to preclude it being overwritten by subsequent releases.
You must change the value in record 30/field 12 to indicate your own requestor identification code

IDIF Header#

Interface TypeEEM/EAS Interface
File Format Fixed Format
Description Employee Verification System output
File Name EVSREQ2K

IDIF Details#

Rec#Field#Name Variable BeginEndRecord TypeConstantDerivation
30 1 Social Security Number SSN (EID) 1 9 Detail replace(~,'-','')
30 2 Entity Code Constant 10 12 Detail TPV
30 3 Processing Code Constant 13 15 Detail 214
30 4 Last Name Last Name (EID) 16 28 Detail * Derivation removes special characters (name may be truncated)
30 5 First name First Name (EID) 29 38 Detail * Derivation removes special characters (name may be truncated)
30 6 Middle name Middle Name (EID) 39 45 Detail * Derivation removes special characters (name may be truncated)
30 7 Date of Birth Birth Date (EID) 46 53 Detail to_char(to_date(~),'MMDDYYYY')
30 8 Gender Code Gender (EID) 54 54 Detail decode(~,'01','M','02','F','U)
30 9 Blanks - 1 Constant 55 89 Detail
30 10 User Control Data Person Code (EID) 90 103 Detail
30 11 Blanks - 2 Constant 104 123 Detail
30 12 Requestor Identification Code Constant 124 127 Detail @@@@
30 13 Multiple Request Indicator Constant 128 130 Detail 000


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