Work Rule Work rules are used to determine standard payroll processing information required to create pay headers and transactions for an employee. Work_Rule_Code from P2K_CM_WORK_RULES is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field. Work Rules are defined on the IDWR form and will be discussed further during Basic Salary Administration training. If the work rule is specified and has the following defined on the IDWR form: Std Hrs/Day, Std Hrs/Week, and Std Hrs/ Pay then these standard hours will be defaulted in the following fields. Std Hrs/Day This field shows the standard hours in a normal work day. You may accept the default Std Hrs/Day from the work rule or manually override it. Std_Hours_Per_Day is an optional numeric field. Std Hrs/Week This field shows the standard hours in a normal work week. You may accept the default Std Hrs/Week from the work rule or manually override it. Std_Hours_Per_Week is an optional numeric field. Std Hrs/Pay This field shows the standard hours in a regular pay period. You may accept the default Std Hrs/Pay from the work rule or manually override it. Std_Hours_Per_Pay is an optional numeric field. Payment Method Payment method is used to define the default payment method for this group during the pay cycle. The employee may override Payment Method at timesheet level (see Payment Method in the Payroll manual.) Pay_By_Check is an optional fixed lexicon (X_PAY_BY_METHOD). Payroll This field shows the payroll in which this group will be processed. May be completed during Payroll Training. Payroll_Code from P2K_PR_PAYROLLS is an optional field. Payroll codes will be discussed further during Payroll training. This next section can be completed during Payroll and Payroll Advanced Training. FLSA Hours This field shows the base hours after which the FLSA calculation will begin. FLSA_Hours is an optional numeric field. FLSA Factor This field shows the rate at which hours over the base need to be paid. FLSA_Factor is an optional numeric field. FLSA User Calc If a UserCalc is needed to enhance the FLSA process it needs to be indicated here. USER_CALC_Code from P2K_AM_USER_CALCS is an optional 16-character alphanumeric field. FLSA Calendar If FLSA is to be calculated over more than 7 days, a calendar must be set up to define the cycle. Calendar_Code from P2K_CM_CALENDARS is an optional 16-character alphanumeric field. Accrual Method The GL accrual method determines how to derive the accrual factor used in calculating end-of-month payroll accruals in the Payroll GL Process (UPGL). The ‘Calendar Days’ method calculates the payroll accrual factor by dividing the number of calendar days that have not been accounted for in the month by the number of calendar days in a standard pay period. The ‘Working Days’ method calculates the payroll accrual factor by dividing the number of working days that have not been accounted for in the month by the number of working days in a standard pay period. Accrual_Method is an optional fixed lexicon (X_ACCRUAL_METHOD). GL Fund User Calc GL Fund User Calc indicates the user calc which will be used to calculate 'Balance To Complete' for the funds that are paid for employees of this group. This may be overridden at each individual fund level, on the IDGF screen. Define Groups (IDGR) - Registrations In the Registration tab you must define all levels of government registrations according to the Government Registrations on IDGV form. When an employee is paid under this group, all government reporting for the employee will be reported according to the registrations identified on this tab.
Fed Regist Set This field allows you to set up the Federal Registrations sets which will allow you to define one or multiple registrations at the federal level. You would most likely set up one government registration set on the IDGV form unless your company has multiple registrations with the government. For multiple government registrations, you may set up either different registrations sets or different registration types for registration set. Govt_Regist_Set from P2K_CM_GOVT_REGIST_SETS is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field. Fed Regist Type For each registration set at the federal level, you can set up from 1 to 9 federal registration numbers. This field indicates the Federal Registration to which this group belongs. e.g. US Fed Regist 1, US Fed Regist 2 .............… up to US Fed Regist 9 Cdn Fed Regist 1, Cdn Fed Regist 2 ........…. up to Cdn Fed Regist 9
Fed_Regist_Type is a mandatory fixed lexicon (X_GOVT_REGIST_TYPE) that you may use to look up the value. Fed Regist # This value in this field is defaulted from the IDGV form once the Fed Regist Set and Fed Regist Type fields are completed. You will not be able to alter this information directly from this screen. This Fed Regist # is stored in GOVT_REGIST_NUMBER of the group. W2 Emp Type For US Quarterly and Year End Reporting, your are required to report to the USA government if the employee's type of employment is one of the following: Regular Agriculture Household Military Medicare Qualified Railroad This reporting is not used in Canada. If you are reporting for a Canadian company, select 'Regular' as the type of employment. W2_Employment_Type is a mandatory fixed lexicon (X_W2_EMPLOYMENT_TYPE). CDN EI Rate In Canada, if an employer belongs to a specific Labor Wage Loss plan that qualifies them to pay a lower ‘Employment Insurance Employer’ rate, then the government will issue the Reduced EI rate to that employer and may assign the employer a different Business Number. If a secondary Business Number is assigned, then you must set up that number on the IDGV form. If only the EI Reduced Rate is assigned, then you may enter that rate on either the IDGR or IDGV form. The Cdn EI rate defined on IDGR overrides the Cdn EI Reduced Rate registration defined on IDGV. CDN_EI_Reduced_Rate is an optional numeric field. State/Prov Regist Set This field allows you to set up State and Provincial Registrations sets that allow you to define one or multiple registrations at the state and provincial level. You would most likely set up one government registration set on the IDGV form unless your company has multiple registrations with the government. For multiple government registrations, you may set up either different registrations sets or different registration types for registration set. The State/Prov Regist Set may be the same or different than the Fed Regist Set. Govt_Regist_Set from P2K_CM_GOVT_REGIST_SETS is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field. State Regist Type For each registration set at the state and provincial level, you can set up from 1 to 9 state/provincial registration numbers. This field indicates the State/Prov Registration to which this group belongs. eg US State Regist 1, US State Regist 2 ..........… up to US State Regist 9 Cdn Prov Regist 1, Cdn Prov Regist 2 ........… up to Cdn Prov Regist 9
State_Regist_Type is a mandatory fixed lexicon (X_GOVT_REGIST_TYPE). Unlike the federal registration, IDGR will not retrieve and display the State/Prov Registration # after the State/Prov Regist Set and Regist Type are entered. This is because each group can have multiple employees who work and live in many State/Provinces. The actual State/Province Registration number will be retrieved by the Quarterly or Year End reports when the report is run. Local Regist Set This field allows you to set up Local Registrations sets that allow you to define one or multiple registrations at the local level. In US, you must enter the appropriate Govt. Regist Set defined on the IDGV form. In Canada, although there is currently no Local reporting at this moment, you should set this field to the same government registration set as defined for the Federal Regist Set for future expansion. Govt_Regist_Set from P2K_CM_GOVT_REGIST_SETS is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field. Local Regist Type For each registration set at the local level, you can set up from 1 to 9 local registration numbers. This field indicates the Local Registration to which this group belongs. eg US Local Regist 1, US Local Regist 2 ........… up to US Local Regist 9
In Canada, although there is currently no Local reporting at this moment, you should enter ‘Cdn Loc - N/A’ in this field for future expansion. Local_Regist_Type is a mandatory fixed lexicon (X_GOVT_REGIST_TYPE). Unlike the federal registration, IDGR will not retrieve and display the Local Registration # after the Local Regist Set and Regist Type are entered. This is because each group can be associated with many employees who work and live in many States. The actual Local Registration number will be retrieved by the Quarterly or Year End reports when the report is run. WC Regist Type This field will indicates the WC Registration type for htis group. The type and the employee’s state/province will determine the WC Clsses and WC Rates the employee receives. For this reason, a group can only belong to one WC Resigstration type. WC_Regist_Type is an optional field which you may complete with a value from the fixed lexicon X_WC_REGIST_TYPE. Define Groups (IDGR) - Allocations and Elements
The ‘Allocations’ and ‘Elements’ tabs will be discussed during Payroll Advanced and Basic Salary Administration training.
Screen captures are meant to be indicative of the concept being presented and may not reflect the current screen design.
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