G/L Accounts codes are short names or abbreviations that point to a more detailed account or account mask.
Users less familiar with accounting systems and general ledger accounts usually find G/L account codes simpler to work with than account numbers.
G/L Accounts data is stored in the P2K_CM_GL_ACCOUNTS table.
General Expenses (DR) 0010 | - indicates that the amount is to be journalized as ‘Expenses’ - Expense (DR) amount is posted exactly as the amount specified, positive or negative. - these are normally wages (that make up gross) and ER contributions of company benefit - need to be indicated on Pay Component (IPPC) form as ‘Debit Account’ in order to be posted as a expense |
General Liability (CR) 0020 | - indicates that the amount is to be journalized as ‘Liabilities’ - Liability (CR) amount will be negated and then posted - these are normally EE deductions and ER contributions for company benefits - need to be indicated on Pay Component (IPPC) form as ‘Credit Account’ in order to be posted as a liability |
EAS Work Type 0030 | - indicates to use the GL account code to concatenate with the assignment's work type and then further retrieve the distribution mask by this GL account and work type from IDGA form E.G. GL Account = 'SAT O/T WAGES 'EAS Work Type = '10' means 'Booth set up' then use 'SAT O/T WAGES10' to retrieve Distribution Mask from IDGA |
Payroll Suspense 0101 | - to hold amount not journalized correctly - to force balance the Financial Journal - Payroll Suspense will be posted at Employee/Pay# level for the user to review the Suspense amount to locate problems for re-run |
Labor Clearing 0102 | - to balance Labor GL entries during 'Journalize Labor' (UPLG) - to clear Labor GL entries during 'Journalize Pays' (UPGL) - only those GL accounts with the 'Pre Payroll' toggle set to ON will be accumulated to 'Labor Clearing' |
Payroll Outstanding 0103 | - to journalize outstanding amount for current fiscal period when journalizing crosses to next fiscal period- this force balances the current fiscal period. E.G. Fiscal 2004-05 Total Wages $1000 (as DR) Payroll O/S $1000 (as CR to balance) |
Payroll Clearing 0104 | - to bring in the outstanding amount from previous fiscal period to current fiscal period for clearing purpose. E.G. Fiscal 2004-06 Payroll Clearing $1000 (as DR from 2004-05) EE Deductions $300 (as CR etc) |
Accrual Clearing 0105 | - to force balance total accrual amounts in the accrual fiscal period. - to clear accrual amounts from accrual fiscal period with the actual Fiscal period - only those GL accounts with the 'Accrual Required' toggle set to ON will be accumulated to 'Accrual Clearing'. E.G. Fiscal 2004-05 (Accrual Fiscal Period) Total Wages $1000 (DR) Accrual Clearing $1000 (CR to balance) Fiscal 2004-06 (Actual Fiscal Period) Accrual Clearing $1000 (DR to clear 200405) Total Wages $1000 (CR to clear 200405) |
Fringe Expense 0111 | |
Fringe Liability 0112 | |
Burden Expense 0113 | |
Burden Liability 0114 | |
Fringe Exp (orig PC) 0115 | |
Fringe Liab (orig PC) 0116 | |
InterCompany Expense 0121 | |
InterCompany (CR) 0122 | |
Work In Progress (DR) 0123 | |
I/C Suffix Mask 0124 | |
I/C Suffix (DR) 0125 | |
I/C Suffix (CR) 0126 |
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