IDFDV – Form Definitions US W2 Only#

NOTE: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Form Code ‘HL$US-W2-20YY’ Identifiers
Field IdentifierDescriptionSeq #Suggested Field SourceSuggested Variable
* SUB-ER-EINSubmitter’s Employer EIN1000Constant9 character EIN
* SUB-USER-IDSubmitter User Identification1010Constant8 character User ID assigned to the employee who is attesting to the accuracy of the file
SUB-RESUB-INDResubmitt Indicator1020ConstantEnter 1 if file is resubmitted, otherwise 0
SUB-RESUB-WFIDResubmitt SSA WFID from notice1030ConstantIf resubmitted, enter SSA WFID from notice
SUB-VENDORSoftware Vendor Code1035ConstantEnter your company data
SUB-SOFTWARESubmitter Software Code1040ConstantEnter your company data
SUB-COMP-NAMECompany Name receive EFW21050ConstantEnter Company name who receives EFW2
SUB-COMP-LOCNCompany Location Address1060ConstantEnter company’s location address
such as Attention, Suite, Room # etc
SUB-COMP-DELIVCompany Delivery Address1070ConstantEnter company’s delivery address
such as Street or Post Office Box
SUB-COMP-CITYCompany’s City1080ConstantEnter company’s city
SUB-COMP-STATECompany’s State Abbrev1090ConstantEnter company’s State Abbreviation
SUB-COMP-ZIPCompany’s ZIP Code1100ConstantEnter company’s ZIP code
SUB-COMP-ZIP-EXTCompany’s ZIP Code Extension1110ConstantEnter company’s ZIP code extension
SUB-COMP-F-STATECompany’s foreign State/province1120ConstantEnter company’s foreign State/Province
SUB-COMP-F-POSTCompany’s foreign postal code1130ConstantEnter company’s foreign postal code
SUB-COMP-COUNTRYCompany’s country if applicable1140ConstantEnter company’s Country if applicable
* SUB-SUBM-NAMESubmitter Organization Name1150ConstantOrganization Name to receive unprocessed data
* SUB-SUBM-LOCNSubmitter Location Address1160ConstantEnter submitter location address
such as Attention, Suite, Room # etc
* SUB-SUBM-DELIVSubmitter Delivery Address1170ConstantEnter submitter delivery address
such as Street or Post Office Box
* SUB-SUBM-CITYSubmitter City1180ConstantEnter submitter city
* SUB-SUBM-STATESubmitter State Abbrev1190ConstantEnter submitter State Abbreviation
* SUB-SUBM-ZIPSubmitter ZIP Code1200ConstantEnter submitter ZIP code
SUB-SUBM-ZIP-EXTSubmitter ZIP Code Extension1210ConstantEnter submitter ZIP code extension
SUB-SUBM-F-STATESubmitter foreign State/province1220ConstantEnter submitter foreign State/Province
SUB-SUBM-F-POSTSubmitter foreign postal code1230ConstantEnter submitter foreign postal code
SUB-SUBM-COUNTRYSubmitter country if applicable1240ConstantEnter submitter Country, if applicable
* SUB-CONT-NAMEContact name for SSA1250ConstantEnter your company data
* SUB-CONT-TELContact telephone # for SSA1260ConstantEnter your company data
SUB-CONT-TEL-EXTContact telephone extension1270ConstantEnter your company data
* SUB-CONT-EMAILContact e-mail address for SSA1280ConstantEnter your company data
SUB-CONT-FAXContact FAX phone # for SSA1290ConstantEnter your company data
SUB-CONT-METHPreferred Contact method1300ConstantMUST be BLANK
SUB-PREPARERPreparer Code1310ConstantEnter your company data
SUB-3RD-PARTY-SICKThird-Party Sick Pay Indicator1480ConstantEnter your company data
SUB-3RD-PARTY-TAXIncome Tax Withheld by 3rd Party1490ConstantEnter your company data
W2-ER-AGENT-INDAgent Indicator Code1500ConstantEnter appropriate code, if applicable
W2-ER-FOR-EINAgent for which EIN1510ConstantIf you are an agent, enter the EIN for which you are an agent for
W2-ER-TERM-BUSTerminating business indicator1520ConstantEnter appropriate code from SSA
W2-ER-ESTABEstablishment Number1530ConstantFurther identify within EIN
W2-ER-OTHER-EINOther EIN1540ConstantOther EIN used
* W2-ER-EINEmployer Identification Number2000Data Base ColumnDGV.GOVT_REGIST_NUMBER
* W2-ER-NAMEEmployer Name2010Data Base ColumnDED.ENTITY_NAME
W2-ER-LOCN-ADDREmployer Location Address2020ConstantEmployer’s location address
such as Attention, Suite, Room # etc.

Enter the word MAIL or blank
To use Primary address, leave this blank
To use Mailing address, enter the word MAIL
System will derive the complete primary or mailing address and store in the Address Identifiers.
W2-ER-DELIV-ADDREmployer Delivery Address2030ConstantEmployer’s delivery address
such as Street or Post Office Box

Enter blank, system derived
W2-ER-CITYEmployer City2040ConstantEmployer’s city
Enter blank, system derived
W2-ER-STATEEmployer State Abbrev2050ConstantEmployer’s State abbreviation
Enter blank, system derived
W2-ER-ZIPEmployer ZIP Code2060ConstantEmployer’s ZIP Code
Enter blank, system derived
W2-ER-ZIP-EXTEmployer ZIP Extension2070ConstantEmployer’s ZIP Code
Enter blank, system derived
W2-ER-F-STATEEmployer foreign State/province2080ConstantEmployer foreign state/province or Constant
Enter the word NAME or blank
W2-ER-F-POSTALEmployer foreign postal code2090ConstantEnter Employer foreign postal code or Constant
W2-ER-COUNTRYEmployer country if applicable2100ConstantEnter Employer country
Enter blank, system derived
W2-ER-F-COUNTRYEmployer foreign country2105ConstantEnter the word NAME, ISO or blank
W2-ER-TAX-JURISTax Jurisdiction Code2110Constant Enter appropriate code or null
W2-ER-KIND-OF-EMPLOYERKind of Employer2120ConstantEnter appropriate code or null
W2-ER-CTAC-NAMEEmployer Contact Name2130ConstantEnter Employer Contact Name
W2-ER-CTAC-PHONEEmployer Contact Phone2140ConstantEnter Employer Contact Phone Number
W2-ER-CTAC-EXTEmployer Contact Extension2150ConstantEnter Employer Contact Phone Number Extension
W2-ER-CTAC-FAXEmployer Contact Fax2160ConstantEnter Employer Contact Fax Number
W2-ER-CTAC-EMAILEmployer Contact Email 2170ConstantEnter Employer Contact Email Address
W2-EE-SSNEmployee Social Security Number2500Data Base ColumnEID.GOVERNMENT_CODE
W2-EE-FIRST-NAMEEmployee First Name2510Data Base ColumnEID.FIRST_NAME
W2-EE-MIDDLEEmployee Middle Name2520Data Base ColumnEID.MIDDLE_NAME
W2-EE-LAST-NAMEEmployee Last Name2530Data Base ColumnEID.LAST_NAME
W2-EE-SUFFIXEmployee Suffix Name2540Data Base ColumnEID.RANK with derivation expression
W2-EE-LOCN-ADDREmployee Location Address2600ConstantEmployee’s location address
such as Attention, Suite, Room # etc

Enter the word MAIL or blank
To use Primary address, leave this blank.
To use Mailing address, enter the word MAIL.
System will derive the complete primary or mailing address and store in the Address Identifiers.
W2-EE-DELIV-ADDREmployee Delivery Address2610ConstantEmployee’s delivery address
such as Street or Post Office Box

Enter blank, system derived
W2-EE-CITYEmployee City2620ConstantEmployee’s city
Enter blank, system derived
W2-EE-STATEEmployee State Abbrev2630ConstantEmployee’s State abbreviation
Enter blank, system derived
W2-EE-ZIPEmployee ZIP Code2640ConstantEmployee’s ZIP Code
Enter blank, system derived
W2-EE-ZIP-EXTEmployee ZIP Extension2650ConstantEnter employee’s ZIP Code

Use derivation expression substr(~,6) for ZIP extension
W2-EE-F-STATEEmployee foreign State/province2660ConstantEmployee foreign state/province or Constant

Enter the word NAME or blank
W2-EE-F-POSTALEmployee foreign postal code2670ConstantEmployee foreign postal code
Enter blank, system derived
W2-EE-COUNTRYEmployee country if applicable2680ConstantEnter Employee country
Enter blank, system derived
W2-EE-F-COUNTRYEmployer foreign country2685ConstantEnter the word NAME or the word ISO or blank
W2-CONTROL-PRTPrint Control Number on Form2800ConstantNull, 0 – Do not print Control Number on W2 Form
1 - Print Control Number as defined in W2-CONTROL-NUM Identifier
2 - Print Control Number as defined from RPYEU ‘Sort Level By’ prompt
3 - Print W2-CONTROL-NUM Identifier and Person Code
4 - Print ‘Sort Level By’ prompt and Person Code
5 - Print ‘Sort Level By’ prompt and W2-CONTROL-NUM Identifier
6 - Print ‘Sort Level By’ prompt and W2-CONTROL-NUM Identifier and Person Code
W2-CONTROL-NUMControl Number on Form2810Data Base ColumnEnter your company data
W2-BY-E-FORMW2 By Electronic Form2880Constant
W2-EXCLUDE-EEExclude Employee2900Data Base ColumnEnter your company data
W2-FIT-WAGEWages, Tips, Other Compensation3000ElementW2-BOX-01
W2-FIT-TAXFederal Income Tax Withheld3010ElementW2-BOX-02
W2-FLI-AMOUNTFamily Insurance Amount5100Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-SSN-WAGESocial Security Wages3020ElementW2-BOX-03
Derivation expression LEAST(~,113700.00) may be used for year 2013 max

System verify Box 3 + Box 7 does not exceed annual max, otherwise issue message
W2-SSN-TAXSocial Security Tax Withheld3030ElementW2-BOX-04
Derivation expression LEAST(~,7049.40)may be used for year 2013 max
W2-MEDI-WAGEMedicare Wages and Tips3040ElementW2-BOX-05
W2-MEDI-TAXMedicare Tax Withheld3050ElementW2-BOX-06
W2-SSN-TIPSocial Security Tips3060ElementW2-BOX-07
W2-ALLOC-TIPAllocated Tips3070ElementW2-BOX-08
W2-EICAdvanced EIC Credit3080ElementW2-BOX-09
W2-DEP-CAREDependent Care Benefit3090ElementW2-BOX-10
W2-NQUALNon Qualified Plans3100ElementW2-BOX-11
W2-NQUAL-457Non Qualified Plans Sect 4573102ElementW2-BOX-11-457
W2-NQUAL-N457Non Qualified Plans Not Sect 4573104ElementW2-BOX-11-N457
W2-CODE-AUncollect SSA/RRTA tax on tips4000Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-BUncollect Medicare tax on tips4010Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-CGroup Term Life Ins > 500004020Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-DDeferred 401(k) Cash4030Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-EDeferred 401(b) Salary Reduction4040Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-FDeferred 408(k)(6) Salary Reduction4050Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-GDeferred 457(b) Compensation4060Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-HDeferred 501(c)18(D) Tax Exempt4070Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-JNon Taxable Sick Pay4080Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-K20% Excess Parachute Payment4090Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-LEmployee business expense reimburse4100Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-MUncollect SSA/RRTA Group Insurance4110Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-NUncollect Medicare Group Insurance4120Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-PMoving Expense4130Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-QNontaxable combat pay4140Pay ComponentEnter your company data (obsoleted since Tax Year 2012)
W2-CODE-REmployer Contributions to MSA4150Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-SSalary Reduction to 408(p)4160Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-TAdoption Benefits4170Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-VIncome of Nonstat Stock Opt4180Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-WER Contributions Health Saving Account4190Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-YDeferrals 409A Nonqual Plan4200Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-ZIncome 409A Nonqual Plan4210Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-AARoth Contributions 401(k)4220Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-BBRoth Contributions 403(b)4230Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-CCHIRE Act Wages4240Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-DDER Sponsored Health Coverage4250Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-EEDesignated Roth Contributions 457(b)4260Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-CODE-FFPermitted Benefits Under a Qualified
Small Employer Health
Reimbursement Arrangement
4270Pay ComponentEnter your company data

The values from W2-OTHER-01 to W2-OTHER-20 are printed on W2 Form Box 14.

Field IdentifierDescriptionSeq #Suggested Field SourceSuggested Variable
W2-OTHER-01Your company description5000Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-02Your company description5010Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-03Your company description5020Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-04Your company description5030Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-05Your company description5040Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-06Your company description5050Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-07Your company description5060Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-08Your company description5070Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-09Your company description5080Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-10Your company description5090Database ColumnEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-12Your company description5110Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-13Your company description5120Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-14Your company description5130Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-15Your company description5140Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-16Your company description5150Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-17Your company description5160Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-18Your company description5170Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-19Your company description5180Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-OTHER-20Your company description5190Pay ComponentEnter your company data

Please enter Box 14 Description in the Prompt field in format of 14-xxxxxxx.

The values from W2-USER-01 to W2-USER-20 are used by CLIENTS only, the values are not printed on the W2 form or file. These identifiers are used to obtain amounts to show on the RPYEU Summary report. Example: 125 plan, 401 plan, benefit amounts, or employer portion of certain employee contribution etc.

Field IdentifierDescriptionSeq #Suggested Field SourceSuggested Variable
W2-USER-01Your company description5500Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-USER-nnYour company description Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-USER-20Your company description5690Pay ComponentEnter your company data

The values from W2-HL-01 to W2-HL-10 are used by High Line only. These identifiers are used to obtain amounts to show on RPYEU Summary report or for other purposes. These are reserved areas for High Line to define additional new variables that are not available or defined when the programming is done. If needed, High Line will give instructions for users to set these up.
Field IdentifierDescriptionSeq #Suggested Field SourceSuggested Variable
W2-HL-01High Line defined description5700Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-HL-nnHigh Line defined description Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-HL-10High Line defined description5790Pay ComponentEnter your company data
W2-STAT-EEStatutory employee6000StatisticsEnter your company data
W2-RETIRE-PLANRetirement plan employee6020StatisticsEnter your company data
W2-3PARTY-SICKThird-party sick pay6060StatisticsEnter your company data
W2-SCHL-WAGESchool Taxable Wages6500ElementW2-SCHL-WAGE
W2-SCHL-TAXSchool Tax6510ElementW2-SCHL-TAX
W2-STATE-REGISTState Registration I.D. No7010Data Base ColumnDGV.GOVT_REGIST_NUMBER
W2-ST-REG-OTHERState Other Registration Number7015ConstantEnter your company data
W2-STATE-WAGE-HOMEState Wages and Tips (Home State)7020ElementW2-STATE-WAGE-H
W2-STATE-WAGE-WORKState Wages and Tips (Work State)7030ElementW2-STATE-WAGE-W
W2-STATE-TAX-HOMEState Income Tax (Home State)7040ElementW2-STATE-TAX-H
W2-STATE-TAX-WORKState Income Tax (Work State)7050ElementW2-STATE-TAX-W
W2-SUI-WAGE-EEState SUI Wages (Employee)7200ElementW2-SUI-WAGE-EE
W2-SUI-WAGE-ERState SUI Wages (Employer)7210ElementW2-SUI-WAGE-ER
W2-SUI-TAX-EEState SUI Tax (Employee contribution)7220ElementW2-SUI-TAX-EE
W2-SUI-TAX-ERState SUI Tax (Employer contribution)7230ElementW2-SUI-TAX-ER
W2-SDI-WAGE-EEState SDI Wages (Employee)7240ElementW2-SDI-WAGE-EE
W2-SDI-WAGE-ERState SDI Wages (Employer)7250ElementW2-SDI-WAGE-ER
W2-SDI-TAX-EEState SDI Tax (Employee contribution)7260ElementW2-SDI-TAX-EE
W2-SDI-TAX-ERState SDI Tax (Employer contribution)7270ElementW2-SDI-TAX-ER
W2-SUI-HRS-WRKSUI Hours Worked7280ElementW2-SUI-HRS-WORK
W2-SUI-WK-WRKSUI Weeks Worked (From User)7285ElementW2-SUI-WK-WORK
W2-SUI-WEEKS-WRKSUI Weeks Worked (Derived)7290Not specifiedSystem Derived, no need to set up
W2-SUI-TAXABLE-WAGESSUI Taxable Wages7300Not specifiedSystem Derived, no need to set up
W2-SUI-EXCESS-WAGESSUI Excess Wages7310Not specifiedSystem Derived, no need to set up
W2-SUI-MTH1-WORKSUI Worked on 12th day of mth 17320Not specifiedSystem Derived, no need to set up
W2-SUI-MTH2-WORKSUI Worked on 12th day of mth 27330Not specifiedSystem Derived, no need to set up
W2-SUI-MTH3-WORKSUI Worked on 12th day of mth 37340Not specifiedSystem Derived, no need to set up
W2-SUI-ST-WAGESUI State Gross Wages Reported7350Not specifiedSystem Derived, no need to set up
W2-SUI-ST-WAGESUI State Tax Reported7360Not specifiedSystem Derived, no need to set up
W2-TIP-WAGE-WORKWork State Tips Wages 7500ElementTips Wages for each State
W2-ST-TIP-WORKWork State Tips7510Pay ComponentTips for each State
W2-OTH-WAGE-WORKWork State Other Non-Regular Wages7520
W2-WC-WORKWorkers Compensation Contribution7600ElementW2-WC-WORK
W2-CNTY-NAMECounty Name8000Data Base ColumnDCN.COUNTY_NAME
W2-CN-WAGE-HOMECounty Wages (Home County)8010ElementW2-CNTY-WAGE-H
W2-CN-WAGE-WORKCounty Wages (Work County)8020ElementW2-CNTY-WAGE-W
W2-CN-TAX-HOMECounty Tax (Home County)8030ElementW2-CNTY-TAX-H
W2-CN-TAX-WORKCounty Tax (Work County)8040ElementW2-CNTY-TAX-W
W2-CI-WAGE-HOMECity Wages (Home City)8510ElementW2-CITY-WAGE-H
W2-CI-WAGE-WORKCity Wages (Work City)8520ElementW2-CITY-WAGE-W
W2-CI-TAX-HOMECity Tax (Home City)8530ElementW2-CITY-TAX-H
W2-CI-TAX-WORKCity Tax (Work City)8540ElementW2-CITY-TAX-W