Data for the ‘Countries’ table is initially supplied by High Line but you may alter this information to suit your company’s needs. ‘Country’ is linked to a legislation country that is used as the taxation jurisdiction for payroll processing.
Each country has country-specific information associated with it, such as the formatting of telephone numbers, mailing codes and government identification numbers (SSN/SIN).
With respect to the formatting used with ePersonality, ‘9’ represents a numeric value, ‘a’ represents a letter of the alphabet, and ‘x’ represents any alphanumeric value.
Certain lexicon values within ePersonality are country sensitive, meaning they have different values for individual countries. Government registrations are also defined by country.
‘Define Countries’ Usage and Examples Country definition data is maintained on the P2K_CM_COUNTRIES table.
- Country
- The country code is a High Line assigned code that uniquely identifies the country in which your organization does business. Country_Code is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field.
- Country Name
- This field holds the internationally recognized English name of the country being defined. Country_Name is a 50-character alphanumeric mandatory field.
- Legislation
- This code indicates the primary country whose legislation governs the organization. Legislation is a optional field which you may use to select the value needed through the fixed lexicon (X_Legislation)
- Gov't Code Mask
- Gov’t Code Mask is used to format government identification codes (i.e. Social Security/Social Insurance Numbers) for the country defined.
- U.S.A. SSN: 999-99-9999
- Canada SIN: 999-999-999
- Mail Postal Mask
- Mail Postal Mask is used to format mailing codes throughout the system for the country defined.
- U.S. Zip Codes: 99999xxxx
- Canadian Postal Codes: a9a 9a9
- Phone Mask
- Phone Mask is used to format phone numbers throughout the system for the country defined.
- (999) 999-9999
- Overseas Call Code
- Overseas Call Code is an international phone calling code for the country defined. For the U.S. and Canada the number is 011. Overseas_Call_Code is a 16-character alphanumeric optional field.