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This section describes the Maintain Class Schedules (ICRSC) screen and its associated fields.

The data for the Class Schedule screen is maintained on the P2K_CP_CLASS_SCHEDULES, P2K_CP_COURSE_FEES, and P2K_CP_TRAINING_RESOURCES table.
This field is a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the class. Class_Code is a mandatory 16-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
This field identifies the status of the class. Class_Status is a mandatory field you may fill with the fixed lexicon X_CLASS_STATUS.
Enrollment Start
This field displays the first day of enrollment. Enrollment_Start is an optional field you may fill either manually or with the calendar icon provided.
Enrollment End
This field displays the last day of enrollment. Enrollment_End is an optional field you may fill either manually or with the calendar icon provided.
This field will indicate the language that the class will be conducted in. Language is an optional field you may fill using the fixed lexicon X_LANGUAGE_CODE.
External Class ID
This field is a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the external class. External_Class_ID is a mandatory 16-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.

Main tab#

This field holds the formal title of the course. This title may be different and more descriptive than the class code. Class_Title is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
This field will identify the duration of the class. Duration is an optional 9-character numeric field you may fill manually.
This field identifies the basis of the duration value displayed in the previous field. Duration_Basis is an optional field you may fill from the fixed lexicon X_PERIOD_BASIS.
This field identifies the starting date of the class. Class_Start_Date is an optional field you may fill either manually or with the calendar icon provided.
Start Time
This field identifies the starting time of the class. Class_Start_Time is an optional field you may fill manually.
This field identifies the ending date of the class. Class_End_Date is an optional field you may fill either manually or with the calendar icon provided.
End Time
This field identifies the ending time of the class. Class_End_Time is an optional field you may fill either manually.
This field identifies the format in which the class will be conducted. Course_Formation is an optional field you may fill from the fixed lexicon X_COURSE_FORMAT.
This field displays the location where the class will be conducted. Location from P2K_CM_LOCATIONS is an optional field you may fill manually or by using the LOV (F9) provided.
This field shows the name of the instructor for this class. Instructor from P2K_HR_CONTACTS is an optional field you may fill manually or by using the LOV (F9) provided.
Phone #
This field holds the phone number or extension for the instructor of this class. This field is for viewing only; users cannot make any additions or changes through this screen. The information will default in from P2K_HR_CONTACTS once the ‘Instructor’ field has been filled.
Actual Cost
This field shows the actual cost of running this class. Actual_Cost is an optional 18-character numeric field you may fill manually.
Budgeted Cost
This field shows the budgeted cost of running this class. Budgeted_Cost is an optional 18-character numeric field you may fill manually.
This field displays the currency that the actual and budgeted costs are expressed in. Currency is an optional field you may fill with the fixed lexicon (X_CURRENCY).

Class Size#

This field will identify the maximum number of students this class can hold. Class_Size_Maximum is an optional 5-digit field you may manually enter.
This field will identify the minimum number of students this class can hold. Class_Size_Minimum is an optional 5-digit field you may manually enter.
This field identifies the ideal class size for this class. Ideal_Size is an optional 5-digit field you may manually enter.

Details tab#

Web Address
If there is a web site associated with this class, the web address for that site may be listed in this field. Web_Address is an optional 200-character field you may manually fill.
This field defines the font HTML for the web component associated with this address. Font_HTML is an optional 2000-character field you may manually fill.
Class Text
This field allows you to provide additional information about the class. Class_Text is a 4000-character field you may fill manually.

Fees tab#

Data for the Class Schedule - Fees screen is maintained on the P2K_CP_COURSE_FEES tables.
Fee Schedule
If a fee schedule has been established for this class, that schedule may be indicated here. If no schedule is established, you may select ‘Not Specified’. Fee_Schedule is a mandatory field you must fill with a selection from the user-defined lexicon (X_FEE_SCHEDULE).
Start Date
This field displays the first day of the fee schedule payments. Start_Date is an optional field you may fill manually or through the calendar icon.
End Date
This field displays the last day of the fee schedule payments. End_Date is an optional field you may fill manually or through the calendar icon.
Course Fee
This field displays the actual course fees. Course_Fee is an optional 18-character numeric field you may fill manually.
This field displays the currency in which the fees are expressed. Currency is an optional field you may fill with a selection from the fixed lexicon X_CURRENCY.
This field allows you to provide a description of the fees. Description is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may manually enter.
Course Fee Text
This field gives you an opportunity to provide any additional information about the fees. Course_Fee_Text is an optional 4000-character alphanumeric field you may manually enter.

Maintain Class Schedules (ICRSC) - Resources#

Definition data for the Classroom-Resources screen is maintained on the P2K_CP_TRAINING_RESOURCES.
Resource Type
This field identifies the type of resources needed for this class.
EG Computers, Materials, Classroom
Resource_Type is a mandatory field that you must fill with a value from the user-defined lexicon (X_RESOURCE_TYPE) provided.
This field will display the status of the resource. Resource_Status is a mandatory field that you must fill with a value from the fixed lexicon (X_RESOURCE_STATUS) provided.
The source of the resource is identified in this field. Program_Source is a mandatory field that you must fill with a value from the fixed lexicon (X_RESOURCE_SOURCE) provided.
Date Needed
This identifies the date the resource is needed for. Date_Needed is an optional field you may either manually enter or use the calendar (F9) to choose the date.
Date Booked
This field will show the date the resource was booked. Date_Booked is an optional field you may either manually enter or use the calendar (F9) to choose the date.
The total cost of the resource may be displayed in this field. Resource_Cost is an optional 18-character numeric field you may fill manually.
This field displays the currency that the resource fee must be paid in. Currency is a mandatory field that you must fill with a value from the fixed lexicon (X_CURRENCY) provided.
This field allows you to enter a short description of the resource. Description is an optional 18-character numeric field you may fill manually.
This field allows you to provide further information about the resource. Resource_Reference is an optional 18-character numeric field you may fill manually.
Resource Text
This field allows you to add any additional information necessary about the resource. Resource_Text is an optional 4000-character numeric field you may fill manually.

Maintain Class Schedules (ICRSC) - Registrants#

This screen is for viewing only. The data for this field will default in from the Maintain Class Registration (ICRSE) screen.
This field displays the name of the individual registered in the class.
Registration #
This field shows the class registration number for the individual.
Registration Status
This field shows the status of the registration.
Fee Schedule
This field will display the fee schedule that this individual is on.
Final Grade
This will display the final grade the individual received for the course.
This field provides a description of the registration. For instance if the candidate does not
meet the course requirements, a message may be displayed here.