When assigning an Executions, Data Security or Not Specified Type role to a user profile in the Assign Roles to Users screen (IMUR), you can focus any of these types of roles on a specific menu type role (e.g. web menu role, WWW_EMPLOYEE). This will only grant the execution rights and/or apply the object security restrictions to the user when they are in that specific menu role (web module)

Example: User SS_MANAGER has the following roles assigned to its profile in IMUR:

If the execution type role UTR_MANAGER has the value WWW_MANAGER set in the 'Business Focus Role?' field (IMUR), execution rights granted by this role will only apply when the user is in the menu role (web module) of Manager in Self Service. Even if both UTR roles grant a different set of execution rights and/or object security restrictions to the same function, by associating a specific menu type role with that role, the grants/restrictions set in that role will only be enforced while the user is active in that specific menu type role. This methodology can be used for Data Security role type as well to ensure that object security is enforced in specific menu roles (web modules) only.

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