HOLIDAY_IDENTITY is a mandatory user-defined lexicon field that identifies the name, occasion or reason for the holiday.
X_HOLIDAY_IDENTITY is a user defined lexicon with the following starter set of values:
Saved Value | Displayed Value |
. | Not Specified |
10 | New Year's Day |
100 | Christmas Eve |
110 | Christmas Day |
120 | New Year's Eve |
130 | Family Day |
140 | Good Friday |
150 | Easter |
160 | Victoria Day |
170 | Canada Day |
180 | Civic Holiday |
190 | Labor Day |
20 | MLK Day |
200 | Boxing Day |
30 | Presidents Day |
40 | Memorial Day |
50 | Independence Day |
60 | Colombus Day |
70 | Veterans Day |
80 | Thanksgiving Day |
90 | Day After Thanksgiving |