The G/L Buffer is a field that allows manipulation of multiple variables in a derivation expression in UPGLF. The variables, and their meaning are as described for the IDIF X_INF_VARIABLE_NAME (01).

This variable, if left alone will return a 672 byte value which is a concatenation of the values used in the generation of each record for the GL file.  Using the SQL substring function SUBSTR, we can extract bits and pieces and manipulate it within the derivation expression.

This can be used in quite sophisticated derivations, as shown in these examples:

  1. Burden Code manipulation
  2. Using GL Buffer to determine bypassing
  3. Changing Dates based on Journal Source

Note: Some of the values below will only be accessible when the IDGA ‘Retain Detail’ toggle is turned on. If the toggle is not turned on, then the G/L Accounts are posted in Summary and therefore each employee’s information will be re-set to NULL. When posting in Summary, some items such as the check number will not be populated.

The substring values for GL BUFFER are as follows:

001 016 gl_company_code
017 002 journal_source
019 002 journal_type
021 002 currency
023 006 fiscal_period
029 011 fiscal_start (DD-Mon-YYYY)
040 011 fiscal_end (DD-Mon-YYYY)
051 050 distribution_code
101 016 gl_account_code
117 002 gl_account_type
119 016 person_code
135 004 pay_number
139 004 pc_code
143 006 pay_period
149 011 period_start_date (DD-Mon-YYYY)
160 011 period_end_date (DD-Mon-YYYY)
171 011 pay_issue_date (DD-Mon-YYYY)
182 011 gl_as_of_date (DD-Mon-YYYY)
193 030 first_name
223 030 last_name
253 016 gl_amt
269 016 gl_amt_dr
285 016 gl_amt_cr
301 010 std_wage_rate
311 016 entity_code
327 016 department_code
343 016 position_code
359 016 job_code
375 016 payroll_code
391 016 unit_code
407 016 group_code
423 010 check_number
433 010 user_name
443 010 work_state
453 010 res_state
463 010 work_geo
473 010 res_geo
483 010 school_district
493 030 reference_info
523 050 work_order
573 016 cost_center
599 030 tran_pointer
623 010 batch_number
633 010 time_entered
643 002 time_basis
645 010 std_wage_rate
655 002 std_wage_rate_basis
657 010 wage_rate
667 002 rate_basis
669 004 pc_usage_code


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