Registration Information#
Class Info#
- Class Title
- This field displays the name of the class being registered for.
- Class Start
- This field shows the starting date for this class.
- Class End
- This field shows the ending date for this class.
- First Name
- This field shows the first name of the registrant. This screen is for viewing only; it may not be altered here. The data will default in from the ICRS form.
- Middle Name ;[Last Name
- This field shows the last name of the registrant. This screen is for viewing only; it may not be altered here. The data will default in from the ICRS form.
- Phone #
- This field shows the phone number for the registrant. This screen is for viewing only; it may not be altered here. The data will default in from the ICRS form.
- Phone Extn.
- This field shows the phone extension of the registrant, if applicable. This screen is for viewing only; it may not be altered here. The data will default in from the ICRS form.
- This field shows the email of the registrant, if applicable. This screen is for viewing only; it may not be altered here. The data will default in from the ICRS form.
- Registration #
- This field displays the registrant number for this particular individual. Registration_Number is an optional 30-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
Class Size#
- Class Max
- This field indicates the maximum number of registrants this class can hold.
- Total Size
- This field indicates how many registrants there are in total, regardless of their status.
- Enrolled
- This field indicates how many Candidates have been enrolled in the class.
- Waiting
- This field indicates the number of Candidates whose enrollment status is Wait Listed.
- Available
- This field indicates how many spaces are available in the class, if it is not Full.