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(HR 6201) Emergency Paid Sick Program (E-SICK)#

Overview #

New Legislation may necessitate setup of both a Temporary Expansion of FMLA and an Emergency Sick Leave. The Legislation is expected to go into effect on April 1, 2020 and apply until December 31, 2020.

Clients should determine how to comply with this legislation and then NEOGOV can assist them with different configuration options.

To learn more, please read the Legislative Bill .

This document covers the setup of Emergency Sick Leave.

Creation of Emergency Paid Sick Program#

Overview #

This is the configuration required for the payroll processing, time collection and capping the earnings maximums based on maximum employee rates. Please see the separate document describing a sample E-Sick leave policy. 

General Notes#

Sick Leave Reasons #

Emergency paid sick leave will be available for an employee who is unable to work or work remotely because:

  1. The employee is subject to a federal, state, or local quarantine or isolation order related to COVID-19;
  2. The employee has been advised by a health care provider to self-quarantine because of COVID-19;
  3. The employee is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and is seeking a medical diagnosis;
  4. The employee is caring for an individual subject (or advised) to quarantine or isolation;
  5. The employee is caring for a son or daughter whose school or place of care is closed, or childcare provider is unavailable, due to COVID-19 precautions; or
  6. The employee is experiencing substantially similar conditions as specified by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, in consultation with the Secretaries of Labor and Treasury.

Payments are capped at $511 a day ($5,110 in total) for dealing with an employee’s own illness or quarantine (reasons 1, 2 and 3 above). Employees who are caring for an individual affected by COVID-19 and those whose children's schools have closed (reasons 4, 5 and 6 above) receive up to two-thirds of their pay, and that benefit is limited to $200 a day ($2,000 in total).

As well, it is our understanding that reason 5 also applies to the regular FMLA bank.  If this is not your understanding then E-SICK Tkn Child is not required below.  The set up can remain the same except for the E-Sick Taken Child will not be tied to the FMLA leave policy. 

Therefore, three sets of pay components and time codes will be:

Approach - both self and family care are eligible for the paid sick leave. Our understanding is that the daily totals would be added together to form the aggregate maximum. So if someone used 2 days to care for a family member at $200/day and the other 8 days to care for themselves at $511/day the aggregate would be $4488 ($400 + $4088).

Therefore, each employee could have their own dollar aggregate maximum. The Leave Policy will apply the aggregate maximum to the HOURS between the three categories to a maximum of 80. The rates will be capped on the individual pay components therefore the total dollar aggregate amount is unnecessary. 

The leave bank must be set up to disallow over 80 hours. Therefore, any hours in the PC’s will be paid at the reduce/capped rate.

Full Time Equivalent Wages #

Question:for part-time employees, how are their standard hours per day coded on the work assignment? 

There are two approaches in the system:
a.  Coded like full time employees with a reduced FTE.  b.  Coded with the reduced hours per day of 6 hours with an FTE of 1.   
If you are unsure, select a part-time employee and go the work assignment screen (IEAS), Compensation Tab.  If the Fulltime Wage toggle is turned on, then use the E-SICK FTE UserCalc.

SetUp #

New User Variables (IMVR)#

New Pay Components (IPPC) #

Clients can use their own coding and naming conventions.  Be sure to change the pay components on the UserCalc to your codes.   
Calculation Method for E-Sick Taken Hrs (PC 457) hours pay components = EV X Rate The daily maximum will be applied during UPCALC via the UserCalc.
Calculation Method for E-Sick Taken Care and Child Hrs (PC 458 and 459) hours pay components = EV X Rate      

The daily maximum will be applied during UPCALC via the UserCalc.

Set up the properly GL coding (IDGA/IPPC)  

Update all required elements.

New Leave Type (IAPT) #

E-SICK (Minimum leave set up required to set up the payroll calculation)

New Time Codes (IDTC)     #

Once the time codes are entered, go back to the pay components and update the associated time codes. 

Add the time codes to the Work Rules as authorized time codes.
Add a new element E-SICK (used in the UserCalc – IPPE)           

New payroll UserCalc (IMUC) #

E-Sick UserCalc


E-Sick FTE UserCalc


Update Pay Point (IPPP)#

UPCALC Exception Messages #

“E-SICK - employee has reached maximum of 80 hours.  Please verify pay”.

Action Required – the employee should never have 80 hours in pay history with current hours in the payroll. 
Investigation required on how time was entered for E-Sick.

Sample Configuration: #

Please note this is not the complete set up required.  For example, the Pay Component GL (Acct/Arrears tab) needs to be configured but is not included in these samples. 

STEP 1: User Variables (IMVR) set up the User Variables

STEP 2: Pay Components (IPPC)

7 PCs required in set up

Hint: Set up the Earnings PCs first as they are required for the Hours PCs

STEP 3: Leave Policy (IAPT)

Use the next available leave policy type. It does not have to be 182 as shown below.

STEP 4: Time Codes (IDTC)

STEP 5: Set up the UserCalc (IMUC)

Please see E-Sick Usercalc on top of the form for details

STEP 6: Pay Point IPPP

STEP 7: Pay Point IPPP

Notes #

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