Department Budget#

Main Panel
Bar Chart showing FTE Count by Department. Shows Authorized, Actual, Available and Overage.

  • Departments
    • User may choose from drop down list with options for All Departments or select one or more from the list.
    • User can select a number in the Top X box which will be the number of Departments displayed.
  • FTE Over
    • User can enter a number in the FTE Over box.

Sub Panel 1 - Position Codes and Titles in the Department
Table – list of position codes based on the Department bar selected in the main Panel. This table includes, the Position Code, Position Title, Authorized FTEs, Actual FTEs, Variances and Requisitions.
Includes: Download to spreadsheet, e-mail with spreadsheet.

  • Show Positions As Of Date

Sub Panel 2 (Form) - Drill to Positions (IDPS)
When any Position Code or Title is selected this will bring the user to the Position (IDPS) form. Respects form security (if user does not have access to IDPS, cannot drill into via panel).

Sub Panel 3 - Requisitions for Department
This table shows Requisitions for the Position selected in the Sub Panel 2.
The table will show the Job Profile for the posting and the Posting Code which is a link to IRPO. Parameters
Show Positions As Of Date

Sub Panel 4 (Form) - Drill to Postings (IRPO)
Select a posting code in the Requisitions panel and the user is brought to the Maintain Postings (IRPO) form for that posting. Respects form security (if user does not have access to IRPO, cannot drill into via panel).