Development Programs may be established to assist training managers in carrying out particular training curriculum. Each development program may have a sponsor, stated objectives, an intended audience, prerequisites, required competence levels, completion criteria and a sequence of steps that must/should be followed. Each step may be another development program, a course, an assessment or a described development activity. The competence levels achieved upon successful completion may also be stated. Development programs are uniquely identified by a manually entered code.

Development programs may be generic or unique to a particular organization. They may have a restricted period of time during which they are valid.

Development programs may be published in detail or summary at any time using flexible run time parameters. They may also be interfaced from and to other systems.

Programs are established with steps which consist of courses, certifications, job experience, test/assessments or other programs that when completed will give the employee the developed skill (competency) for specific jobs. Courses, certifications and assessments can be created without establishing programs.

Development programs must be approved before being offered. Multi-level approvals may be implemented to the extent required by an organization, or not implemented at all.

The Establish Development Programs (ICDP) form allows you enter development programs. in the system.

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