Configurable Form Table Filters#

There are forms within the application that could benefit from table filters to allow the data in the form to be filtered down. Previously, this sort of change had to be done programmatically but now there is functionality in place that allows users such as a System Administrators to add filters to forms. This functionality may be added to forms in Self Service and in Professional.

Examples of forms that have pre-loaded filters are:

  • Maintain Class Registrations ICRSE
  • Maintain Pay Transactions IPTR
  • View Open Forms by Day DMOF
  • Approve Personnel Actions WVDAR

Required Set Up#

Form table filters are based on where clauses. A where clause would be created with the filter requirements and then added to the form table usages tab in IMFD.

Step 1 – Create a Where Clause#

The first step is to build a where clause. The where clause will further restrict the base form where clause defined on the form table usage.

The Data Source must be the base table of the form. The Usage should be User Defined. The Where Clause Type must be Ad Hoc.

The column name field contains the column used to filter by. References by using <<>> to other fields on the screen are not supported for this feature.

Step 2 – Add filter to the form definition#

The second step is to add the where clause to the form definition in IMFD.

The where clause is to be added to the Table Usages tab. The new form table usage should be the same base table and should be a greater sequence to that of the table it is filtering. It also must share the same form table alias, if one is provided.

Step 3 – Test the new filter#

Once the new filter has been added to the form definition, the new filter should be tested to ensure the desired results are achieved.

Step 4 – Adding multiple filters#

If additional filters are necessary, they may be added to the form using the same steps as above. When a form has multiple filters a combo box will be used.


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