A Complaint is an informal, less serious dispute between an individual and an employer that may eventually, but not necessarily, lead to a grievance.
A Grievance is a formal dispute between a union, set of employees or an individual and a company that is based on clauses in a labor agreement.
The Define Dispute Types (ILDT) screen allows you to identify the specific types of disputes, both general and those dispute types unique to your company. For example, a dispute type might be a violation of the labor agreement, harassment, violation of the promotion process or unequal pay.
You may add or maintain employee complaints in the application through the Record Complaints (ILCM) screen. This form will hold important detailed information about the complaint itself, as well as information about the participants and witnesses to the complaint.
The Report Complaints (RLCM) form allows you to produce a report providing information about the complaints recorded in ILCM.
The labor relations application also provides two forms that allow you to quickly view complaints and grievances created in the other forms. These two forms are VLGQ, which allows you to see complaints and grievances by employee.
Screen captures are meant to be indicative of the concept being presented and may not reflect the current screen design.
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