Pay Period EE Sales Tax Amount {optional}#

This component converts the employee sales tax from the benefit remittance frequency to the benefit deduction frequency of the payroll application.

Convert the employee sales tax to a pay period amount?

Yes: Choose the rule to be used

No: Go to B1130

RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
01Convert to Pay Period
Converts the sales tax amount to a pay period
amount based on the processing frequency
specified on the person’s enrollment form.

02*Convert yo Pay Period Amt
and Force Balance
Converts the sales tax amount to a pay period
amount based on the processing frequency
specified on the person’s enrollment form. If the
sales tax amount is not exactly divisible by the
frequency, it applies any remainder to the first
processing period of the benefit.


Enter a pay component in the <PC Code> field if the result is to be viewed for Payroll processing or reporting.

The BC action must be ‘Store on Line & Enroll'.

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