At any time the Employees can view their benefit elections, both current and historical via the WEVBEN screen.

Data on this form is filtered by current employment (EEM_ID). For employees with multiple employments, the data will be refreshed based on the employment in focus.

This screen use a java defined view SenrollmentCosts (P2K_BE_SENROLLMENT_COSTS) to populate Current Benefits tab. This includes data from: Enrollments, EnrollmentDetails and EnrollmentComponents tables

  • OpenEnrollmentEEs (P2K_BE_OPEN_ENROLLMENT_EES)
  • EmployeePlanSets (P2K_BE_EMPLOYEE_PLAN_SETS)
  • ElectionOptions (P2K_BE_ELECTION_OPTIONS)
  • Events (P2K_BE_EVENTS)-AssessmentEvents (P2K_RE_ASSESSMENT_EVENTS)
  • Questions (P2K_RE_QUESTIONS)
  • QuestionResponses (P2K_RE_QUESTION_RESPONSES)

Current Benefits tab#

Displays all the benefit plans from IBEN if the enrollment status is set to enrolled and a value for employee deduction (B1040) or employee contribution (B0840) benefit components is provided. If no deduction or contribution amount provided, the plan will not be displayed regardless of the enrollment status

Open Enrollments tab#

Display of all the open enrollments for the current employment in focus. This is similar with IBPOE but will show only Election Options and OE Questions/ Responses tabs

Event History tab#

A display of all the events for the current employment in focus.

Event History tab#

This tab displays a history of life / work events that have been recorded for the employee.

Uploaded Documents tab#

A display of all the documents attached for the open enrollment in focus. The user must select an open enrollment on the second tab (Open Enrollments) to see if any documents are attached to that.

Notes #

Click to create a new notes page