Eligible Earnings/Amount (Before Cap) Calculation Method#
This component specifies which earnings are considered eligible for benefit calculation purposes.
Choose the rule that is used as the ‘Eligible Earnings/Amount (Before Cap) Calculation Method’ rule.
Rule | Description | Logic | Assoc. | Go to |
00 | Use Earnings from User- Calc | Specify the name of the <User Calc> on the component. The usercalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Numeric`. Use the RET operator to return the numeric value. This value is interpreted by the component as a user provided eligible earnings. | B0300 | B0330 |
01* | Use Earnings from Ele- ment | Specify the name of the <Element> on the component. The value of the element will be used as eligible earnings. | B0300 | B0330 |
02* | Use Annual Amount | Uses the annualized wage rate component B0300. | B0300(2) B0310 | B0330 |
03 | Use Monthly Amount | Uses the wage rate component B0300 converted to a monthly amount. | B0300(2) B0310 | B0330 |
04 | Use Hourly Amount | Uses the wage rate component B0300 converted to an hourly amount. | B0300(2) B0310 | B0330 |
05 | Use Semi-monthly Amount | Uses the wage rate component B0300 converted to a semi-monthly amount. | B0300(2) B0310 | B0330 |