Wage As Of Date {optional}#

This component specifies whether the current wage rate should be used, or the wage rate at some past point in time.

Is the assignment wage rate chosen in B300?

Yes: Choose the rule to be used

No: Go to B0320

RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
00Use Date from UserCalcSpecify the name of the <User Calc> on the component. The usercalc must be of the type 'Function', with a return value of the type 'Date'. The usercalc must use the RET operator to return a date value. This value is interpreted by the component as the date on which to determine the wage rate.B0300B0320
01*Use Current DateThis value uses the processing date as the date on which to determine the wage rate.B0300B0320
02Use Specified DateSpecify the date in the <BC Value> on the component. Uses the value entered as DD-Mon-YYYY asthe date on which to determine the wage rate. (e.g. 01-May-1977)B0300B0320
03Use Specified DD-Mon in PP End YearSpecify the recurring day and month (DD-Mon) in the <BC Value> in the component. Use the day and month (01-Jan) specified plus the year of the Pay Period End date (21-Mar-2000) to determine the wage rate. (e.g. 01-Jan-2000)B0300B0320

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