APPROVAL_REQUIRED is a field used to track whether an employee's election into a plan requires approval. If the ‘Approval Required’ toggle is ON, employer authorization is required before an employee can enroll in the specified plan. If the toggle is OFF authorization is not required.

Approval logic is required for Open Enrollments. All employee Open Enrollments must be first approved before they can be processed into enrollments in IBEN. The approval is made at the employee Open Enrollment level, not at a benefit election level meaning that the Administrator will not be approving each election change but the employee’s overall participation in the Open Enrollment.

However, should there be the need to have the approval process be different for certain plans within in the Open Enrollment the Administrator can tailor the approval process using where clauses that take this field into account. For example, the client may decide that a specific plan requires approval for changes only.

If no plans in the employee’s open enrollment require approval, then no specific approval process will be called. However, since the enrollment must still be approved in order for it to be processed, a generic approval process will display.

X_BE_APPROVAL is a fixed lexicon with the following values:
Displayed ValueMeaning
0 No Approval RequiredThis is used only in IBEL to indicate an election into the plan does not need approval.
1 Approval RequiredThis is used by IBEL, WEBOEE and IBPOE to indicate that approval is required for new elections.
2 Apr Req for Chgs onlyThis is used by WEBOEE and IBPOE to indicate approval is only required for changes made to elections. This is not used by IBEL.

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