ACT_REPLACE_CHECK_WITH_NEXT is an action button within the IPCH form used to replace checks if an employee happens to lose theirs. The user would follow the following procedure:

  1. Click on the Replace with Next button
  2. Enter the next manual check number available, then click the OK button.
  3. The original check will now be identified with the following:
    • Check Status - Replaced Check
    • Check Type - Void Check
    • Replaced # - the next check number used
    • Printed - this toggle will be set ON (if not already) to prevent it from being printed again.
  4. A new line will have been created for the replacement check with the new check number, the original issue date, person code, name, and amount. This new check will be identified with the following:
    • Check Status - Outstanding
    • Check Type - Replacement Check
    • Replaced # - the original check number
    • Printed - this toggle will be set ON to prevent it from being printed automatically.

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