Rule | Description | Logic | Assoc. | Go to |
01* | Terminated after Specified Day of the Month | Enter the specific day required (DD) in the <Value> field of the Leave Component form. The value of the component will be used as a user supplied day of the month by which the employee must still be working in order to receive entitlement during their last month of work. If employee's termination month is not included in the entitlement, regardless of the termination date, enter a value of 32 (greater than any possible termination date. | A250 | |
02 | Terminated on the Last Day of the Month | Derives the last DD of the Termination Month. Employees must still be 'Active' up to and including that date to receive entitlement. This rule allows users to specify a specific day (the last day of the month) without having to provide different days for months of different lengths. | A250 |
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