A200 Entitlement Frequency#

This component indicates how often period entitlement is given. This component is required to calculate leave policy accruals.
The value of this field will be a Boolean - (True or False).

Choose the rule to be used as the ‘Entitlement Frequency’ rule.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
00Do Not Update AccrualsDuring UPCALC do not grant entitlements. If this rule is chosen, no entitlement will be processed during the payroll calculation procedure.
Should only be employed when UACALC is used to process entitlement.

01Give Entitlement Each EvaluationGives entitlement owed every time the policy is evaluated, ignoring the processing frequency if defined.
Used on policies where entitlements are calculated on a scheduled basis (e.g. every 2 weeks), or as earned (e.g. banked overtime).

02*Based on Processing Frequency (Payroll Only)Gives the period entitlement for the service level based on the leave policy qualifying for processing according to the pay period in which it is being evaluated.
Payroll will only evaluate the policy when the Processing Frequency defined on the Policy (IALP) qualifies.
Used when accruals are granted on specific pay periods (e.g. first and third pay period of the month), or on the first time paid in the month.

03*Based on Entitlement Date AnniversaryGives period entitlement owed on the anniversary date based on the components A210 (Entitlement Date) and A220 (Entitlement Date Anniversary).
Used when employees are granted entitlement on their individual monthly or annual anniversary date.
04On Specified Day of the MonthGives entitlement owed on a specific day of each month. The Day (DD) must be entered in the <Value> field.
Used when all employees are granted entitlement on the same day of the month (e.g. 1st or 5th).

05On Last Day of the MonthGives entitlement owed each month on the last day of the calendar month.
Used when all employees are granted entitlement on the last day of the month (i.e. 28th, 29th, 30th, or 31st depending on the calendar).

06On Specified Day of the YearGives entitlement once a year on a specific date. The month and day (DD-Mon) must be entered, in the <Value> field.
Used when all employees are granted entitlement on the same day of the year (e.g. 1st Apr or 1st Jul).


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