This page (revision-6) was last changed on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by Kevin Higgs

This page was created on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by adsignore

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
6 26-Nov-2021 10:22 3 KB Kevin Higgs to previous USER DEFINED COLUMN ==> USER DEFINED COLUMN (UDC)
5 26-Nov-2021 10:22 3 KB adsignore to previous | to last
4 26-Nov-2021 10:22 2 KB adsignore to previous | to last
3 26-Nov-2021 10:22 1 KB adsignore to previous | to last
2 26-Nov-2021 10:22 431 bytes adsignore to previous | to last
1 26-Nov-2021 10:22 32 bytes adsignore to last

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This screen is used to view all new hires in their first 30 days of employment. This screen shows a User Created Checklist of fields, Onboarding Procedure Progress and the Status of any documents that require sign off.
!!New Hire Checklist
The new hire checklist section of [WMOD] is divided into 5 columns. Most columns will be populated with fields made from [USER DEFINED COLUMN|USER DEFINED COLUMN (UDC)]s or [USER DEFINED FIELD]. There are pros and cons to using each of these types of column/fields however it is usually best practice to use a [USER DEFINED COLUMN|USER DEFINED COLUMN (UDC)].
There are only 5 pre-populated fields in this section,
;[BANK|BANK_NAME]:The name of the bank/institution. i.e. Royal Bank or Bank of America.
;[TRANSIT #|BANK_TRANSIT_CODE]: The unique identifier that indicates the branch of the bank.
;[ACCOUNT TYPE|BANK_ACCOUNT_TYPE]: The type of bank account that the employees pay should be deposited into. i.e. Checkings or Savings.
;[BANK_ACCOUNT]: The employees unique number that identifies their account.
!!Onboarding Procedure Progress
In this portion you can "ADD A NEW PROCEDURE" to the selected new hire. You can also view current and historical procedures that have been assigned and their related statuses/completion dates.
||Field Name||Definition
|[Assgined On|ACTION_ASSIGNED_DATE]|The date the procedure was assigned to the employee
|[Status|ACTION_STATUS]|The current state of the procedure.
|[Procedure|DRV_SCREEN]|The name of the procedure.
|[Complete Upon Login|RESPONSE_REQUIRED]|A toggle that indicates if the procedure should be completed upon login. If this is checked then everytime an employee logs into self service they will be directed immediately to the procedure.
|[Completed On|ACTION_COMPLETION_DATE]|The date the procedure was completed on.
|[Completed Steps|COMPLETED_STEPS]|Once the new hire completed a step in the procedure it will be populated here. This is useful to track the new hire progress in a procedure.
|[Outstanding Steps|DRV_OUTSTANDING_STEPS]| If a procedure has been suspended then this field will populate the outstanding/remaining steps the new hire still has to complete.
!!Required Documents
This portion of the screen allows the user to view all Documents that require a Sign Off. It also shows them the name of the document, the Parent document that it is tied to and if/when the document was signed by the employee.
;[Document|MII_ID]: The name of the document.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]: Additional verbage used to describe the document.
;[Parent Document|INFO_CODE]: The name of the parent document.
;[Sign off|SIGNED_OFF]: Toggle used to indicate if the employee has signed off on the document or not. If this field is populated with a check mark then the employee has signed the document.
;[Sign Off Timestamp|SIGN_OFF_TIMESTAMP]: The date and time the employee signed off on the document. This field only populates when a sign off occurs for the related document.
!Related Screens
*[WAMSO] - Employee Signed Documents.
*[WMMSD] - My Employee Suspended Procedures.
*[WAMSD] - Manage Suspended Procedures.
*[VMSD] - View Suspended Procedures.