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!!!How to Define User Procedures
[{TableOfContents }]
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The Define Procedure process allows you to link together two or more system functions to complete a task. This is known as a Procedure.
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The procedure can take you through a sequence of the various screens and/or reports required to complete a task. A typical procedure would be anything that requires multiple record changes. Examples would be creating a new job or position, new hire(s), transfers, change of marital status, etc.
A procedure is a type of user definable function that links together two or more system functions into a business procedure.
The procedure can take you through a sequence of the various screens and/or reports required to complete a task.
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When you are finished entering date into a procedure screen, clicking ‘Next’ will commit the changes to the database and will navigate the user to the next sequential step in the procedure. Clicking ‘Finish’ will complete the procedure and will close it out.
Procedures are invoked through the command line. You must have execution rights before you are able to run them.
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If you want a change reason to ‘default’ on a certain form within the procedure, then you must add the change reason to that particular function definition. Currently, there is no way to mark a certain set of change reasons on a form, to be used only when the form is part of a procedure.
!!Required Set Up
A Procedure Wizard provides a container for the procedure and controls the flow between the procedure steps. A side bar lists each of the functions that are part of the procedure, in the order they should be executed.
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The flow takes you through each step in order; however, you are able to step outside the normal flow if you wish to correct something or you want to skip steps. Mandatory steps cannot be skipped.
In Admin, you may be in the middle of a procedure and switch to another form, change and save data without affecting the status of the procedure. You can continue the procedure where you left off when you are ready.
When you are finished entering data into a procedure screen, clicking ‘Next’ will commit the changes to the database and will navigate the user to the next sequential step in the procedure. Clicking ‘Finish’ will complete the procedure and will close it out.
Typically, complex processes like enrolling employees into benefit plans, multiple record changes like getting married, or post-hire processes are good candidates for definition as a procedure.
For examples of procedures see the page titled [Procedure Examples|PROCEDURE EXAMPLES].
!!How to Define User Procedures
There are a couple of screens that require set up in order for a procedure to be fully defined.
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*Click on the Add Record icon
*Click on the Add Record icon
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**If the procedure is going to use a header, the subject table must be populated. The subject table is the table that is associated with the procedure. If the steps within the procedure are all tied to the same subject (ie:employments) then that subject table should be defined (ie: [P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS]). If the steps within the procedure are tied to different subjects, the subject table of the first step should be used to populate the procedure's subject table. One method of determining the subject table of a form is by checking [IMFD] to determine which FIND block is used by the form. Employee related forms are often tied to either FIND_EID or FIND_EEM. FIND_EID would indicate the subject table would be [P2K_HR_IDENTITIES] and FIND_EEM would indicate the subject table would be [P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS]. Another method would be to review the [Entity Relationship Diagrams|ERD].
**If the procedure is going to use a header, the subject table must be populated. The subject table is the table that is associated with the procedure. If the steps within the procedure are all tied to the same subject (ie:employments) then that subject table should be defined (ie: [P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS]). If the steps within the procedure are tied to different subjects, the subject table of the first step should be used to populate the procedure's subject table. One method of determining the subject table of a form is by checking [IMFD] to determine which FIND block is used by the form. Employee related forms are often tied to either FIND_EID or FIND_EEM. FIND_EID would indicate the subject table would be [P2K_HR_IDENTITIES] and FIND_EEM would indicate the subject table would be [P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS]. Another method would be to review the [Entity Relationship Diagrams|ERD].
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**The Purpose field can be used to indicate the purpose of the procedure. (i.e. to streamline the new hire process ensuring all appropriate screens/forms have been updated.)
*Execution Rights tab - [P2K_MASTER] role should be defined here for all new functions, in addition to any other roles that are required for users to access this procedure
**The Purpose field can be used to indicate the purpose of the procedure. (i.e. to streamline the new hire process ensuring all appropriate screens/forms have been updated.)
**If you want a change reason to ‘default’ on a certain form within the procedure, then you must add the change reason to that particular function definition. Currently, there is no way to mark a certain set of change reasons on a form, to be used only when the form is part of a procedure.
*Execution Rights tab - a role other than [P2K_MASTER] (which is reserved for HLC supplied functions) should be defined here for all new functions, in addition to any other roles that are required for users to access this procedure
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The second step in creating the procedure is going to the Define User Procedures ([IMPC]) screen. The information entered for the function created in step 1 will be defaulted in the header portion of the screen.
The second step in creating the procedure is going to the Define User Procedures ([IMPC]) screen where you can link together two or more system functions to complete the task.
The procedure form is divided into two parts: a "header" component that defines general aspects of the procedure and the "procedure steps" component that defines the individual functions that make up the procedure. The information entered for the function created in step 1 will show in the header portion of the screen.
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**[Description |DESCRIPTION]– This field displays the full screen name of the function to be executed as part of the procedure. This name will default in when the function is chosen.
**[Description |DESCRIPTION]– This field displays the full screen name of the function to be executed as part of the procedure. This name will default in when the function is chosen.
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**[Create|CREATE_ALLOWED], [Retrieve|RETRIEVE_ALLOWED], [Update|UPDATE_ALLOWED], [Delete|DELETE_ALLOWED] – These toggles are used to determine what execution rights the user has when running the procedure. The CRUD defined will only restrict what is already set up for the report on [IMFN].
**[Create|CREATE_ALLOWED], [Retrieve|RETRIEVE_ALLOWED], [Update|UPDATE_ALLOWED], [Delete|DELETE_ALLOWED] – These toggles are used to determine what execution rights the user has when running the procedure. The CRUD defined will only restrict what is already set up for the function on [IMFN].
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!Step 3 - Modify Form Definition [IMFD]
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;Table Usages
The preference is to have two kinds of procedures; all steps have find blocks or all steps use a header. However, this would be difficult to do for some screens. It is more aesthetically pleasing when the header doesn't change and resize between steps, adding consistency to the procedure.
In short, users can mix steps, but they shouldn't abuse it; only mix headers and find blocks when necessary.
Users can define a procedure with a mix of steps with and without find blocks however the following should be adhered to:
*If not all of the steps have the Find block toggle enabled, a header must be defined
*The steps without the Find block must use a subject similar/related to the other steps
**Forms that are based on [EID|P2K_HR_IDENTITIES], [EEM|P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS], [EAS|P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS], or [EASD|P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS] can be mixed together in one procedure as there is special logic written for these tables to work together in procedures
**The first step's subject table should be the table that is defined in the Subject Table field in [IMPC] or [IMFN].
*Only the first step in the procedure should have the Find block toggle enabled.
;Header Setup Part One Tab
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[{Image src='IMFD_TABLE_PROCEDURES.JPG' width='600'}]
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;Form Layout
[{Image src='IMFD_TABLE_PROCEDURES_01.JPG' width='600'}]
;Header Setup Part Two Tab
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A form group called 'HEADER' should be added to the form layout as a text item. The item 'MEX.DRV_SUBJECT_CONTEXT' should then be tied to the HEADER form group.
If defined, the header will be hidden on the first step of the procedure.
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The header is based on the CONTEXT message of the subject table. Context messages are found in [IMMS] and are defined for a variety of tables. If the subject table was [P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS], then the message with message_code ‘EEM_CONTEXT’ would provide the template for the header information.
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The header will be hidden on the first step of the procedure.
A form group called 'HEADER' should be added to the form layout as a text item. The item 'MEX.DRV_SUBJECT_CONTEXT' should then be tied to the HEADER form group.
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The header is based on the CONTEXT message of the subject table. Context messages are found in [IMMS] and are defined for a variety of tables. If the subject table was [P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS], then the message with message_code ‘EEM_CONTEXT’ would provide the template for the header information.
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[{Image src='IMFD_FORM_PROCEDURES.JPG' width='600'}]
[{Image src='IMFD_FORMLAYOUT_PROCEDURES_01.JPG' width='600'}]
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The preference is to have two kinds of procedures; all steps have find blocks or all steps use a header. However, this would be difficult to do for some screens. It is more aesthetically pleasing when the header doesn't change and resize between steps, adding consistency to the procedure.
In short, users can mix steps, but they shouldn't abuse it; only mix headers and find blocks when necessary.
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Users can define a procedure with a mix of steps with and without find blocks however the following should be adhered to:
*If not all of the steps have the Find block toggle enabled, a header must be defined
*The steps without the Find block must use a subject similar/related to the other steps
**Forms that are based on [EID|P2K_HR_IDENTITIES], [EEM|P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS], [EAS|P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS], or [EASD|P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS] can be mixed together in one procedure as there is special logic written for these tables to work together in procedures
**The first step's subject table should be the table that is defined in the Subject Table field in [IMPC] or [IMFN].
*Only the first step in the procedure should have the Find block toggle enabled
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1. In the Command line, enter in the procedure name. (i.e. NEW_HIRE)\\
1. In the Command line, enter in the procedure name. (i.e. NEW_HIRE)\\
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**Next – allows the user to go to the next step in the procedure
**Cancel – Reverts all changes entered
**Finish – Commits all changes entered
**Next – allows the user to go to the next step in the procedure and commits the changes on that page
**Finish – Ends the Procedure
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!!Suspending a Procedure
If the user clicks on the 'Finish' button before completing all steps in the procedure, they will be prompted with a dialog to Suspend their procedure to complete it at a later time. If they choose 'SUSPEND', a message indicating that their progress was saved successfully and the procedure can be re-launched at any time from their Outstanding Workflow Tasks.
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To re-launch the procedure, the User can navigate to the IMUWFL screen in Admin or to the WEETSK_SPLASH in Self Service, and choose to launch the Procedure, just as they would any other Workflow form. The procedure wizard should open to the last step they were on, with the correct subject in focus on the form, as well as the Header (if one exists). The Navigation check list on the left-hand-side should indicate the steps already completed.
* Screens added - Manager screen (WMMSD) to view/manage Procedures assigned to employees & Assign new Procedures via dialog (MASPROC).
* Option to launch Procedure at login is also available.
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[{If var='loginstatus' contains 'authenticated'
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![Discussion|Edit:Internal.HOW TO DEFINE USER PROCEDURES]
[{InsertPage page='Internal.HOW TO DEFINE USER PROCEDURES' default='Click to create a new discussion page'}]
![Notes|Edit:Internal.USER PROCEDURES]
[{InsertPage page='Internal.USER PROCEDURES' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]
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