This page (revision-8) was last changed on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by RForbes

This page was created on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by JEscott

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8 26-Nov-2021 10:22 6 KB RForbes to previous
7 26-Nov-2021 10:22 6 KB JEscott to previous | to last
6 26-Nov-2021 10:22 6 KB JEscott to previous | to last
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A bond coverage may be set up for each bond denomination (e.g. $50, $100, etc.). This is optional, as the denomination value may instead be entered on the employee's enrollment record ([IBEN]). An effective date split of the enrollment record ([IBEN]) is recommended upon a change in the denomination elected.
A bond coverage may be set up for each bond denomination (e.g. $50, $100, etc.). This is optional, as the denomination value may instead be entered on the employee's enrollment record (IBEN). An effective date split of the enrollment record (IBEN) is recommended upon a change in the denomination elected.
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Bond plans do not have to be entered on the behalf schedule ([IBSC]), if the 'Not Scheduled' toggle is ON. This will allow the plans to be added to the benefit election record ([IBEL]) on an ad hoc basis.
Bond plans do not have to be entered on the behalf schedule (IBSC), if the 'Not Scheduled' toggle is ON. This will allow the plans to be added to the benefit election record (IBEL) on an ad hoc basis.
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Below is a list of the [components|BENEFIT COMPONENTS] that need to be reviewed in order to set up a bond plan :
Below is a list of the components that need to be reviewed in order to set up a bond plan :
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The following group of [benefit components|BENEFIT COMPONENTS] are available to calculate the bond amounts to be remitted for the plan. They are all mandatory.
The following group of benefit components are available to calculate the bond amounts to be remitted for the plan. They are all mandatory.
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!Step 3 - Define Interface Format in [IDIF]
If not already defined in the Interface Formats Definition ([IDIF]) screen, load the standard interface file format using the starter_idif_hl$bonds.sql script. Modify the standard BONDS file requirements using the [IDIF] function. Rename the code from [HL$BONDS] to a user-defined code.
!Step 4 - Modify Employee Contacts in [IECT]
If the bond is owned by an employee contact then this should be indicated on [IECT]. This is done by selecting Bond Owner as the Contact Type. The contact may be an owner, co-owner, etc. and this is indicated on [IBRA] or [IBRP] by the Bond Participation field.
The set up is now complete and the UBBD may now be run to process all of the Canadian Savings Bonds plans and produce the flat file to be remitted.
!!Processing Information
After a few pays have been run but before the bond update, the [IBEN] form will be updated with the 'Amount Available for Bond Purchase'.
After UBBD has been run the 'Amount Available', 'Number of Bonds Purchased' and the 'Value of Bonds Purchased' will be updated.
!!Report Parameters & Filters
||Report Parameters||
|Reporting Entity| Multiple selection, and LOV available. The entity which will be sending the report to the Federal Reserve
|Plan Type| Mandatory, LOV available. Usually 'BONDS'
|Bond Purchase Date| Mandatory, Date, and LOV available. The 'Report Date' is the date printed in the file.
|Pay Ending Date| Mandatory, Date, and LOV available. Usually the last pay date processed.
|Order Type |Mandatory, Date, LOV available. Promotional or Regular
|Series Designator |Mandatory, Date, LOV available. Series EE or I, to be matched to the Plan Number
|Which Address |Mandatory, Date, LOV available. Should the Primary or Mailing address be used on the file?
|Interface Code |The interface code from IDIF to be used to format the flat file
|Interface Directory| Mandatory, text. Must be a directory on the [data base server|DATA BASE SERVER] for which the current User (as signed onto the client's network) has write capability. For example the entry 'C:\TEMP' accesses the'TEMP' directory on the server, not the local directory for the computer terminal being used.
|File Name| Mandatory, text. Enter the name of the file that will be created in the Interface Directory specified.
|Write or Append| Mandatory, LOV available. If the file already exists should the current information overwrite it or append to it?
|Exception Level| Mandatory, LOV available. A 'trace' report of exception messages may be produced to assist in the testing phase. If necessary, choose from 0 - 9 (highest) level of trace. Please note that this is a voluminous report and will cause very slow performance.
|Print Execution Run Log| Mandatory, LOV available. The run log may be printed (Yes) or not (No).
|Trial |Mandatory, LOV available.The report may be run in trial mode (Yes) or update mode (No)
||Report Filter||
|Entity| Mandatory, LOV available. Limits the process to the entity specified.
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