This page (revision-22) was last changed on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by kparrott

This page was created on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by jmyers

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At line 98 changed 9 lines
#Open the function definition and add P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS to the subject table field.\\ \\
#Save this change and immediately add a new record to the IMLQ screen.\\ \\Once a subject table has been specified in IMFN, an entry in IMLQ is required for the report to run. Attempting to run the report now will result in the report parameter screen hanging at 'preparing report data'. \\ \\
#In IMLQ, edit the automatically generated list of values for IMPV_REBR. Any report defined in IMFN that contains a subject table value will have an entry in IMLQ named IMPV_<function name>. An example that could be used for our report is listed in the IMPV_RENA entry:\\ \\[Training.Create_Winward_Report_03.jpg]\\ \\All entries in the IMLQ screen must select five and only five columns from the database. The select statement must be in uppercase and the fifth column must return the ID of the subject table. Other than these restrictions the select statement can be as simple or compli¬cated as needed to restrict the records to a known set. As can be seen in this statement, the table or view that is being used does not need to be the subject table at all. The fifth col¬umn in this statement is using the EASD_ID from the VSASSIGNMENTS view to build the report list. The current prime assignments will be the only records added to the report list due to the 'where' clause.\\ \\In the IMPM screen, a new parameter can now be defined for this report.\\ \\
#Select REBR as the function name opening the IMPM screen.\\ \\Since this is a new report there will be no parameters listed in the screen initially. Pressing the green plus icon will cause a new parameter to be created named P_MONTH with:
#*Prompt of ‘Month’
#*Reference of ‘VARCHAR2’
#*Data type of ‘Varchar2’
#*Parameter length of ‘2’\\ \\Turning on the Filter checkmark indicates to ePersonality that this parameter will modify the SELECT statement in IMLQ. With this checkmark turned on, a Validation Clause is required in the CLAUSE tab of the IMPM record.\\ \\TO_CHAR(BIRTH_DATE, 'MM') IN (<LIST>)\\ \\Adding the code segment shown above will allow the user to enter one of more, 2 character months as a qualifier for the report list. \\ \\The final step is to add this parameter to the report parameter definition within the IMFDH screen.\\ \\
#Open IMFDH and edit the Form Layout tab of the REBR function.\\ \\[Training.Create_Winward_Report_04.jpg]\\ \\
;Step 1:
Open the function definition and add P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS to the subject table field.\\ \\
At line 101 added 14 lines
;Step 2:
Save this change and immediately add a new record to the IMLQ screen.\\ \\Once a subject table has been specified in IMFN, an entry in IMLQ is required for the report to run. Attempting to run the report now will result in the report parameter screen hanging at 'preparing report data'. \\ \\
;Step 3:
In IMLQ, edit the automatically generated list of values for IMPV_REBR. Any report defined in IMFN that contains a subject table value will have an entry in IMLQ named IMPV_<function name>. An example that could be used for our report is listed in the IMPV_RENA entry:\\ \\[Training.Create_Winward_Report_03.jpg]\\ \\All entries in the IMLQ screen must select five and only five columns from the database. The select statement must be in uppercase and the fifth column must return the ID of the subject table. Other than these restrictions the select statement can be as simple or complicated as needed to restrict the records to a known set. As can be seen in this statement, the table or view that is being used does not need to be the subject table at all. The fifth col¬umn in this statement is using the EASD_ID from the VSASSIGNMENTS view to build the report list. The current prime assignments will be the only records added to the report list due to the 'where' clause.\\ \\In the IMPM screen, a new parameter can now be defined for this report.\\ \\
;Step 4:
Select REBR as the function name opening the IMPM screen.\\ \\Since this is a new report there will be no parameters listed in the screen initially. Pressing the green plus icon will cause a new parameter to be created named P_MONTH with:
*Prompt of ‘Month’
*Reference of ‘VARCHAR2’
*Data type of ‘Varchar2’
*Parameter length of ‘2’\\ \\Turning on the Filter checkmark indicates to ePersonality that this parameter will modify the SELECT statement in IMLQ. With this checkmark turned on, a Validation Clause is required in the CLAUSE tab of the IMPM record.\\ \\TO_CHAR(BIRTH_DATE, 'MM') IN (<LIST>)\\ \\Adding the code segment shown above will allow the user to enter one of more, 2 character months as a qualifier for the report list. \\ \\The final step is to add this parameter to the report parameter definition within the IMFDH screen.\\ \\
;Step 5:
Open IMFDH and edit the Form Layout tab of the REBR function.\\ \\[Training.Create_Winward_Report_04.jpg]\\ \\
At line 117 changed 10 lines
#Start by opening the IMFN screen and selecting the RENA report.
#*In the lower portion of the screen, click on the Copy Function and Form button. This will display another dialog with a new function name suggested.
#*Since our report will not 'extend' the RENA report, change the function name to REHC to represent Report Employee Head Count.
#*Leave the checkmark turned on for Copy as User Defined and press OK.
#Once the new function has been created, select it in IMFN and remove RENA from the Extends field. Failing to remove this entry will cause any user running RENA to run our report instead. The new function will have a new set of tables defined in IMFDH, as well as a form layout definition. All the parameters will have been copied to our new function and a report list query created on IMLQ. If needed, any of these screens can be edited to alter the report to our needs. For this example we will leave them unaltered.
#Open MS Word and created a new RTF file that matches our new function name, REHC.rtf. Again, ensure that the file name is in uppercase while the extension is lowercase. Both ePersonality and the Windward report engine are case sensitive when it's looking for the report template file.
#In the Auto Tag menu, define the data source for our new report:\\[]\\ \\Again, this is only an example. Both the application server and Self Service instance name will need to be changed to a local environment.\\ \\The Windward report engine does not contain any functions or tags to generate totals in a report. Instead, the template will need to track the records that are processes and display these totals as they're needed. It will also need to reset one counter and start counting again during control breaks. Counters can be created anywhere in the template before looping through the data with a FOREACH tag. A SET tag is used to define a variable name and give it an initial value. A nickname is also suggested for these tags. This report will need two SET tags, one for the department total and a second for the grand total.\\ \\The entire report will be displayed in a table, five rows long by three columns wide.
#Above a 3x5 table add two SET tags from the Tags drop down menu of the Auto Tag rib¬bon. One named 'setGT' with a variable name of GrndTotal and second named 'setDT' with a variable name of DeptTotal, both with a value of 0. These variables will be used later to count the number of records processed.
This report will contain three loops to sort, count and display the data. The first and outer most loop will be used to sort and display the Entity code.
#Also above the 3x5 table, create the first FOREACH tag. In the sample template this loop is named 'eachDEN' with a variable name of DEN. Ensure the following item is selected for the tag:\\ \\/Data/EASD/EAS_ID/EEM_ID/DEN_ID/ENTITY_CODE\\ \\The first cell of the first line will contain the entity code label and an OUT tag for this data. Ensure the item that is being displayed is the ENTITY_CODE from /Data/EASD_ID/EEM_ID/ DEN_ID. This is the entity code associated to the employee.\\ \\
;Step 1:
Start by opening the IMFN screen and selecting the RENA report.
*In the lower portion of the screen, click on the Copy Function and Form button. This will display another dialog with a new function name suggested.
*Since our report will not 'extend' the RENA report, change the function name to REHC to represent Report Employee Head Count.
*Leave the checkmark turned on for Copy as User Defined and press OK.
;Step 2:
Once the new function has been created, select it in IMFN and remove RENA from the Extends field. Failing to remove this entry will cause any user running RENA to run our report instead. The new function will have a new set of tables defined in IMFDH, as well as a form layout definition. All the parameters will have been copied to our new function and a report list query created on IMLQ. If needed, any of these screens can be edited to alter the report to our needs. For this example we will leave them unaltered.
;Step 3:
Open MS Word and created a new RTF file that matches our new function name, REHC.rtf. Again, ensure that the file name is in uppercase while the extension is lowercase. Both ePersonality and the Windward report engine are case sensitive when it's looking for the report template file.
;Step 4:
In the Auto Tag menu, define the data source for our new report:\\[]\\ \\Again, this is only an example. Both the application server and Self Service instance name will need to be changed to a local environment.\\ \\The Windward report engine does not contain any functions or tags to generate totals in a report. Instead, the template will need to track the records that are processes and display these totals as they're needed. It will also need to reset one counter and start counting again during control breaks. Counters can be created anywhere in the template before looping through the data with a FOREACH tag. A SET tag is used to define a variable name and give it an initial value. A nickname is also suggested for these tags. This report will need two SET tags, one for the department total and a second for the grand total.\\ \\The entire report will be displayed in a table, five rows long by three columns wide.
;Step 5:
Above a 3x5 table add two SET tags from the Tags drop down menu of the Auto Tag rib¬bon. One named 'setGT' with a variable name of GrndTotal and second named 'setDT' with a variable name of DeptTotal, both with a value of 0. These variables will be used later to count the number of records processed.
This report will contain three loops to sort, count and display the data. The first and outer most loop will be used to sort and display the Entity code.
;Step 6:
Also above the 3x5 table, create the first FOREACH tag. In the sample template this loop is named 'eachDEN' with a variable name of DEN. Ensure the following item is selected for the tag:\\ \\/Data/EASD/EAS_ID/EEM_ID/DEN_ID/ENTITY_CODE\\ \\The first cell of the first line will contain the entity code label and an OUT tag for this data. Ensure the item that is being displayed is the ENTITY_CODE from /Data/EASD_ID/EEM_ID/ DEN_ID. This is the entity code associated to the employee.\\ \\
At line 149 added one line
At line 144 removed one line
At line 146 changed 9 lines
Remove the Termination date and Status from the RENA report.
Add the employee's gender.
Alter the data provided to RENA to exclude terminated employees.
Replace the existing report with our modified version.
This demonstration will use the RENA report, running in the AS01 instance of the ARGO application server. Please replace all references to the report name, instance and application server with your values.
Do not alter or edit the High Line supplied Windward reports and functions. Instead, use the Copy Function and Form option within IMFN to create a custom function with a new name. This demonstration will use RENAC as a custom version of the RENA function and report template.
#Remove the Termination date and Status from the RENA report.
#Add the employee's gender.
#Alter the data provided to RENA to exclude terminated employees.
#Replace the existing report with our modified version.
%%information This demonstration will use the RENA report, running in the AS01 instance of the ARGO application server. Please replace all references to the report name, instance and application server with your values.%%
%%warning Do not alter or edit the High Line supplied Windward reports and functions. Instead, use the Copy Function and Form option within IMFN to create a custom function with a new name. This demonstration will use RENAC as a custom version of the RENA function and report template.%%