This page (revision-40) was last changed on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by Meg McFarland

This page was created on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by jmyers

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
40 26-Nov-2021 10:22 10 KB Meg McFarland to previous
39 26-Nov-2021 10:22 10 KB Meg McFarland to previous | to last
38 26-Nov-2021 10:22 10 KB Meg McFarland to previous | to last
37 26-Nov-2021 10:22 10 KB Meg McFarland to previous | to last
36 26-Nov-2021 10:22 10 KB Meg McFarland to previous | to last
35 26-Nov-2021 10:22 10 KB Meg McFarland to previous | to last
34 26-Nov-2021 10:22 18 KB lurtan to previous | to last
33 26-Nov-2021 10:22 19 KB kparrott to previous | to last
32 26-Nov-2021 10:22 24 KB kparrott to previous | to last
31 26-Nov-2021 10:22 24 KB kparrott to previous | to last
30 26-Nov-2021 10:22 24 KB kparrott to previous | to last
29 26-Nov-2021 10:22 24 KB eyeung to previous | to last
28 26-Nov-2021 10:22 24 KB eyeung to previous | to last
27 26-Nov-2021 10:22 25 KB kparrott to previous | to last US_Annual_Qtrly_Reporting_GEN ==> Tax Reporting - US General
26 26-Nov-2021 10:22 25 KB jmyers to previous | to last
25 26-Nov-2021 10:22 25 KB jmyers to previous | to last
24 26-Nov-2021 10:22 25 KB jmyers to previous | to last
23 26-Nov-2021 10:22 26 KB jmyers to previous | to last
22 26-Nov-2021 10:22 26 KB jmyers to previous | to last
21 26-Nov-2021 10:22 26 KB jmyers to previous | to last

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At line 117 added 8 lines
|134-138|Employee ZIP Code|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-ZIP’ (seq 2640)
|139-142|Employee ZIP Code Extension|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-ZIP-EXT’ (seq 2650)
|148-170|Employee Foreign State/Province|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-F-STATE’ (seq 2660)
|171-185|Employee Foreign Postal Code|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-F-POSTAL’ (seq 2670)
|186-187|Employee Country Code|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-COUNTRY’ (seq 2680)
|188-198|Wages, Tips and Other Compensation|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-FIT-WAGE’ (seq 3000)
|199-209|Federal Income Tax Withheld|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-FIT-TAX’ (seq 3010)
At line 118 changed one line
134-138 - Employee ZIP Code|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-ZIP’ (seq 2640)
|210-220|Social Security Wages|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-SSN-WAGE’ (seq 3020)
At line 120 changed one line
139-142 - Employee ZIP Code Extension|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-ZIP-EXT’ (seq 2650)
|221-231|Social Security Tax Withheld|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-SSN-TAX’ (seq 3030)
At line 122 changed one line
|232-242|Medicare Wages & Tips|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-MEDI-WAGE’ (seq 3040)
At line 124 changed one line
148-170 - Employee Foreign State/Province|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-F-STATE’ (seq 2660)
|243-253|Medicare Tax Withheld|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-MEDI-TAX’ (seq 3050)
At line 126 changed one line
171-185 - Employee Foreign Postal Code|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-F-POSTAL’ (seq 2670)
|254-264|Social Security Tips|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-SSN-TIP’ (seq 3060)
At line 128 changed one line
186-187 - Employee Country Code|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-COUNTRY’ (seq 2680)
|265-275|Advanced Earned Income Credit|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-EIC’ (seq 3080)
At line 130 changed one line
188-198 - Wages, Tips and Other Compensation|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-FIT-WAGE’ (seq 3000)
|276-286|Dependent Care Benefits|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-DEP-CARE’ (seq 3090)
At line 132 changed one line
199-209 - Federal Income Tax Withheld|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-FIT-TAX’ (seq 3010)
|287-297|Deferred Compensation Contribution to Section 401(k)|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-D’ (seq 4030)
At line 134 changed one line
210-220 - Social Security Wages|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-SSN-WAGE’ (seq 3020)
|298-308|Deferred Compensation contribution to Section 403(b)|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-E’ (seq 4040)
At line 136 changed one line
221-231 - Social Security Tax Withheld|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-SSN-TAX’ (seq 3030)
|309-319|Deferred Compensation contribution to Section 408(k)(6)|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-F’ (seq 4050)
At line 138 changed one line
232-242 - Medicare Wages & Tips|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-MEDI-WAGE’ (seq 3040)
|320-330|Deferred Compensation contribution to Section 457(b)|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-G’ (seq 4060)
At line 140 changed one line
243-253 - Medicare Tax Withheld|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-MEDI-TAX’ (seq 3050)
|331-341|Deferred Compensation contribution to Section 501(c)(18)(D)|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-H’ (seq 4070)
At line 142 changed one line
254-264 - Social Security Tips|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-SSN-TIP’ (seq 3060)
|342-352|Military Employee’s Basic Quarters and Combat Pay|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-Q’ (seq 4140)
At line 144 changed one line
265-275 - Advanced Earned Income Credit|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-EIC’ (seq 3080)
|353-363|Non-qualified Plan Section 457|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-NQUAL-457’ (seq 3102)
At line 146 changed one line
276-286 - Dependent Care Benefits|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-DEP-CARE’ (seq 3090)
|364-374|Employer Contribution to a Health Savings Account|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-W’ (seq 4190)
At line 148 changed one line
287-297 - Deferred Compensation Contribution to Section 401(k)|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-D’ (seq 4030)
|375-385|Non-qualified Plan Not Section 457|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-NQUAL-N457’ (seq 3104)
At line 150 changed one line
298-308 - Deferred Compensation contribution to Section 403(b)|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-E’ (seq 4040)
At line 152 changed one line
309-319 - Deferred Compensation contribution to Section 408(k)(6)|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-F’ (seq 4050)
|408-418|Employer cost of premiums for Group Term Life insurance over $50000|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-C’ (seq 4020)
At line 154 changed one line
320-330 - Deferred Compensation contribution to Section 457(b)|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-G’ (seq 4060)
|419-429|Income from Non-statutory Stock Options|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-V’ (seq 4180)
At line 156 changed one line
331-341 - Deferred Compensation contribution to Section 501(c)(18)(D)|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-H’ (seq 4070)
At line 158 changed one line
342-352 - Military Employee’s Basic Quarters and Combat Pay|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-Q’ (seq 4140)
|463-473|Cost of Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-DD’ (seq 4250)
At line 160 changed one line
353-363 - Non-qualified Plan Section 457|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-NQUAL-457’ (seq 3102)
At line 162 changed one line
364-374 - Employer Contribution to a Health Savings Account|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-W’ (seq 4190)
|486|Statutory Employee Indicator|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-STAT-EE’ (seq 6000)\\ \\If the amount is non zero, then ‘1’ is entered, otherwise ‘0’ is entered
|488|Retirement Plan Indicator|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-RETIRE-PLAN’ (seq 6020)\\ \\If the amount is non zero, then ‘1’ is entered, otherwise ‘0’ is entered
|489|Third-Party Sick Pay Indicator|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-3PARTY-SICK’ (seq 6060)\\ \\If the amount is non zero, then ‘1’ is entered, otherwise ‘0’ is entered
At line 164 removed 27 lines
375-385 - Non-qualified Plan Not Section 457|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-NQUAL-N457’ (seq 3104)
408-418 - Employer cost of premiums for Group Term Life insurance over $50000|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-C’ (seq 4020)
419-429 - Income from Non-statutory Stock Options|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-V’ (seq 4180)
463-473 - Cost of Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-CODE-DD’ (seq 4250)
486 - Statutory Employee Indicator|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-STAT-EE’ (seq 6000)
- if the amount is non zero, then ‘1’ is entered, otherwise ‘0’ is entered
488 - Retirement Plan Indicator|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-RETIRE-PLAN’ (seq 6020)
- if the amount is non zero, then ‘1’ is entered, otherwise ‘0’ is entered
489 - Third-Party Sick Pay Indicator|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-3PARTY-SICK’ (seq 6060)
- if the amount is non zero, then ‘1’ is entered, otherwise ‘0’ is entered
At line 178 added 2 lines
|1-2|Record Identifier|Constant ‘RO’
At line 194 removed 5 lines
1-2 - Record Identifier
- Constant ‘RO’
At line 201 changed one line
12-22 - Allocated Tips|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-ALLOC-TIP’ (seq 3070)
|12-22|Allocated Tips|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-ALLOC-TIP’ (seq 3070)
At line 203 changed one line
23-33 - Uncollected Employee Tax on Tips
23-33|Uncollected Employee Tax on Tips