This page (revision-30) was last changed on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by Meg McFarland

This page was created on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by jmyers

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
30 26-Nov-2021 10:22 14 KB Meg McFarland to previous
29 26-Nov-2021 10:22 13 KB Meg McFarland to previous | to last
28 26-Nov-2021 10:22 9 KB mmcfarland to previous | to last
27 26-Nov-2021 10:22 9 KB mmcfarland to previous | to last
26 26-Nov-2021 10:22 9 KB mmcfarland to previous | to last
25 26-Nov-2021 10:22 9 KB mmcfarland to previous | to last
24 26-Nov-2021 10:22 9 KB mmcfarland to previous | to last
23 26-Nov-2021 10:22 9 KB kparrott to previous | to last
22 26-Nov-2021 10:22 9 KB kparrott to previous | to last
21 26-Nov-2021 10:22 10 KB eyeung to previous | to last

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At line 44 changed one line
|10-18 AL|Social Security Number|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-SSN’\\ \\If an invalid SSN is encountered, this field is entered with zeroes|
|10-18 AL|Social Security Number|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-EE-SSN’\\ \\If an invalid SSN is encountered, this field is entered with zeroes
At line 49 changed one line
|248-266 AL|State Employer Account Number and Federal Employer Identification Number|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-STATE-REGIST’ for the reporting state\\ \\For the state of Alabama, this number should contain the State ER Number in columns 248-257 (right justify and zero fill, and the Federal ER ID Number in columns 258-266)|
|248-266 AL|State Employer Account Number and Federal Employer Identification Number|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘W2-STATE-REGIST’ for the reporting state\\ \\For the state of Alabama, this number should contain the State ER Number in columns 248-257 (right justify and zero fill, and the Federal ER ID Number in columns 258-266)
At line 81 added 12 lines
|1-1|Record Identifier|Constant ‘A’
|2-5 AL|Year\\ \\Enter year for which this report is being prepared |From user specified FROM-TO period converted to YYYY
|6-14|Transmitter’s Federal EIN\\ \\Enter only numeric characters; omit hyphens, prefixes and suffixes\\ \\This is always obtained from the State SUI registration|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘TRAN EIN’
|15-18 AL|Taxing Entity Code|Constant ‘UTAX’
|19-23 AL|Blank|
|24-73|Transmitter Name\\ \\Enter the transmitter name of the organization submitting the file|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘TRAN NAME’
|74-113|Transmitter Street Address\\ \\Enter the street address of the organization submitting the file|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘TRAN ADDRESS’
|114-138|Transmitter City\\ \\Enter the city of the organization submitting the file|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘TRAN CITY’
|139-140|Transmitter State\\ \\Enter the standard two character FIPS postal abbreviation|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘TRAN STATE’
|141-153 AL|Blank|
|154-158|Transmitter ZIP Code\\ \\Enter a valid ZIP code|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘TRAN ZIP CODE’
|159-275 AL|Blank|
At line 82 removed 35 lines
1-1 - Record Identifier.
- Constant ‘A’.
2-5 AL - Year.
- Enter year for which this report is being prepared
- From user specified FROM-TO period converted to YYYY
6-14 - Transmitter’s Federal EIN
- Enter only numeric characters; omit hyphens, prefixes and suffixes
- This is always obtained from the State SUI registration|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘TRAN EIN’
15-18 AL - Taxing Entity Code
- Constant ‘UTAX’.
19-23 AL|Blank|
24-73 - Transmitter Name.
- Enter the transmitter name of the organization submitting the file|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘TRAN NAME’
74-113 - Transmitter Street Address.
- Enter the street address of the organization submitting the file|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘TRAN ADDRESS’
114-138 - Transmitter City.
- Enter the city of the organization submitting the file|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘TRAN CITY’
139-140 - Transmitter State.
- Enter the standard two character FIPS postal abbreviation|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘TRAN STATE’
141-153 AL|Blank|
154-158 - Transmitter ZIP Code.
- Enter a valid ZIP code|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘TRAN ZIP CODE’
159-275 AL|Blank|
At line 96 added 9 lines
|1-1|Record Identifier|Constant ‘B’
|2-5 AL|Reporting Period\\ \\Month end date of the quarter for which this report is being prepared (i.e. 0903 for third quarter of 2003)|
|6-14|Transmitter’s Federal EIN\\ \\Enter only numeric characters\\ \\BASIC EIN|
|15-22|Computer\\ \\Enter the manufacturer’s name|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘BASIC COMPUTER’
|23-24|Internal Label\\ \\ ‘SL’, ‘NS’, ‘NL’, ‘AL’, or blank for diskette|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘BASIC INTERNAL LABEL’ (seq 2100, first 2 characters)
|26-27|Density\\ \\‘16’, ‘62’, ‘38’, or blank for diskette|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘BASIC DENSITY’ (seq 2110)
|28-30|Recording Code (Character Set)\\ \\“EBC’, or ‘ASC’. Always ‘ASC’ for diskette|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘BASIC RECORDING MODE’ (seq 2120, first 3 characters)
|31-275 AL|Blank|
At line 120 removed 26 lines
1-1 - Record Identifier.
- Constant ‘B’
2-5 AL - Reporting Period.
- Month end date of the quarter for which this report is being prepared (i.e. 0903 for third quarter of 2003).
6-14 - Transmitter’s Federal EIN.
- Enter only numeric characters
15-22 - Computer.
- Enter the manufacturer’s name|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘BASIC COMPUTER’
23-24 - Internal Label.
- ‘SL’, ‘NS’, ‘NL’, ‘AL’, or blank for diskette|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘BASIC INTERNAL LABEL’ (seq 2100, first 2 characters)
26-27 - Density.
- ‘16’, ‘62’, ‘38’, or blank for diskette|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘BASIC DESITY’ (seq 2110)
28-30 - Recording Code (Character Set).
- “EBC’, or ‘ASC’. Always ‘ASC’ for diskette|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘BASIC RECOEDING MODE’ (seq 2120, first 3 characters).
31-275 AL|Blank|
At line 108 added 10 lines
|1-1|Record Identifier|Constant ‘E’
|2-5 AL|Reporting Period\\ \\Month end date of the quarter for which this report is being prepared (i.e. 0903 for third quarter of 2003)|
|6-14|Federal EIN\\ \\Enter only numeric characters|Derived from the [IDGV] State SUI Registration
|24-73|Employer Name\\ \\Enter the first 50 positions of the employer’s name exactly as registered with the state UI agency|Derived from the Entity
|74-158 AL|Blank|
|159-159 AL|Name Code|Constant ‘S’ to indicate that surname appears first
|160-160|Type of Employment\\ \\‘A’, ‘F’, ‘H’, ‘M’, ‘Q’, ‘R’, or ‘X’|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘TYPE OF EMPLOYMENT’
|161-162|Blocking Factor\\ \\Enter blocking factor of the file, not to exceed 85\\ \\Enter blanks for diskette.
|163-27 AL|Blank|
At line 149 removed 29 lines
1-1 - Record Identifier.
- Constant ‘E’.
2-5 AL - Reporting Period.
- Month end date of the quarter for which this report is being prepared (i.e. 0903 for third quarter of 2003).
6-14 - Federal EIN
- Enter only numeric characters
- Derived from the IDGV State SUI Registration
24-73 - Employer Name.
- Enter the first 50 positions of the employer’s name exactly as registered with the state UI agency
- Derived from the Entity
74-158 AL|Blank|
159-159 AL - Name Code.
- Constant ‘S’ to indicate that surname appears first
160-160 - Type of Employment.
- ‘A’, ‘F’, ‘H’, ‘M’, ‘Q’, ‘R’, or ‘X’|Derived from [IDFDV] Field Identifier: ‘TYPE OF EMPLOYMENT’
161-162 - Blocking Factor.
- Enter blocking factor of the file, not to exceed 85. Enter blanks for diskette.
163-275 AL|Blank|
At line 121 added 10 lines
|1-1|Record Identifier|Constant ‘S’
|2-10|Social Security Number\\ \\Employee’s social security number; if not known, enter ‘I’ in position 2 and blanks in position 3-10|
|11-37 AL|Employee Name\\ \\Enter employee name as per Name Code ‘S’ (surname first, followed by first name)|
|38-123 AL|Blank|
|124-125 AL|State Code\\ \\Use standard FIPS postal abbreviation |Constant ‘AL’ for Alabama
|126-127 AL|Blank|
|128-131 AL|Reporting Period\\ \\Month end date of the quarter for which this report is being prepared (i.e. 0903 for third quarter of 2003)|
|132-140 AL|State Quarterly Total Wages\\ \\Enter total wages subject to state tax|
|141-150 AL|State Unemployment Insurance Account Number\\ \\Enter the DIR tax account number\\ \\SUI Registration Number from [IDGV]|
|151-275 AL|Blank|
At line 181 removed 29 lines
1-1 - Record Identifier.
- Constant ‘S’
2-10 - Social Security Number
- Employee’s social security number; if not known, enter ‘I’ in position 2 and blanks in position 3-10
11-37 AL - Employee Name.
- Enter employee name as per Name Code ‘S’ (surname first, followed by first name)
38-123 AL|Blank|
124-125 AL - State Code
- Use standard FIPS postal abbreviation
- Constant ‘AL’ for Alabama.
126-127 AL|Blank|
128-131 AL - Reporting Period.
- Month end date of the quarter for which this report is being prepared (i.e. 0903 for third quarter of 2003).
132-140 AL - State Quarterly Total Wages.
- Enter total wages subject to state tax.
141-150 AL - State Unemployment Insurance Account Number.
- Enter the DIR tax account number
- SUI Registration Number from IDGV
151-275 AL|Blank|
At line 134 added 4 lines
|1-1|Record Identifier|Constant ‘T’
|2-8|Total Number of Employees\\ \\The total number of ‘S’ records since the last ‘E’ record|
|9-21 AL|State QTR Total Gross Wages for employer\\ \\QTR gross wages subject to all taxes\\ \\Total of this field on all ‘S’ records since the last ‘E’ record|
|22-275 AL|Blank|
At line 213 removed 11 lines
1-1 - Record Identifier.
- Constant ‘T’
2-8 - Total Number of Employees.
- The total number of ‘S’ records since the last ‘E’ record
9-21 AL - State QTR Total Gross Wages for employer
- QTR gross wages subject to all taxes. Total of this field on all ‘S’ records since the last ‘E’ record.
22-275 AL|Blank|
At line 226 changed 9 lines
1-1 - Record Identifier.
- Constant ‘F’.
2-8 AL - Total Number of Employees in File
- Enter the total number of ‘S’ records in the entire file
9-275 AL|Blank|
|1-1|Record Identifier|Constant ‘F’
|2-8 AL|Total Number of Employees in File\\ \\Enter the total number of ‘S’ records in the entire file|
|9-275 AL|Blank|