This page (revision-2) was last changed on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by JEscott

This page was created on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by JEscott

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
2 26-Nov-2021 10:22 1 KB JEscott to previous
1 26-Nov-2021 10:22 1 KB JEscott to last

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At line 2 removed one line
You may wish to print out a listing of the sundry transactions for an employee or group of employees.
At line 4 changed one line
You may access the Print Sundry Transaction (RPSN) feature through the Reports/Updates menu: __Payroll > Print Sundry Transactions__
!!Processing Information
The RPSN provides a detailed report of sundry transactions for an employee or group of employees. The user may opt to run with or without the details for a given time frame.
At line 6 added 4 lines
!!Report Parameters & Filters
At line 7 changed 5 lines
|__Entity__|__Mandatory, LOV available__
|__Date Range From__|__Mandatory, date, LOV available__
|__Date Range To__|__Mandatory, date, LOV available__
|__Include Sundry Line Details__|__Optional Toggle, ON or OFF__
|__Print Details__|__Optional Toggle, ON or OFF__
|Entity|Mandatory, LOV available
|Date Range From|Mandatory, date, LOV available
|Date Range To|Mandatory, date, LOV available
|Include Sundry Line Details|Optional Toggle, ON or OFF
|Print Details|Optional Toggle, ON or OFF
At line 13 removed one line
At line 18 added one line
At line 16 changed 11 lines
|__People List Code__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__
|__Person Code__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__
|__Department__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__
|__Org Level Type__|__Optional, LOV available__
|__Org Level__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__ \\An org level type must be chosen in order to select an org level
|__Authorization__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__
|__Location__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__
|__Unit__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__
|__Group__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__
|__Payroll__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__
|__Status__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__
|People List Code|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Person Code|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Department|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Org Level Type|Optional, LOV available
|Org Level|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available\\An org level type must be chosen in order to select an org level
|Authorization|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Location|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Unit|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Group|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Payroll|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Status|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
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