Processing Information#

The RPSN provides a detailed report of sundry transactions for an employee or group of employees. The user may opt to run with or without the details for a given time frame.

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
EntityMandatory, LOV available
Date Range FromMandatory, date, LOV available
Date Range ToMandatory, date, LOV available
Include Sundry Line DetailsOptional Toggle, ON or OFF
Print DetailsOptional Toggle, ON or OFF

Report Filters
People List CodeOptional, Multiple selections, LOV available
Person CodeOptional, Multiple selections, LOV available
DepartmentOptional, Multiple selections, LOV available
Org Level TypeOptional, LOV available
Org LevelOptional, Multiple selections, LOV available
An org level type must be chosen in order to select an org level
AuthorizationOptional, Multiple selections, LOV available
LocationOptional, Multiple selections, LOV available
UnitOptional, Multiple selections, LOV available
GroupOptional, Multiple selections, LOV available
PayrollOptional, Multiple selections, LOV available
StatusOptional, Multiple selections, LOV available

Notes #

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