This page (revision-14) was last changed on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by rforbes

This page was created on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by JMyers

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
14 26-Nov-2021 10:22 5 KB rforbes to previous
13 26-Nov-2021 10:22 5 KB jmyers to previous | to last WORK_RULE_CODE ==> WORK_RULE (Field)
12 26-Nov-2021 10:22 5 KB JMyers to previous | to last
11 26-Nov-2021 10:22 6 KB JMyers to previous | to last
10 26-Nov-2021 10:22 6 KB JMyers to previous | to last
9 26-Nov-2021 10:22 5 KB JMyers to previous | to last
8 26-Nov-2021 10:22 5 KB JMyers to previous | to last
7 26-Nov-2021 10:22 10 KB JMyers to previous | to last
6 26-Nov-2021 10:22 30 KB JMyers to previous | to last
5 26-Nov-2021 10:22 32 KB JMyers to previous | to last
4 26-Nov-2021 10:22 2 KB JMyers to previous | to last
3 26-Nov-2021 10:22 2 KB JMyers to previous | to last
2 26-Nov-2021 10:22 1 KB JMyers to previous | to last
1 26-Nov-2021 10:22 5 KB JMyers to last

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!!!Alias: IVDGR
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The INF_CV_GROUPS table is used to import group codes and their attendant data into the software data structures. A group divides a unit into subsections which have a common set of processing policies.
The Group Interface File screen is used to import groups codes into the software data structures.
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Tables loaded:
*[P2K_CM_GROUPS] (first record for each group code only)
*[P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS] (first record and subsequent effective splits)
!!Table Columns
||Column name||Data Type / Size||Mand.||Notes
|[ID]|Number(10)| |Used internally to define a unique identification for the record. This field would not be loaded.
|[ENTITY_CODE]|Varchar2(16)|Y|Validation: Must be a valid entity code defined on [P2K_CM_ENTITIES]
|[UNIT_CODE]|Varchar2(16)|Y|Validation: Must be a valid unit code defined on [P2K_CM_UNITS]
|[GROUP_CODE]|Varchar2(16)|Y|Validation: Must be a unique group code for the unit provided.
|[STANDING]|Varchar2(30)| |Validation: Must be either a valid lexicon code, or a valid lexicon description from [X_STANDING]. Suggestion: Normally, you would only load active groups, so you could populate this field with a constant value of “A”.
|[EFFECTIVE]|Date()| |Validation: Must be a valid date format. Suggestion: If you are not loading multiple date-effective records for the same code, then populate this field with a constant ‘01-Jan-0001’ which represents the beginning of time.
|[EXPIRY]|Date()| |Validation: Must be a valid date format, with a date after the effective date. Suggestion: If you are not loading multiple date-effective records for the same group code, then populate this field with a constant ‘31-Dec-3999’ which represents the end of time.
|[CHANGE_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| |Validation: The Change Code provided must be defined on [P2K_CM_CHANGE_REASONS]
|[DESCRIPTION]|Varchar2(50)| |
|[STATUS_CODE_STARTED]|Varchar2(16)| |Validation: Must be an Employment Status code defined on [P2K_CM_EMPLOYMENT_STATUSES]
|[STATUS_CODE_ENDED]|Varchar2(16)| |Validation: Must be an Employment Status code defined on [P2K_CM_EMPLOYMENT_STATUSES].
|[WORK_RULE_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| |Validation: Must be a Work Rule Code defined on [P2K_CM_WORK_RULES].
|[PAYROLL_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| |Validation: Must be a payroll code defined on [P2K_PR_PAYROLLS]
|[WAGE_STEP_RULE_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| |Validation: Must be a wage step code defined on [P2K_SA_WAGE_STEP_RULES].
|[GROUP_TYPE]|Varchar2(30)| |Validation: Must be either a valid lexicon code, or a valid lexicon description from [X_GROUP_TYPE]
|[PAY_TYPE]|Varchar2(30)| |Validation: Must be either a valid lexicon code, or a valid lexicon description from [X_PAY_TYPE]
|[STD_HOURS_PER_DAY]|Number(9)| |Validation: May not exceed 24
|[STD_HOURS_PER_PAY]|Number(9)| |Validation: May not exceed 744.
|[STD_HOURS_PER_WEEK]|Number(9)| |Validation: May not exceed 168.
|[USE_FTE_WAGES]|Varchar2(4)| |Validation: This field is a “toggle” field. The value will be translated as False if the value is left NULL, set to “N” , “NO” or “0”. All other values will translate to True.
|[HOURLY_ROUNDING]|Number(18)| |
|[DAILY_ROUNDING]|Number(18)| |
|[WEEKS_PER_YEAR]|Number(9)| |
|[MONTHS_PER_YEAR]|Number(9)| |
|[ACCRUAL_METHOD]|Varchar2(30)| |Validation: This field must be one of the following fixed lexicon values from [X_ACCRUAL_METHOD]
|[GOVT_REGIST_NUMBER]|Varchar2(30)| |
|[CDN_EI_REDUCED_RATE]|Number(18)| |
|[PAY_BY_CHECK]|Varchar2(4)| |Validation: This field is a “toggle” field. The value will be translated as False if the value is left NULL, set to “N” , “NO” or “0”. All other values will translate to True.
|[CONTRACT_TYPE]|Varchar2(30)| |
|[EMPLOYMENT_TYPE]|Varchar2(30)| |Validation: This field must be one of the following fixed lexicon values from [X_EMPLOYMENT_TYPE].
|[FLSA_FACTOR]|Number(9)| |
|[FLSA_HOURS]|Number(9)| |
|[FLSA_CALENDAR]|Varchar2(16)| |
|[FLSA_USER_CALC]|Varchar2(16)| |
|[W2_EMPLOYMENT_TYPE]|Varchar2(30)| |
|[FED_REGIST_TYPE]|Varchar2(30)| |
|[STATE_REGIST_TYPE]|Varchar2(30)| |
|[LOCAL_REGIST_TYPE]|Varchar2(30)| |
|[GOVT_REGIST_SET_FED]|Varchar2(16)| |
|[GOVT_REGIST_SET_STATE]|Varchar2(16)| |
|[GOVT_REGIST_SET_LOCAL]|Varchar2(16)| |
|[FUND_USER_CALC]|Varchar2(16)| |
|[WC_REGIST_TYPE]|Varchar2(30)| |
|[ALLOCATION_TYPE]|Varchar2(30)| |Validation: This field must be one of the following fixed lexicon values from [X_ALLOCATION_TYPE]
|[BURDEN_PERCENT]|Number(5)| |
|[DISTRIBUTION_DR_MASK]|Varchar2(50)| |Validation: The [DISTRIBUTION_MASK] is validated against the [DISTRIBUTION_FORMAT] specified for the GLCOMPANY that is associated with the [ENTITY_CODE_SUB_DIVISION|ENTITY_CODE].
|[DISTRIBUTION_CR_MASK]|Varchar2(50)| |Validation: The [DISTRIBUTION_MASK] is validated against the [DISTRIBUTION_FORMAT] specified for the GLCOMPANY that is associated with the [ENTITY_CODE_SUB_DIVISION|ENTITY_CODE].
|[ELEMENT_CODE_PRORATED_BY]|Varchar2(16)| |: Must be a valid element defined on [P2K_PR_ELEMENTS].
|[ELEMENT_CODE_BASE_OF]|Varchar2(16)| |: Must be a valid element defined on [P2K_PR_ELEMENTS].
|[DISTR_MASK_RULE]|Varchar2(30)| |
|[BURDEN_METHOD]|Varchar2(30)| |
|[CREATE_DATE]|Date()| |This field used internally only to provide audit information for the creation/updating of records. This field would not be loaded.
|[CREATE_USER]|Varchar2(30)| |This field used internally only to provide audit information for the creation/updating of records. This field would not be loaded.
|[CHANGE_DATE]|Date()| |This field used internally only to provide audit information for the creation/updating of records. This field would not be loaded.
|[CHANGE_USER]|Varchar2(30)| | This field used internally only to provide audit information for the creation/updating of records. This field would not be loaded.
Group Interface File data is maintained on the [INF_CV_GROUPS] table.
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;[Id|ID]:This field uniquely identifies the group record within the data base.
;[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]:This field displays the entity to which the group belongs.
;[Unit|UNIT_CODE]:This field displays the unit to which the group belongs.
;[Group|GROUP_CODE]:This field identifies the group.
;[Standing|STANDING]:Standing is used to indicate whether the record is active, frozen or obsolete.
;[Effective As Of|EFFECTIVE]/[Expires On|EXPIRY]:If the group is temporary, these fields will define the dates the group is effective.
;[Change Reason|CHANGE_CODE]:This field displays the ‘Change Reason’ code, which provides the rationale as to why information has been created or changed as of an effective date.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:A short description of the group is defined in this field.
;[Employment Status|STATUS_CODE_STARTED]:The initial employment status describes the condition of an employee’s employment with the organization when hired into a group.
;[Ended as Status|STATUS_CODE_ENDED]:The ending employment status describes the condition of an employee’s employment with the organization after termination.
;[Work Rule|WORK_RULE (Field)]:Work rules are used to determine standard payroll processing information required to create pay headers and transactions for an employee.
;[Payroll|PAYROLL_CODE]:This field shows the payroll in which this group will be processed.
;[Wage Step Rule|WAGE_STEP_RULE_CODE]:The wage step rule associated with the group will be displayed in this field.
;[Group Type|GROUP_TYPE]:This field specifies whether the group is full time, part time, COBRA etc.
;[Pay Type|PAY_TYPE]:This field indicates whether the pay type is hourly, salaried or commission.
;[Std Hours Per Day|STD_HOURS_PER_DAY]:This field shows the standard hours in a normal work day.
;[Std Hours Per Pay|STD_HOURS_PER_PAY]:This field shows the standard hours in a regular pay period.
;[Std Hours Per Week|STD_HOURS_PER_WEEK]:This field shows the standard hours in a normal work week.
;[FTE Wage|USE_FTE_WAGES]:This field indicates the FTE wage associated with the group.
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!!Rate Details
;[Hourly Rounding|HOURLY_ROUNDING]:This field shows the rounding factor to be used when converting a wage or salary amount to an hourly rate. .
;[Daily Rounding|DAILY_ROUNDING]:This field shows the rounding factor to be used when converting a wage or salary amount to a daily rate.
;[Weeks Per Year|WEEKS_PER_YEAR]:The weeks per year factor will be used to annualize a weekly rate of pay.
;[Months Per Year|MONTHS_PER_YEAR]:The months per year factor will be used to annualize a monthly rate of pay.
;[Method|ACCRUAL_METHOD]:The GL accrual method determines how to derive the accrual factor used in calculating end-of-month payroll accruals in the Payroll GL Process ([UPGL]).
;[Registration #|GOVT_REGIST_NUMBER]:This field provides the US EIN or Canada BN number for a registration type.
;[CDN EI Rate|CDN_EI_REDUCED_RATE]:The Canadian ‘Employment Insurance Employer’ rate is defined in this field.
;[Pay by Check|PAY_BY_CHECK]:This field defines the default payment method.
;[Contract Type|CONTRACT_TYPE]:This field identifies what type of contract exists for the group.
;[Employment Type|EMPLOYMENT_TYPE]:This field describes the type of relationship that the employees in this group have with the organization.
;[FLSA Factor|FLSA_FACTOR]:This field shows the rate at which earnings for time over the indicated base hours is to be paid.
;[FLSA Hours|FLSA_HOURS]:This field shows the base hours after which the [FLSA] calculation will begin.
;[FLSA Calendar|FLSA_CALENDAR]: If [FLSA] is to be calculated over more than 7 days, a calendar must be set up to define the cycle.
;[FLSA User Calc|FLSA_USER_CALC]:If a UserCalc is needed to enhance the [FLSA] process it needs to be indicated here.
;[W2 Employment Type|W2_EMPLOYMENT_TYPE]: This field indicates the employee's type of employment for US Quarterly and Year End Reporting. This reporting is not used in Canada.
;[Fed Regist Type|FED_REGIST_TYPE]:This field indicates the Federal Registration type associated to which this group belongs.
;[State Regist Type|STATE_REGIST_TYPE]:This field indicates the State Registration type associated to which this group belongs.
;[Local Regist Type|LOCAL_REGIST_TYPE]:This field indicates the Local Registration type associated to which this group belongs.
;[Govt Regist Set Fed|GOVT_REGIST_SET_FED]:This field allows you to set up the Federal Registrations sets which will allow you to define one or multiple registrations at the federal level.
;[Govt Regist Set State|GOVT_REGIST_SET_STATE]:This field indicates the Government Registration set associated to which this group belongs.
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;[Govt Regist Set Local|GOVT_REGIST_SET_LOCAL]:This field indicates the local Government Registration set associated to which this group belongs.
;[Fund UserCalc|FUND_USER_CALC]:
;[WC Regist Type|WC_REGIST_TYPE]:This field indicates the WC Registration type for this group.
;[Allocation Type|ALLOCATION_TYPE]:This field indicates the Allocation type for this group.
;[Burden Percent|BURDEN_PERCENT]:This field indicates the burden percent for this group.
;[Distribution DR Mask|DISTRIBUTION_DR_MASK]:This field indicates the distribution DR mask for this group.
;[Distribution CR Mask|DISTRIBUTION_CR_MASK]:This field indicates the distribution CR mask for this group.
;[Element Prorated By|ELEMENT_CODE_PRORATED_BY]:
;[Element Base Of|ELEMENT_CODE_BASE_OF]:
;[Dist Mask Rule|DISTR_MASK_RULE]:This field indicates the distribution mask rule for this group.
;[Burden Method|BURDEN_METHOD]:This field indicates the burden method for this group.
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