The Group Interface File screen is used to import groups codes into the software data structures.
Group Interface File data is maintained on the INF_CV_GROUPS table.
- Id
- This field uniquely identifies the group record within the data base.
- Entity
- This field displays the entity to which the group belongs.
- Unit
- This field displays the unit to which the group belongs.
- Group
- This field identifies the group.
- Standing
- Standing is used to indicate whether the record is active, frozen or obsolete.
- Effective As Of/Expires On
- If the group is temporary, these fields will define the dates the group is effective.
- Change Reason
- This field displays the ‘Change Reason’ code, which provides the rationale as to why information has been created or changed as of an effective date.
- Description
- A short description of the group is defined in this field.
- Employment Status
- The initial employment status describes the condition of an employee’s employment with the organization when hired into a group.
- Ended as Status
- The ending employment status describes the condition of an employee’s employment with the organization after termination.
- Work Rule
- Work rules are used to determine standard payroll processing information required to create pay headers and transactions for an employee.
- Payroll
- This field shows the payroll in which this group will be processed.
- Wage Step Rule
- The wage step rule associated with the group will be displayed in this field.
- Group Type
- This field specifies whether the group is full time, part time, COBRA etc.
- Pay Type
- This field indicates whether the pay type is hourly, salaried or commission.
- Std Hours Per Day
- This field shows the standard hours in a normal work day.
- Std Hours Per Pay
- This field shows the standard hours in a regular pay period.
- Std Hours Per Week
- This field shows the standard hours in a normal work week.
- FTE Wage
- This field indicates the FTE wage associated with the group.
Rate Details#
- Hourly Rounding
- This field shows the rounding factor to be used when converting a wage or salary amount to an hourly rate. .
- Daily Rounding
- This field shows the rounding factor to be used when converting a wage or salary amount to a daily rate.
- Weeks Per Year
- The weeks per year factor will be used to annualize a weekly rate of pay.
- Months Per Year
- The months per year factor will be used to annualize a monthly rate of pay.
- Method
- The GL accrual method determines how to derive the accrual factor used in calculating end-of-month payroll accruals in the Payroll GL Process (UPGL).
- Registration #
- This field provides the US EIN or Canada BN number for a registration type.
- CDN EI Rate
- The Canadian ‘Employment Insurance Employer’ rate is defined in this field.
- Pay by Check
- This field defines the default payment method.
- Contract Type
- This field identifies what type of contract exists for the group.
- Employment Type
- This field describes the type of relationship that the employees in this group have with the organization.
- FLSA Factor
- This field shows the rate at which earnings for time over the indicated base hours is to be paid.
- FLSA Hours
- This field shows the base hours after which the FLSA calculation will begin.
- FLSA Calendar
- If FLSA is to be calculated over more than 7 days, a calendar must be set up to define the cycle.
- FLSA User Calc
- If a UserCalc is needed to enhance the FLSA process it needs to be indicated here.
- W2 Employment Type
- This field indicates the employee's type of employment for US Quarterly and Year End Reporting. This reporting is not used in Canada.
- Fed Regist Type
- This field indicates the Federal Registration type associated to which this group belongs.
- State Regist Type
- This field indicates the State Registration type associated to which this group belongs.
- Local Regist Type
- This field indicates the Local Registration type associated to which this group belongs.
- Govt Regist Set Fed
- This field allows you to set up the Federal Registrations sets which will allow you to define one or multiple registrations at the federal level.
- Govt Regist Set State
- This field indicates the Government Registration set associated to which this group belongs.
- Govt Regist Set Local
- This field indicates the local Government Registration set associated to which this group belongs.
- WC Regist Type
- This field indicates the WC Registration type for this group.
- Allocation Type
- This field indicates the Allocation type for this group.
- Burden Percent
- This field indicates the burden percent for this group.
- Distribution DR Mask
- This field indicates the distribution DR mask for this group.
- Distribution CR Mask
- This field indicates the distribution CR mask for this group.
- Dist Mask Rule
- This field indicates the distribution mask rule for this group.
- Burden Method
- This field indicates the burden method for this group.