This page (revision-15) was last changed on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by JMyers

This page was created on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by JMyers

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
15 26-Nov-2021 10:22 2 KB JMyers to previous
14 26-Nov-2021 10:22 2 KB JMyers to previous | to last
13 26-Nov-2021 10:22 2 KB JMyers to previous | to last
12 26-Nov-2021 10:22 2 KB JMyers to previous | to last
11 26-Nov-2021 10:22 2 KB JMyers to previous | to last
10 26-Nov-2021 10:22 2 KB JMyers to previous | to last
9 26-Nov-2021 10:22 1 KB JMyers to previous | to last
8 26-Nov-2021 10:22 1 KB JMyers to previous | to last
7 26-Nov-2021 10:22 1 KB JMyers to previous | to last
6 26-Nov-2021 10:22 8 KB JMyers to previous | to last
5 26-Nov-2021 10:22 8 KB JMyers to previous | to last
4 26-Nov-2021 10:22 2 KB JMyers to previous | to last
3 26-Nov-2021 10:22 2 KB JMyers to previous | to last
2 26-Nov-2021 10:22 2 KB JMyers to previous | to last
1 26-Nov-2021 10:22 2 KB JMyers to last

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First Name
Last Name
Class Title
Start Date of Enrollment
Enrollment to End On
External Class ID
;[Start|CLASS_START_DATE]:This field identifies the starting date of the class.
Class to End On
;[Location|LOCATION_CODE]:The location of the class is indicated in this field.
;[User|USER_NAME]:The user registered in this course is indicated in this field.
;[First Name|FIRST_NAME]/[Last Name|LAST_NAME]:The person taking this course is identified by their name in these fields.
;[Relation|RELATION]:If the person enrolled in the course is related to the user, their relationship will be defined in this field.
;[Employer|EMPLOYER]:The employer associated with the course registration is defined in this field.
;[Class Title|CLASS_TITLE]:This field displays the title of the class.
;[Font HTML|FONT_HTML]:This field defines the font HTML for the web component.
;[Start Date of Enrollment|ENROLLMENT_START_DATE]/[Enrollment to End On|ENROLLMENT_END_DATE]:The first and last dates of course enrollment are displayed in these fields.
;[External Class ID|EXTERNAL_CLASS_ID]:If the course is external, this field provides the course identifier.
;[Start|CLASS_START_DATE]/[Class to End On|CLASS_END_DATE]:These fields identify the starting and ending date of the class.
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Minimum Size
Maximum Size
Ideal Size
Budgeted Cost
Actual Cost
;[Competence Group|COMPETENCE_GROUP]:The competence group associated with the course is defined in this field.
;[Course Status|COURSE_STATUS]:The status of the course is displayed in this field.
;[Supplier|SUPPLIER]:The course supplier is defined in this field.
;[Assessment Tested|ASSESSMENT_CODE_TESTED]:This field identifies the test assessment associated with this course.
;[Assessment Surveyed|ASSESSMENT_CODE_SURVEYED]:This field identifies the survey assessment associated with this course.
;[Course Type|COURSE_TYPE]:The course type is defined in this field.
;[Course Category|COURSE_CATEGORY]:The course category is defined in this field.
;[Course Title|COURSE_TITLE]:The course title is defined in this field.
;[Font HTML|FONT_HTML]:This field defines the font HTML for the web component
;[External Course ID|EXTERNAL_COURSE_ID]:If the course is external, this field provides the course identifier.
;[Start Date of Course|COURSE_START_DATE] / [Course to End On|COURSE_END_DATE]:These field identify the days the course starts and ends.
;[Starting Day|STARTING_DAY]:This field identifies the day of the week that the course will begin.
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;[Repeat Basis|REPEAT_BASIS]:If this course needs to be retaken on a regular basis, that interval is defined in this field.
;[Sponsor|SPONSOR]:This field identifies the individual or position advocating this course.
;[Minimum Size|MINIMUM_SIZE]:The minimum size of the class is displayed in this field.
;[Maximum Size|MAXIMUM_SIZE]:The maximum size of the class is displayed in this field.
;[Ideal Size|IDEAL_SIZE]:The ideal size of the class is displayed in this field.
;[Budgeted Cost|BUDGETED_COST]:The budgeted amount for the class is displayed in this field.
;[Actual Cost|ACTUAL_COST]:The actual amount for the class is displayed in this field.
;[Currency|CURRENCY]:The currency in which the costs are expressed is displayed in this field.
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[{If var='loginstatus' contains 'authenticated'
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[{InsertPage page='Internal.IVCRS' default='Click to create a new discussion page'}]}]
This section describes the Maintain Class Schedules (ICRSC) screen and its associated fields.
The data for the Class Schedule screen is maintained on the [P2K_CP_CLASS_SCHEDULES], [P2K_CP_COURSE_FEES], and [P2K_CP_TRAINING_RESOURCES] table.
;[Class|CLASS_CODE]:This field is a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the class.
;[Enrollment Start|ENROLLMENT_START]:This field displays the first day of enrollment.
;[Enrollment End|ENROLLMENT_END]:This field displays the last day of enrollment.
;[Language|LANGUAGE_CODE]:This field will indicate the language that the class will be conducted in.
;[External Class ID|EXTERNAL_CLASS_ID]:This field is a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the external class.
!!Main tab
;[Title|CLASS_TITLE]:This field holds the formal title of the [course|COURSES]. This title may be different and more descriptive than the class code.
;[Duration|DURATION]:This field will identify the duration of the class.
;[Basis|DURATION_BASIS]:This field identifies the basis of the duration value displayed in the previous field.
;[Start Time|CLASS_START_TIME]:This field identifies the starting time of the class.
;[End|CLASS_END_DATE]:This field identifies the ending date of the class.
;[End Time|CLASS_END_TIME]:This field identifies the ending time of the class.
;[Class Enrollment Options|CLASS_ENROLLMENT_OPTIONS]:This field determines how the registrants will be enrolled in the class and if the class allows a waiting list.
;[Format|COURSE_FORMAT]:This field identifies the format in which the class will be conducted.
;[Location|LOCATION_CODE]:This field displays the location where the class will be conducted.
;Instructor:This field shows the name of the instructor for this class.
;[Phone #|DRV_PHONE]:This field holds the phone number or extension for the instructor of this class. This field is for viewing only; users cannot make any additions or changes through this screen. The information will default in from [P2K_HR_CONTACTS] once the ‘Instructor’ field has been filled.
;[Actual Cost|ACTUAL_COST]:This field shows the actual cost of running this class.
;[Budgeted Cost|BUDGETED_COST]:This field shows the budgeted cost of running this class.
;[Currency|CURRENCY]:This field displays the currency that the actual and budgeted costs are expressed in.
!Class Size
;[Maximum|MAXIMUM_SIZE]:This field will identify the maximum number of students this class can hold.
;[Minimum|MINIMUM_SIZE]:This field will identify the minimum number of students this class can hold.
;[Ideal|IDEAL_SIZE]:This field identifies the ideal class size for this class.
!!Details tab
;[Web Address|WEB_ADDRESS]:If there is a web site associated with this class, the web address for that site may be listed in this field.
;[Font HTML|FONT_HTML]:This field defines the font HTML for the web component associated with this address.
;[Class Text|CLASS_TEXT]:This field allows you to provide additional information about the class.
!!Fees tab
Data for the Class Schedule - Fees screen is maintained on the [P2K_CP_COURSE_FEES] tables.
;[Fee Schedule|FEE_SCHEDULE]:If a fee schedule has been established for this class, that schedule may be indicated here. If no schedule is established, you may select ‘Not Specified’.
;[Start Date|START_DATE]:This field displays the first day of the fee schedule payments.
;[End Date|END_DATE]:This field displays the last day of the fee schedule payments.
;[Course Fee|COURSE_FEE]:This field displays the actual course fees.
;[Currency|CURRENCY]:This field displays the currency in which the fees are expressed.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field allows you to provide a description of the fees.
;[Course Fee Text|COURSE_FEE_TEXT]:This field gives you an opportunity to provide any additional information about the fees.
!!Resources tab
Definition data for the Classroom-Resources screen is maintained on the [P2K_CP_TRAINING_RESOURCES].
;[Resource Type|RESOURCE_TYPE]:This field identifies the type of resources needed for this class. \\''EG Computers, Materials, Classroom''
;[Status|RESOURCE_STATUS]:This field will display the status of the resource.
;[Source|RESOURCE_SOURCE]:The source of the resource is identified in this field.
;[Date Needed|DATE_NEEDED]:This identifies the date the resource is needed for.
;[Date Booked|DATE_BOOKED]:This field will show the date the resource was booked.
;[Cost|RESOURCE_COST]:The total cost of the resource may be displayed in this field.
;[Currency|CURRENCY]:This field displays the currency that the resource fee must be paid in.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field allows you to enter a short description of the resource.
;[Reference|RESOURCE_REFERENCE]:This field allows you to provide further information about the resource.
;[Resource Text|RESOURCE_TEXT]:This field allows you to add any additional information necessary about the resource.
!!Registrants tab
%%information This screen is for viewing only. The data for this field will default in from the Maintain Class Registration ([ICRSE]) screen.%%
;[Registrant|CANDIDATE_NAME]:This field displays the name of the individual registered in the class.
;[Registration #|REGISTRATION_NUMBER]:This field shows the class registration number for the individual.
;[Registration Status|REGISTRATION_STATUS]:This field shows the status of the registration.
;[Fee Schedule|FEE_SCHEDULE]:This field will display the fee schedule that this individual is on.
;[Final Grade|FINAL_GRADE]:This will display the final grade the individual received for the course.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field provides a description of the registration. For instance if the candidate does not meet the course requirements, a message may be displayed here.
[{If var='loginstatus' contains 'authenticated'
[{InsertPage page='Internal.ICRSC' default='Click to create a new discussion page'}]
[{InsertPage page='Internal.IVCRSC' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]