[X_INF_VARIABLE_NAME] is a [fixed lexicon].  Variables starting with "32" are used to define interfaces in the [IDIF] screen that will  be created by the [UPPHF] program

||Saved\\Value||Displayed Value||Source of Data||Comments
| 320001 | Execution ID (32) | From Execution ID of the UPPHF run|
| 320002 | XML Tag (32) | |Indicates this Rec#/Fld# is for XML tag. You should enter the XML tag in the XML tag field, if XML tag field is not specified, the field name is used as XML tag e.g. <Request> or </Request> as XML tag. You should use one of the following ways to define XML tags: 1) use 320002-XML tag for all Begin and End tags i.e. you specify <Request> and </Request> 2) use 320604-XML Begin tag and 320605-XML End tag. This allows you to use XML tag option to indicate if the XML tag is mandatory or optional. You must not use 320002-XML tag to mix with 320604/320605 definition
| 320003 | Constant Value (32) | |You should specify the Constant to be used in [IDIF] Constant Value field
| 320004 | System Date/Time (32) | The current system date and time with following, select:to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')|You can use derivation expression SUBSTR to retrieve Date Only or Time Only
| 320005 | From Pay Period (32) | This field holds the earliest pay period that have been processed from all pay headers| This can be used for Header or Trailer record
| 320006 | To Pay Period (32) | This field holds the latest pay period that have been processed from all pay headers|This can be used for Header or Trailer record
| 320007 | Pay Header pph_id (32) | This field holds the id of the current pay header|This can be used in the derivation expression to call some internal [{$applicationname}] functions that needed the pph.id e.g. call Element function to return the value of an element: To retrieve the value of Element 'HOURS COMP TIME'. In Record# 50, Field#20, Variable Name = 'Pay Header [PPH_ID]', then in derivation expression: P2K_PPAMTS.SPELPAY(~,P2K_PPAMTS.SPGETPEL('HOURS COMP TIME'))
| 320008 | Employment eem_id (32) | This field holds the id of the current employment record, from [P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS]|
| 320009 | Identity eid_id (32) | This field holds the id of the current identity record from [P2K_HR_IDENTITIES]|This can be used in the derivation expression to call some internal [{$applicationname}]  functions that needed the [EID_ID]
| 320010 | Person Code (32) | From [P2K_HR_IDENTITIES], [person_code|PERSON_CODE]|
| 320011 | First Name (32) | From [P2K_HR_IDENTITIES], [first_name|FIRST_NAME]|
| 320012 | Last Name (32) | From [P2K_HR_IDENTITIES], [last_name|LAST_NAME]|
| 320013 | First,Last Name (32) |From [P2K_HR_IDENTITIES], [first_name|FIRST_NAME] ', ' [last_name|LAST_NAME] |
| 320014 | Last,First Name (32) | From [P2K_HR_IDENTITIES], [last_name|FIRST_NAME] ', ' [first_name|FIRST_NAME]|
| 320015 | Trial Run (32) | From parameter P_TRIAL (Trial Run)|The value of 'Y' or 'N' is always returned in P_TRIAL. If NULL is entered, P_TRIAL is set to 'N'
| 320020 | Batch Number (32) | From [P2K_PR_BATCHES], [batch_number|BATCH_NUMBER]|
| 320030 | Pay Run Number (32) |From [P2K_PR_PAY_RUNS], [pay_run_number|PAY_RUN_NUMBER] |
| 320031 | Pay Run Sequence (32) |From [P2K_PR_PAY_HEADERS], [pay_run_sequence|PAY_RUN_SEQUENCE] |
| 320040 | Hired Date (32) | From [P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS], [hire_date|HIRE_DATE]|
| 320041 | Term Date (32) | From [P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS], [termination_date|TERMINATION_DATE]|
| 320042 | Seniority Date (32) |From [P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS], [seniority_date|SENIORITY_DATE] |
| 320043 | First Work Date (32) |From [P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS], [first_work_date|FIRST_WORK_DATE] |
| 320044 | Last Work Date (32) | From [P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS], [last_work_date|LAST_WORK_DATE]|
| 320100 | Pay Header Stage | From [P2K_PR_PAY_HEADERS], [pay_header_stage|PAY_HEADER_STAGE]|
| 320101 | Pay Number (32) | From [P2K_PR_PAY_HEADERS], [pay_number|PAY_NUMBER]|
| 320102 | Pay Period (32) | From [P2K_PR_PAY_HEADERS], [pay_period|PAY_PERIOD]|
| 320103 | Pay Period Start (32) |From [P2K_PR_PAY_PERIODS], [pay_period_start_date|PAY_PERIOD_START_DATE] of the pay header |
| 320104 | Pay Period End Date (32) |From [P2K_PR_PAY_PERIODS], [pay_period_end_date|PAY_PERIOD_END_DATE] of the pay header |
| 320105 | Pay Issue Date (32) | From [P2K_PR_PAY_HEADERS], [pay_issue_date|PAY_ISSUE_DATE]|
| 320106 | Period Fiscal (32) | From Pay Period Fiscal of Pay Header|
| 320107 | Period Fiscal Start (32) |From Fiscal Start Date of Pay Period Fiscal |
| 320108 | Period Fiscal End (32) | From Fiscal End Date of Pay Period Fiscal|
| 320109 | Issue Fiscal (32) | From Pay Issue Fiscal of Pay Header|
| 320110 | Issue Fiscal Start (32) |From Fiscal Start Date of Pay Issue Fiscal |
| 320111 | Issue Fiscal End (32) | From Fiscal End Date of Pay Issue Fiscal|
| 320200 | G/L Company Code (32) | From [P2K_CM_ENTITIES], [GL Company Code|DGC_ID] |
| 320201 | Entity Code (32) | From [P2K_CM_ENTITIES], [Entity Code|ENTITY_CODE] |
| 320202 | Entity Name (32) | From [P2K_CM_ENTITIES], [Entity Name|ENTITY_NAME]|
| 320203 | Payroll Code (32) |From [P2K_PR_PAYROLLS], [Payroll Code|PAYROLL_CODE] |
| 320204 | Payroll Desc (32) | From [P2K_PR_PAYROLLS], [Payroll description|DESCRIPTION]|
| 320205 | Unit Code (32) | From [P2K_CM_UNITS], [Unit Code|UNIT_CODE]|
| 320206 | Unit Name (32) | From [P2K_CM_UNIT_DETAILS], [Unit Name|UNIT_NAME]|
| 320207 | Group Code (32) | From [P2K_CM_GROUPS],[Group Code|GROUP_CODE] |
| 320208 | Group Desc (32) | From [P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS], [Group Description|DESCRIPTION]|
| 320209 | Department Code (32) |From Pay Header assignment [Department Code|DEPARTMENT_CODE] on [P2K_CM_DEPARTMENTS] or Pay Line [Department Code|DEPARTMENT_CODE] if exists |
| 320210 | Department Name (32) | From Pay Header assignment [Department Name|DEPARTMENT_NAME] on [P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS] or Pay Line [Department name|DEPARTMENT_NAME] if exists|
| 320211 | Job Code (32) | From Pay Header assignment [Job Code|JOB_CODE] on [P2K_CM_JOBS] or Pay Line [Job Code|JOB_CODE] if exists|
| 320212 | Job Title (32) | From Pay Header assignment [Job Title|JOB_TITLE] on [P2K_CM_JOB_DETAILS] or Pay Line [Job Title|JOB_TITLE] if exists|
| 320213 | Position Code (32) | From Pay Header assignment [Position Code|POSITION_CODE] on [P2K_CM_POSITIONS] or Pay Line [Position Code|POSITION_CODE] if exists|
| 320214 | Position Title (32) | From Pay Header assignment [Position Title|POSITION_TITLE] on [P2K_CM_POSITION_DETAILS] or Pay Line [Position Title|POSITION_TITLE] if exists|
| 320215 | Assignment Code (32) | From Pay Header [assignment Code|ASSIGNMENT_CODE] on [P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS] or Pay Line [assignment Code|ASSIGNMENT_CODE] if exists|
| 320216 | Assignment Title (32) | From Pay Header [assignment Title|ASSIGNMENT_TITLE] on [P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS] or Pay Line assignment Code Title if exists|
| 320217 | Pay Category Code (32) | From Pay Header [pay_category_code|PAY_CATEGORY_CODE] on [P2K_PR_PAY_CATEGORIES]|
| 320218 | Check Number (32) | From Pay Header [Check Number|CHECK_NUMBER] on [P2K_PR_CHECKS]|
| 320219 | Check Amount (32) | From Pay Header [Check Amount|CHECK_AMOUNT] on [P2K_PR_CHECKS]|
| 320220 | User Name (32) | From Pay Header [User Name|MUS_ID] on [P2K_AM_USERS] |
| 320221 | Work State/Prov (32) |From Pay Header [Work State/Prov|DSP_ID_WORK] on [P2K_PR_PAY_HEADERS] |
| 320222 | Res State/Prov (32) | From Pay Header [Residence State/Prov|DSP_ID_HOME] on [P2K_PR_PAY_HEADERS]|
| 320223 | Work GEO Code (32) | From Pay Header [Work Jurisdiction GEO Code|GEO_CODE] on [P2K_CM_TAX_JURISDICTIONS]|
| 320224 | Res GEO Code (32) | From Pay Header [Residence Jurisdiction GEO Code|DTX_ID_HOME] on [P2K_CM_TAX_JURISDICTIONS]|
| 320225 | Work Jurisdiction (32) |From Pay Header [Work Jurisdiction| DTX_ID_WORK] on [P2K_PR_PAY_HEADERS]|
| 320226 | Res Jurisdiction (32) | From Pay Header [Residence Jurisdiction|DTX_ID_HOME] on [P2K_PR_PAY_HEADERS]|
| 320227 | School District (32) | From Pay Header [School District|DSD_ID] on [P2K_PR_PAY_HEADERS]|
| 320230 | Std Wage (eas) (32) | From Pay Header [Assignment Std Wage|STD_WAGE_RATE]|
| 320231 | Wage Basis (eas) (32) |From Pay Header [Assignment Wage Basis|STD_WAGE_RATE_BASIS] |
| 320232 | Authorization Code (32) |Authorization area is from pay header or pay line's assignment, then position, then department|
| 320300 | PC Code (32) |The [PC Code|PC_CODE] of the current pay line detail or pay amount |
| 320301 | PC Abbrev (32) |The [PC Abbreviation|PC_ABBREVIATION] of the current pay line detail or pay amount |
| 320302 | PC Amount (32) | The [PC Amount|AMOUNT] of the current pay line detail or pay amount|
| 320303 | Element Code (32) |You should specify the '[Element Code|ELEMENT_CODE]' in [IDIF] Constant Value |
| 320304 | Element PC Value (32) | You should specify the '[Element Code|ELEMENT_CODE]' in [IDIF] Constant Value|If the PC Code of the current pay line detail or pay amount is in the [element|PAY ELEMENTS], then the PC Amount is included
| 320305 | Element Desc (32) |You should specify the '[Element Code|ELEMENT_CODE]' in [IDIF] Constant Value |
| 320306 | Element pph Value (32) | You should specify the 'Element Code' in [IDIF] Constant Value|this returns the Element Value of this Pay Header [PPH_ID]
| 320400 | Start Date (ppl) (32) |From Pay Line Start Date |
| 320401 | Time (ppl) (32) | From Pay Line Time|
| 320402 | Time Basis (ppl) (32) |From Pay Line Time Basis |
| 320403 | Std Wage (ppl) (32) | From Pay Line Std Wage|
| 320404 | Wage Basis (ppl) (32) |From Pay Line Wage Basis |
| 320405 | Cost Center (ppl) (32) |From Pay Line Cost Center |
| 320406 | Cost Center Desc (32) | From Pay Line Cost Center description|
| 320407 | Work Order (ppl) (32) | From Pay Line Work Order|
| 320408 | Reference Info (ppl) (32) |From Pay Line Reference Info |
| 320409 | Tran Pointer (ppl) (32) | From Pay Line Transaction Pointer|
| 320410 | Pay Line ID (ppl_id) (32) |From Pay Line ID |
| 320411 | Pay Line Detail (ppld_id) (32) |From Pay Line Detail ID |
| 320500 | Wage Rate (ppld) (32) | From Pay Line Detail Wage Rate|
| 320501 | Rate Basis (ppld) (32) | From Pay Line Detail Rate Basis|
| 320502 | Tran Pointer (ppld) (32) | From Pay Line Detail Transaction Pointer|
| 320600 | Total Value (32) | User should specify the Rec# and Field # to be totaled in [IDIF] Constant Value field e.g. if Rec # 50 Field # 70 specifies the hours for each employee and need to be totaled for the trailer record, then for trailer record entry, you should specify 'Total Value' with Constant Value = 5070|This Total Value is available for Header and Trailer records. Multiple Rec# and Field # are allowed in the Constant field e.g. [611] + [612] + [613] + [623] - [624]. This means calculate the Totals for Rec# 61 Fld# 1 + Rec# 61 Fld# 2 + Rec# 61 Fld# 3 + Rec# 62 Fld# 3 - Rec# 62 Fld# 4. Any arithmetic operator can be used: +, -, *, /Note: The Accum Option and Total Option must be set for the Rec# Fld# that are specified in this Constant field, i.e.Rec# 61 Fld# 1 etc
| 320601 | Detail Record Count (32) | Contains the Record Count of each set of Rec# 30-69 in the interface file, i.e. one set of [IDIF] Record Type of 'DetailRecord', can be used as employee count e.g. if an employee's one detail record generates three different Record types with Rec# 50, 60, 65, it counts as one because it is for one detail record|This Record Count is available for Header and Trailer records
| 320602 | All Detail Count (32) | Contains the Record Count of all Rec# 30-69 in the interface file e.g. if an employee's one detail record generates 3 different Record types with Rec# 50, 60, 65, it counts as 3 because there are 3 entries generated on interface file|This Record Count is available for Header and Trailer records
| 320603 | User Calc (32) |Indicates this Rec#/Fld# will invoke a UserCalc. You should enter the UserCalc Name in the Constant Value field |
| 320604 | XML Begin Tag (32) |Indicates this Rec#/Fld# is for XML Begin tag |You should enter the XML tag in the XML tag field, if XML tag field is not specified, the Field name is used as XML tag. You should specify XML tag option for this field. If XML tag option is not specified, this XML tag is an optional tag. If you use 320604-XML Begin tag to define the XML tags, you must use 320605-XML End tag to pair with the XML Begin tag. You should use one of the following ways to define XML tags:1) use 320002-XML tag for all Begin and End tags i.e. you specify <Request> and </Request> 2) use 320604-XML Begin tag and 320605-XML End tag . This allows you to use XML tag option to indicate if the XML tag is mandatory or optional. You must not use 320002-XML tag to mix with 320604/320605 definition
| 320605 | XML End Tag (32) |Indicates this Rec#/Fld# is for XML End tag |See 320604- XML Begin tag for detail
| 320606 | UDF (EID) (32) | Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains a UDF value from [P2K_HR_IDENTITIES] (EID)|You must define the UDF on [IMUF] screen for [P2K_HR_IDENTITIES] and then enter the value on [IEID] screen. On [IDIF] screen, you must enter the [IMUF] UDF name in the Constant Value field. If this Rec#/Fld# is defined with Record Type '92-Update Record', in non-Trial mode, this UDF will be inserted or updated, you do not need to set up UDF on [IMUF] screen
| 320607 | UDF (EEM) (32) | Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains a UDF value from [P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS] (EEM)|You must define the UDF on [IMUF] screen for [P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS] and then enter the value on [IEEI] screen. On [IDIF] screen, you must enter the [IMUF] UDF name in the Constant Value field. If this Rec#/Fld# is defined with Record Type '92-Update Record', in non-Trial mode, this UDF will be inserted or updated, you do not need to set up UDF on [IMUF] screen
| 320608 | UDF (EPS) (32) | Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains a UDF value from [P2K_HR_PERSONALS] (EPS)|You must define the UDF on [IMUF] screen for [P2K_HR_PERSONALS] and then enter the value on [IEPI] screen. On [IDIF] screen, you must enter the [IMUF] UDF name in the Constant Value field. If this Rec#/Fld# is defined with Record Type '92-Update Record', in non-Trial mode, this UDF will be inserted or updated, you do not need to set up UDF on [IMUF] screen
| 320610 | UDF (EASD) (32) | Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains a UDF value from [P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS] (EASD)|User must define the UDF on [IMUF] screen for [P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS] and then enter the value on [IEAS] screen Effective date sections. On [IDIF] screen, you must enter the [IMUF] UDF name in the Constant Value field. If this Rec#/Fld# is defined with Record Type '92-UpdateRecord', in non-Trial mode, this UDF will be inserted or updated, you do not need to set up UDF on [IMUF] screen.
| 320621 | UDF (DED) (32) | Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains a UDF value from [P2K_CM_ENTITY_DETAILS] (DED)|User must define the UDF on [IMUF] screen for [P2K_CM_ENTITY_DETAILS] and then enter the value on [IDEN] screen Effective date sections. On [IDIF] screen, you must enter the [IMUF] UDF name in the Constant Value field. If this Rec#/Fld# is defined with Record Type '92-Update Record', in non-Trial mode, this UDF will be inserted or updated, you do not need to set up UDF on [IMUF] screen
| 320623 | UDF (DDD) (32) |Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains a UDF value from [P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS] (EASD)|[P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS] and then enter the value on [IDDP] screen Effective date sections. On [IDIF] screen, you must enter the [IMUF] UDF name in the Constant Value field. If this Rec#/Fld# is defined with Record Type '92-Update Record', in non-Trial mode, this UDF will be inserted or updated, you do not need to set up UDF on [IMUF] screen
| 320624 | UDF (DLN) (32) | Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains a UDF value from [P2K_CM_LOCATIONS] (DLN)|User must define the UDF on [IMUF] screen for [P2K_CM_LOCATIONS] and then enter the value on [IDLN] screen. On [IDIF] screen, you must enter the [IMUF] UDF name in the Constant Value field. If this Rec#/Fld# is defined with Record Type '92-Update Record', in non-Trial mode, this UDF will be inserted or updated, you do not need to set up UDF on [IMUF] screen
| 320626 | UDF (DUD) (32) | Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains a UDF value from [P2K_CM_UNIT_DETAILS] (DUD)|User must define the UDF on [IMUF] screen for [P2K_CM_UNIT_DETAILS] and then enter the value on [IDUN] screen Effective date sections. On [IDIF] screen, you must enter the [IMUF] UDF name in the Constant Value field. If this Rec#/Fld# is defined with Record Type '92-Update Record', in non-Trial mode, this UDF will be inserted or updated, you do not need to set up UDF on [IMUF] screen
| 320628 | UDF (DGD) (32) | Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains a UDF value from [P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS] (DGD)|User must define the UDF on [IMUF] screen for [P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS] and then enter the value on [IDGR] screen Effective date sections. On [IDIF] screen, you must enter the [IMUF] UDF name in the Constant Value field. If this Rec#/Fld# is defined with Record Type '92-Update Record', in non-Trial mode, this UDF will be Inserted or Updated, you do not need to set up UDF on [IMUF] screen
| 320629 | UDF (PRN) (32) |Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains a UDF value from [P2K_PR_PAY_RUNS] (PRN) |User must define the UDF on [IMUF] screen for [P2K_PR_PAY_RUNS] and then enter the value on [IPVP] screen. On [IDIF] screen, you must enter the [IMUF] UDF name in the Constant Value field. If this Rec#/Fld# is defined with Record Type '92-Update Record', in non-Trial mode, this UDF will be inserted or updated, you do not need to set up UDF on [IMUF] screen
| 320630 | UDF (PPH) (32) | Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains a UDF value from [P2K_PR_PAY_LINES] (PPL)|User must define the UDF on [IMUF] screen for [P2K_PR_PAY_LINES] and then enter the value on [IPPH] screen. On [IDIF] screen, you must enter the [IMUF] UDF name in the Constant Value field. If this Rec#/Fld# is defined with Record Type '92-Update Record', in non-Trial mode, this UDF will be inserted or updated, you do not need to set up UDF on [IMUF] screen
| 320631 | UDF (PPL) (32) | |
| 320650 | Statistic Amt (IEST) (65) | Indicates this Rec#/Fld# contains a Statistics value from [P2K_HR_STATISTICS] (EST)|User must define the Statistics Code on [IDSC] screen for [P2K_CM_STATISTIC_COMPONENTS] and then enter the value on [IEST] screen. On [IDIF] screen, you must enter the [IDSC] Statistics Code in the Constant Value field. On [IDIF] screen, you must enter the [IDSC] Statistics Code in the Constant Value field
| 320700 | Journal Entry ID (PJE) (32) | This field holds the id of the current Journal Entry|
| 320701 | Distr Code (PJE) (32) | From Journal Entry Distribution Code|
| 320702 | Journal Source (PJE) (32) | From Journal Entry Journal Source|
| 320703 | G/L Post Number (PJE) (32) | From Journal Entry GL Post Number|
| 320704 | G/L Post Seq (PJE) (32) | From Journal Entry GL Post Sequence|
| 320705 | Trial Journal (PJE) (32) | From Journal Entry Trial Journal|
| 320750 | Journal Detail ID (PJD) (32) |This field holds the id of the current Journal Detail |
| 320751 | Pay Line ID (PJD) (32) | This field holds the [PPL_ID] of the current Journal Detail|
| 320752 | Pay Detail ID (PJD) (32) |This field holds the [PPLD_ID] of the current Journal Detail |
| 320753 | Pay Trans ID (PJD) (32) | This field holds the [PTR_ID] of the current Journal Detail|
| 320754 | G/L Fund ID (PJD) (32) | This field holds the [DGF_ID] of the current Journal Detail|
| 320755 | Time Code PTRC_ID (PJD) (32) |This field holds the [PTRC_ID] of the current Journal Detail |
| 320756 | G/L Eff Date (PJD) (32) | From Journal Detail GL Effective Date|
| 320757 | G/L Amount (PJD) (32) | From Journal Detail GL Amount|
| 320758 | G/L Amt DR (PJD) (32) | From Journal Detail GL Amount if amount is positive, otherwise 0|
| 320759 | G/L Amt CR (PJD) (32) | From Journal Detail GL Amount if amount is negative,otherwise 0|
| 320760 | G/L Amt-Financial (PJD) (32) | From Journal Detail GL Amount if the DGA G/L Account Journal Type for this PJD = '01-Financial', otherwise 0|
| 320761 | G/L Amt-Statistical (PJD) (32) | From Journal Detail GL Amount if the DGA G/L Account Journal Type for this PJD = '01-Financial', otherwise 0|
| 320762 | G/L Amt-Time Usage (PJD) (32) | From Journal Detail GL Amount if the PC Usage Code for this PJD pay component = '10- Time', otherwise 0|
| 320763 | G/L Amt-Earn Usage (PJD) (32) | From Journal Detail GL Amount if the PC Usage Code for this PJD pay component = '11- Earnings', otherwise 0|
| 320764 | G/L Amt-Dedn Usage (PJD) (32) | From Journal Detail GL Amount if the PC Usage Code for this PJD pay component = '12- Deduction', otherwise 0|
| 320765 | G/L Amt-Ben Usage (PJD) (32) | From Journal Detail GL Amount if the PC Usage Code for this PJD pay component = '13- Benefit', otherwise 0|
| 320780 | Split Percent (PJD) (32) | From Journal Detail Split Percent|
| 320781 | G/L Detail Seq (PJD) (32) |From Journal Detail GL Detail Sequence |
| 320782 | Work Order (PJD) (32) | From Journal Detail Work Order|
| 320783 | G/L Pointer (PJD) (32) |From Journal Detail GL Pointer |
| 320800 | G/L Account ID (DGA) (32) |This field holds the id of the G/L Account of current journal entry |
| 320801 | G/L Account Code (DGA) (32) | From GL Account Code of current G/L Account|
| 320802 | 0802 Account Type (DGA) (32) | From GL Account Type of current G/L Account|
| 320803 | Journal Type (DGA) (32) | From GL Account Journal Type|
| 320804 | 0804 Account Usage (DGA) (32) |From GL Account - Account Usage |
| 320805 | 0805 Account Desc (DGA) (32) | From GL Account - Account Desc|
| 320806 | Distr Mask (DGA) (32) | From GL Account - Distribution Mask|
| 320807 | Affects Costing (DGA) (32) |From GL Account - Affects Costing toggle |
| 320808 | Pre Payroll (DGA) (32) | From GL Account - Pre Payroll toggle|
| 320809 | Post Payroll (DGA) (32) |From GL Account - Post Payroll toggle |
| 320810 | Retain Detail (DGA) (32) |From GL Account - Retain Detail toggle |
| 320811 | Accrued Required (DGA) (32) |From GL Account - Accrued Required toggle |
| 320812 | I/C Required (DGA) (32) | From GL Account - I/C Required toggle|
| 320813 | Posting Date Method (DGA (32) |From GL Account - Posting Date Method |
| 320814 | G/L Acct Suffix (DGA) (32) | From GL Account - GL Acct Suffix|
| 320815 | Acct Charge To (DGA) (32) | From GL Account - Acct Charge To|
| 320900 | Pay Component ID (PPC) (32) |This field holds the id of the Pay Component of current journal detail |
| 320901 | PC Code (PPC) (32) | From Pay Component PC Code|
| 320902 | PC Abbrev (PPC) (32) |From Pay Component PC Abbreviation |
| 320903 | PC Desc (PPC) (32) | From Pay Component PC Description|
| 320904 | PC Action (PPC) (32) |From Pay Component PC Action |
| 320905 | Store Results (PPC) (32) |From Pay Component Store Results |
| 320920 | PC Usage ID (PCU) (32) | This field holds the id of the Pay Component Usage of the pay component of the current journal detail|
| 320921 | PC Usage Code (PCU) (32) | From PC Usage - PC Usage Code|
| 320922 | PC Usage Type (PCU) (32) | From PC Usage - PC Usage Type|
| 320923 | PC Usage Desc (PCU) (32) | From PC Usage - PC Usage Description|
| 320924 | Unique Item (PCU) (32) | From PC Usage - Unique Item|
| 320925 | Mandatory (PCU) (32) | From PC Usage - Mandatory|
| 320926 | Legislation (PCU) (32) |From PC Usage - Legislation |
| 320927 | PC G/L Type (PCU) (32) |From PC Usage - PC GL Type |
| 321000 | Pays Per Year (PPP) (32) | |