Extract Core Entities from High Line to Neogov (XDCE)#
Customers using NEOGOV products can synchronize their data from Personality.NEW HIRE Feed From NEOGOV to Personality- To create a data feed FROM NEOGOV, personality customers require both Insight and Onboard. The feed provided can be loaded into Personality using UEINH.
To send data to NEOGOV "TMS" products, clients can create data feeds for Position and Employee records.
Employee Data - Clients must have purchased at least one of the following products to be able to synchronize employee information;
- Onboard
- Eforms
- Learn
- Perform
The employee data feed is maintained via the UEEF program with a pre-defined interface supplied within the system on IDIF called "HL$NGV_LEARN".
Position Data - Clients using any TMS product would be able to send Position updates from Personality to NEGOV TMS.
The XDCE program creates the data feed required to maintain position information within NEOGOV TMS. The extract is created in the form of multiple .csv files created on the clients database server in a predefined layout mapped based on the NEOGOV system requirements.
Extracts can include Department, Divsions, Occupational Groups and Positions.
A separate file will be created for each extract selected.
Sample over view of options for interfacing with NEOGOV products - XDCE/Extract Options.jpg
The predefined naming convention for the file will used - SITE_CODE_filetype_YYYYMMDD.csv;
- Site Code as seen on IMST in the SITE_CODE field
- The type of file to be created;
- Department = Dept
- Divisions = Div
- Class Specifications = cs
- Occupational Groups = oc
- Positions = pos
- The system date in the format YYYYMMDD
- the extenstion - .csv
All data on the file will be distinct and effective as of the current system date The file requirements and how your data is set up should be reviewed with the NEOGOV integration team.
Report Parameters#
Report Parameters | Description |
Departments | Mandatory, Lexicon (Yes or No) - Select Yes if you wish for a Department extract file to be created. The filename will be SITE_CODE_dept_YYYYMMDD.csv |
Divisions | Mandatory, Lexicon (Yes or No) - Select Yes if you wish for a Division extract file to be created. The filename will be SITE_CODE_div_YYYYMMDD.csv |
Class Specifications | Mandatory, Lexicon (Yes or No) - Select Yes if you wish for a Class Specification extract file to be created. The filename will be SITE_CODE_cs_YYYYMMDD.csv |
Positions | Mandatory, Lexicon (Yes or No) - Select Yes if you wish for a Position extract file to be created. The filename will be SITE_CODE_pos_YYYYMMDD.csv |
Occupational Groups | Mandatory, Lexicon (Yes or No) - Select Yes if you wish for a Occupation Groups extract file to be created. The filename will be SITE_CODE_oc_YYYYMMDD.csv |
As of Date | Optional, Date - Extract the records that are effective as of this date |
Department Status | Lexicon - This will filter the records in the extract according to the selected status. If no value selected on the parameter, the process will extract records that have the status null. |
Division Status | Lexicon - This will filter the records in the extract according to the selected status. If no value selected on the parameter, the process will extract records that have the status null. |
Class Spec Status | Lexicon - This will filter the records in the extract according to the selected status. If no value selected on the parameter, the process will extract records that have the status null. |
Position Status | Lexicon - This will filter the records in the extract according to the selected status. If no value selected on the parameter, the process will extract records that have the status null. |
Exception Level | Values of ‘0’ to ‘9’ (more exception messages are displayed when a higher level number is used) |
File Layout#
Personality Field | NEOGOV Mapping | Notes |
ddp.department_code | DepartmentCode | From IDDP |
ddd.department_name | DepartmentName | From the detail record of IDDP |
dln.address_line_1 | Address1 | Based on the DLN_ID associated to the the IDDP |
dln.address_line_2 | Address2 | Based on the DLN_ID associated to the the IDDP |
dln.locality | City | Based on the DLN_ID associated to the the IDDP |
dsp.state_province_code | State | Based on the DSP_ID found on the DLN_ID associated to the the Department |
dln.zip_postal | ZipCode | Based on the DLN_ID associated to the the IDDP |
dln.phone_number | Phone1 | Based on the DLN_ID associated to the the IDDP |
dln.alt_phone_number | Phone2 | Based on the DLN_ID associated to the the IDDP |
Not Used in Personality | WebSiteURL | There is currently no corresponding column |
ddp.standing | Status | Standing of Active will be return '1', all other values will return '2' |
Personality Field | NEOGOV Mapping | Notes |
ddv.division_code | DivisionCode | From IDDV |
ddv.division_name | DivisionName | From IDDV |
ddp.department_code | Department | From IDDP |
ddv.division_status | Status | From IDDV. Value of lexicon X_STANDING. Saved value of "Active" will be return '1', all other values will return '2' |
Personality Field | NEOGOV Mapping | Notes |
djb.job_code | ClassCode | From IDJB |
djd.effective | EstablishedDate | Latest date effective record found on IDJB |
djd.job_title | ClassTitle | From the recruiting tab found on the detail record of IDJB |
djd.class_concept | ClassConcept | From the recruiting tab found on the detail record of IDJB |
djd.example_of_duties | ExampleOfDuties | From the recruiting tab found on the detail record of IDJB |
djd.minimum_qualifications | MinimumQualifications | From the recruiting tab found on the detail record of IDJB |
djd.supplemental_info | SupplementalInfo | From the recruiting tab found on the detail record of IDJB |
djd.other_requirements | OtherRequirements | From the recruiting tab found on the detail record of IDJB |
djd.other_title_1 | OtherTitle1 | From the recruiting tab found on the detail record of IDJB |
djd.ngv_salary_min | SalaryMin | From the recruiting tab found on the detail record of IDJB |
djd.ngv_salary_max | SalaryMax | From the recruiting tab found on the detail record of IDJB |
djd.billable_hours | BillableHours | Lexicon X_BILLABLE_HOURS From the Recruiting Tab found on the detail record of IDJB |
djd.rate_basis | SalaryPaidCode | Lexicon X_RATE_BASIS *'HR' = 'Hour' *'MO' = 'Month' *'YR' = 'Year' *'BW' = 'BiWeekly' *'WK' = 'Week' *'SM' = 'Semi-month' *'DY' = 'Day' |
djd.show_salary_hourly | SalaryBreakdownHourly | Toggle found on IDJB |
djd.show_salary_daily | SalaryBreakdownDaily | Toggle found on IDJB |
djd.show_salary_weekly | SalaryBreakdownWeekly | Toggle found on IDJB |
djd.show_salary_biweekly | SalaryBreakdownBiweeky | Toggle found on IDJB |
djd.show_salary_semimonthly | SalaryBreakdownSemiMonthly | Toggle found on IDJB |
djd.show_salary_monthly | SalaryBreakdownMonthly | Toggle found on IDJB |
djd.show_salary_annually | SalaryBreakdownAnnually | Toggle found on IDJB |
dun.unit_code | BargainingUnitCode | Unit Code found on the IDJB |
'N/A' | PhysicalClassCode | There is currently no corresponding column |
rnb.benefits_code | BenefitCode | From the recruiting tab found on the detail record of IDJB. Set up on the IRNB Maintain NGV Benefits form |
doc.occupation_code | OccupationalGroupCode | From the recruiting tab found on the detail record of IDJB. Set up on the IDOC Define Occupation Code form |
djd.ngv_flsa | FLSA | Lexicon X_NGV_FLSA "Exempt" or "Non-Exempt" |
djd.eeo_category | EEO | Lexicon X_EEO_CATEOGRY found on the detail record of IDJB |
djd.job_interest_cards | AcceptJobInterestCards | From the recruiting tab found on the detail record of IDJB. Toggle |
djd.notes | Notes | From the recruiting tab found on the detail record of IDJB. |
Personality Field | NEOGOV Mapping | Notes |
doc.Occupation_code | OccupationCode | |
doc.occupation_group | OccupationalGroup | Lexicon X_OCCUPATION_GROUP |
doc.description | Description | |
No DB VALUE | 1 | Defaults to value of '1'. No DB VALUES |
Personality Field | NEOGOV Mapping | Notes |
dps.position_code | PositionCode | Code or Unique Identifier for this Position Code. This will be used as the primary key for updates to this record. If this code already exists in Insight it will be updated. Otherwise, a new record will be created. |
dps.standing | Active | Send A or I (A = Active I = Inactive) NOTE: Positions that are “Active” will be available on the Requisitions page |
dpd.dps_id_reporting_to | ReportsToPosition | The position code of the parent position that this job reports to. This position code must exist in Insight before being linked. It is a view only field. NOTE: To make a functional direct manager relationship, use the employee import. The ReportsToPosition information is not functionally displayed in NEOGOV. |
dps.standing | PositionStatus | Send A, E, G, P, F, V, I, or FI A = Approved E = Eliminated G = Generated P = Proposed F = Frozen V = Vacant I = Inactive FI = Filled |
ddp.department_code | DepartmentCode | (Level 1) The code of the department that exists in Insight (Admin/Definition Tables/Departments) |
ddv.division_code | DivisionCode | (Level 2) The code of the division that exists in Insight. It should also belong to the corresponding Department. (Admin/Definition Tables/Division) |
dun.unit_code | BargainingUnitCode | The code of the Bargaining Unit that exists in Insight (Admin/Definition Tables/Bargaining Unit) |
dpd.std_hours_per_pay | StandardHours | Hours per week, bi-weekly, monthly, etc. Must be a whole number only. |
Null | MaxHeadCount | Maximum headcount for this position Must be a whole number only. |
Null | CurrentHeadCount | Current headcount for this position Must be a whole number only. |
dpd.authorized_fte | MaximumFTE | Maximum FTE for this position. Must be a number only, can include up to 2 decimals. |
Null | CurrentFTE | Current FTE for this position. Must be a number only, can include up to 2 decimals. |
dpd.position_title | JobTitle | Position Title |
NULL | JobTermCode | If Onboard is implemented, this is the Position Type Code located in Positions/Positions Types. If only Insight is implemented, this is the code for Job Type that exists in Insight under Admin/Definition Tables/Job Types. |
dpd.djb_id | ClassCode | (optional)Code or Unique Identifier for the Job Class. This is an optional column that can be configured per agency. If included, values are expected. If not included, import file should not include column. |