Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
From DateMandatory, Date, LOV Available
Date upon which processing is to be based.
To DateMandatory, Date, LOV Available
Date upon which processing is to be based.
Fiscal YearMandatory, Text
Year upon which processing is to be based.
Report PeriodMandatory, Text
System CodeMandatory, Text
EntityMandatory, LOV Available
Sick Leave PolicyMandatory, Text
Staff Devel PolicyMandatory, Text
Vacation PolicyMandatory, Text
Other Leave PolicyMandatory, Text
Sort Employee ByOptional, LOV Available
Sort by Active EEOptional, LOV Available
Interface CodeOptional, Numeric
Interface LevelOptional, LOV Available
Create FileOptional, LOV available, <YES/NO>
The report may be run without creating an interface file (normally for testing purposes).
Directory NameOptional, Text
Must be a directory on the server for which the current user (as signed onto the client’s network) has write capability. For example, the entry ‘C:\TEMP’ accesses the ‘TEMP’ directory on the server, not the local directory for the computer terminal being used.
File NameOptional, Text
Enter the name of the file that will be created in the interface directory specified.
SHPS Control NumberOptional, Text
Output Width
Output Height
Exception LevelMandatory, Match, Multiple selections, LOV available.
This field defines the exception level (report messages) required.

Report Filters
Person List CodeOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field limits the report to the specified people lists.
PersonOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field limits the report to the specified people code.
LocationOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field limits the report to the specified locations.
DepartmentOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field limits the report to the specified departments.
Org Level TypeOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field limits the report to the specified org level types.
Org LevelOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field limits the report to the org levels.
UnitOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field limits the report to the specified units.
GroupOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field limits the report to the specified groups.
Employment StatusOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field limits the report to the specified status levels.
AuthorizationOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field limits the report to the specified authorization levels.
Termination ReasonOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This field limits the report to the specified termination reasons.

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