!!Processing Information
XALP is designed to extract leave policies and their associated data based on the users selected filters.
The XALP will extract the following information:
*Leave Policy Type
*Leave Policies
*Change Reasons
*Time Codes
*Attendance Components
*Attendance Rule

Once the .xml and .data file have been created, it is suggested to review the .xml file to ensure the correct data was extracted.

You will then load the .data file into the receiving database via the LMDATA process described in UBEF section in chapter 5. You will then have to add an entry to the leave schedule to allow the employees access to the newly added leave policy.
!!Report Parameters

||Report Parameters||
|File Name|Mandatory\\This is the name of the file that will be created by the XALP.\\ The name should be representative of the data that is to be extracted.  

||Report Filters||
|Policy Type|This is the leave policy type that is to be extracted.
|Policy| This is the leave policy code that is to be extracted.
|Entity| The user may add policies from a specific entity.
|Unit|The user may add policies from a specific unit.
|Group|The user may add policies from a specific group.
|Employment Status|The user may add policies from a specific employment status.
|Employee|The user may add policies for a specific employee.
|Scheduled Types|The user may add scheduled leave types.
|Scheduled Policies|The user may add scheduled leave policies.

There are two blocks of filters. The first set allows you to select a policy type and policy, the second set allows you to also ADD policies from the schedule for a specific unit or group.

For example, a user selects Vacation in the leave policy filter but also selects a unit and group in the 2nd block, the user will end up with the vacation policy plus any other policies on the schedule for the selected unit.