!!!Approve Time 

The Approve Time form (WADATS) is a form intended for Approvers so they may approve 'submitted' time sheets. 

The user must select the employee and time sheet from the find list below. 

;[TS #|TIME_SHEET_NUMBER]:This field displays the unique number assigned to the time sheet. 
;[Name|FULL_NAME]: This field will display the employee's full name. 
;[Ending|PAY_PERIOD_END_DATE]: This field displays the pay period end date.
;[Department|DRV_DEPARTMENT_CODE]:The department where the employee works will display here. 
;[# of Changes|DRV_TTX_COUNT]:The system will derive the total number of modifications made to the time sheet and will display that count here. 
;[# of Reqs|DRV_MRE_COUNT]:
;[Reg|DRV_REG]:The system will derive the number of regular hours within the time sheet. 
;[Lv|DRV_LEAVE]:The system will derive the number of leave hours within the time sheet.
;[OT|DRV_OT]:The system will derive the number of overtime hours within the time sheet.
;[Oth|DRV_OTHER]:The system will derive the number of hours within the time sheet that do not fall within Regular, Leave, or Overtime time code types. 
;[Last Act|DRV_LAST_APPROVAL_ACTION]:This field will indicate the last approval action that was completed for this time sheet, ie: Approved, Not Approved. The date and time of the last action will also display here.

!!I Want To...
;[Submit/Approve All Reporting Time Sheets|ACT_SUBMIT_ALL_REPORTS]:

!!Time Sheet 
!Time Sheet Information

;[To|PAY_PERIOD_END_DATE]: This field displays the pay period end date.
;[Employee|FULL_NAME]:The employee's full name will display here. 
;[Rank|RANK]:This field will display the employee's rank. 
;[TS#|TIME_SHEET_NUMBER]:The unique number assigned to the time sheet will display in this field. 
;[Status|TIME_SHEET_STATUS]:The status of the time sheet will display here.
;[Department|DRV_DEPARTMENT_CODE]:The department where the employee works will display here. 
;[Job|DRV_JOB_CODE]:The employee's job code will display here.

!I Want To...
;[Submit This Time Sheet|ACT_SUBMIT_TIME_SHEET]:
;;View This Time Sheet:By pressing this button the approver will be directed to the Manage Time Sheets ([WATTS]) form or the Manage Time Cards ([WAPTS]) form depending on the [time sheet type|TIME_SHEET_TYPE].

;[Comments|COMMENTS]:Any comments added to the time sheet will display in this field.


!Approval Process
This section will indicate where the time sheet is at within the approval process. 

;[Last Action|DRV_LAST_APPROVAL_ACTION]: This field will indicate the last approval action that was completed for this time sheet, ie: Approved, Not Approved. The date and time of the last action will also display here.
;[Completed By|DRV_LAST_APPROVED_BY]: The user who completed the last approval action will display here. 
;[Comments|DRV_APPROVAL_COMMENTS]:If the approver added additional comments during the approval they will display here. 

!!TS Details

;[Date|ENTRY_DATE]:This field represents the day that the time entry/exception was generated/entered for
;[Start Time|MIN_START_TIME]:This field represents the beginning time associated to the time code indicated (i.e. the start of the shift entry).
;[End Time|MAX_END_TIME]:This field represents the ending time associated to the time code indicated (i.e. the end of the shift entry).
;[Total|TOTAL_TIME]:This field represents the total hours for the day.
;[Reg|REG_TIME]:This field displays the number of regular hours were recorded for the day.
;[OT|OT]:This field displays the number of overtime type hours that were recorded for the day.
;[Leave|LEAVE_TIME]:This field displays the number of leave type hours were recorded for the day. 
;[Holiday|HOLIDAY]:This field displays the number of holiday hours were recorded for the day.
;[Prem(s)|DRV_PREMIUM_CODES]:If a premium was added for the day, it will display here. 
;[Job/Pos|JOB_POSITION]:This field displays the job/position associated to the assignment indicated.
;[Summary|SUMMARY_INFO]:This field displays any notes that have been entered for the exception.
;[Source|TIME_SHEET_ENTRY_SOURCE]: The source of the time sheet will display here. 
;[Show Details|ACT_SHOW_DETAILS]:By pressing this toggle the table will change to display each time sheet entry. 

!Update/View Changes
The user may update the time sheet or view changes to the time sheet in this tab. 
;[Action|TIME_EXCEPTION_ACTION]:This field indicates what 'action' the time exception is for. For e.g. Add'l Time/Shift
;[Start|START_DATE]:This field indicates the start date of the time exception.
;[End|END_DATE]:The end date of the time exception is indicated in this field.
;[From|START_TIME]:This field represents the beginning time associated to the time code indicated.
;[To|END_TIME]:This field represents the ending time associated to the time code indicated.
;[Time Code|TIME_CODE]:This field will display the time code that the exception was generated against.
;[Cost|COST_CENTER_CODE]:This field is used to associate a cost center to the time exception.
;[Assignment|ASSIGNMENT_CODE]:This field will display the employee's assignment for which the exception is being entered.
;[Position|POSITION_CODE]:This field is used to override the position that is associated to the time exception.
;[Job|JOB_CODE]:This field is used to override the job that is associated to the time exception.
;[Shift|SHIFT_CODE]:This field will display the shift that the exception is being entered against. If the exception is to be entered for a different shift, then the timekeeper must select another shift from the LOV, otherwise the  shift that is indicated in the time entries above will be used.
;[Job Order #|WORK_ORDER]:This field is used to associate a work order to the time exception.
;[Value|TIME_EXCEPTION_VALUE]:This field displays the value/amount of the time exception.
;[Premium(s)|PREMIUM_CODE]:This field displays the premium code associated to the time exception.
;[Remarks|REFERENCE_INFO]:This field is used to enter notes for the time exception.