A Wiki is a website that provides linked webpages of information and allows the easy creation and editing of these pages via a browser. Ward Cunningham, the developer of the first wiki software, WikiWikiWeb, originally described it as "the simplest online database that could possibly work." The Wiki software running on your application server, is called the "Wiki Engine" and powers the editing, searching and display of the web pages.

The word "Wiki" comes from the Hawaiian word "wikiwiki" which means quick or fast. It is also a backronym for "What I Know Is...".

This Wiki is done using Java Server Page technology, which makes it very easy to keep up to date and integrate into Personality. The Wiki Engine is JSPWiki, which is a comprehensive open-source Wiki. Complete documentation on the Wiki can be found at http://doc.jspwiki.org/2.4/.

The Wiki may be configured in any number of ways. This Wiki is delivered with a specific configuration, but may be changed to suit your needs.

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