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The form My Time Card History (WEPTSH) will display all of the employee's historical time cards. Time cards that have the status of Sent to PR, Not Approved, Adjustment, Adjustment Applied, Replaced, or Cancelled will be displayed.

;[Time Card #|TIME_SHEET_NUMBER]: This field represents the unique code assigned to the time card. 
;[Assignment|ASSIGNMENT_CODE]:This field indicates which assignment code the time card was generated for. 
;[Pay Period|PAY_PERIOD]:This field indicates the pay period the time card was generated for.
;[From/To|DRV_DATE_FRAME]:The time frame the pay period is for is displayed here. 
;[Status|TIME_SHEET_STATUS]:The status of the time card is displayed here. 
;[Orig #|TIME_SHEET_NUMBER]:This field will display the Time card number used to replace the time card.

;[Sign off Time Card|ACT_EE_SIGN_OFF]:This will update the time sheet to reflect that the Employee has signed off on the time card and its details. 
;[Request a Change|ACT_ADD_PAST_TIMESHEET_REQUESTS]:By pressing this button a dialog is presented to the employee allowing them to request changes to the time card. 
;Go to CURRENT Time Sheets:By pressing this button the employee will be directed to the [WEPTS] screen to review their Current Time Card. 

__Scheduled Time__

The employee's scheduled time by day will display so the employee may review the time worked on each day.  
!!Time Card Information

;[Date|ENTRY_DATE]:This field represents the day that the time entry/exception was generated/entered for
;[Reg|REG_TIME]:This field displays the number of regular hours were recorded for the day.
;[Lv|LEAVE_TIME]:This field displays the number of leave type hours were recorded for the day. 
;[OT|OT]:This field displays the number of overtime type hours that were recorded for the day. 
;[Premium(s)|DRV_PREMIUM_CODES]:If a premium was added for the day, it will display here. 
;[Additional Info|SUMMARY_INFO]:This field displays any notes that have been entered for the exception.
;[Job|JOB_CODE]:This field displays the job associated to the assignment indicated.
;[View Details|ACT_SHOW_DETAILS]:By pressing this toggle the table will change to display each time card entry. 

!!Time Card Summary
;[Pay Period Totals|ACT_SHOW_PAY_PERIOD_TOTALS]:This button will change the type of totals displayed in the tables below to show Pay Period Totals.
;[Weekly Totals|ACT_SHOW_WEEKLY_TOTALS]:This button will change the display to show totals on a weekly basis.

!All Time Codes
This section provides totals for all time codes indicated on the employee's times card.
;[Date|DATE]:This field will display either the week end date or the pay period end date depending on the selection made above under Time Card Summary.
;[Time Code|TIME_CODE]:The total for the time code either for the week or pay period is for will display here.
;[Amount|TOTAL]:The total value of the time code either for the week or pay period will display here. 
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:The description of the type of time and time code used will be displayed.

!All Time Types
This section provides totals for various time types.
;[Date|DATE]:This field will display either the week end date or the pay period end date depending on the selection made above under Time Card Summary.
;[Time Type|TIME_TYPE]:The type of time the time code is defined as will be displayed here.
;[Amount|TOTAL]:The total amount of time for the time type for the week or pay period will display here. 
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:The description of the time type is displayed here. 

!All Time Code Set
This section provides totals based on the time code sets defined. 
;[Date|DATE]:This field will display either the week end date or the pay period end date depending on the selection made above under Time Card Summary.
;[Time Code Set|TIME_CODE_SET_CODE]: The name of the time code set will be displayed here. 
;[Amount|TOTAL]:The total amount of time for the week or pay period for the time code set will display here.

!Leave Balance Summary
This section displays a summary of the employees leave balances.
;[Bank|LEAVE_POLICY_CODE]:The leave policy code will display here. 
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:The description of the leave policy is displayed.
;[Planned|DRV_TOTAL_PLANNED]:If the employee has a planned leave for the policy, the number of leave hours is displayed. 
;[Balance To Date|DRV_BALANCE_TO_DATE]: This field will display the employee's leave balance. 
!!View Requests
;[Status|REQUEST_STATUS]:This field displays the status of the request
;[Request|REQUEST_TYPE_CODE]:This field will display the request type.
;[Sent On|DATE_SENT]:The date the comment / request was created is displayed in this field. 
;[Synopsis|REQUEST_SYNOPSYS]:The synopsis of the comment / request is displayed here. 
;[Request Text|REQUEST_TEXT]:The actual text of the comment / request is displayed in this field.

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